Грамматический тест 10-11 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Гордеева Юлия Борисовна

Тест на различные временные формы глаголов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Different Tenses. Choose the correct answer.

1.      Who's that lady who_ a red pullover?
    is wearing
    has worn

2.     The petrol was too expensive so they _ their car.
    had sold
    were selling
    had been selling

3.     _ out last night? - Yes, I _ to the pictures.
    have you been, went
    have you been, was going
    did you go, was going
    did you go, went

4.     Yesterday I _ a friend who _ from holiday in Turkey.
    met, had just come
    had met, just came
    met, has just come
    had met, has just come

5.     Just a minute. I _ if she's in.
    am asking
    will ask
    am going to ask

6.     What is this water for? - I _ my car in the garage.
    have washed
    was washing
    am going to wash

Passive voice. Choose the correct answer.

7.    The gates _ at seven o'clock every evening.  
    are locked
    have been locked

8.     In this picture a man _ by a dog.
    is following
    is followed
    is being followed

9.     My bike is not there! It _ , I'm sure.
    was stollen
    has been stolen
    was being stolen
    is being stolen

10.     If he _ I'll quit, I promise.
    was promoted
    will be promoted
    is promoted
    has been promoted

11.     How much money _?
    were they stolen
    they had stolen
    did they steal
    were they being stolen

Sequence of Tenses. Choose the correct answer.

12.    I think your brother _ very clever and brave.
    will be
    would be

13.     She didn't know the guests _ late.
    would come
    will come
    have come

14.     They understood that they _ a mistake.
    had made
    are making

15.     Children thought no one _ them.
    can see
    was seeing
    could see

Modals. Choose the correct answer.

16.    Is Mr. Green at home? - He _ be, but I'm not sure.

17.     Soldiers _ obey their commander's oeders.

18.     We tried to drive but the engine _ start.

19.     __ I hold the door for you? - Yes, please.

Present Perfect/ Present Continuous. Choose the correct answer.

20.    I _ for you all day. Where have you been?
    was looking
    have looked
    have been looking

21.     She says she _ this man for ages.
    has known
    has been knowing
    was knowing

22.     Mrs. Stone _ as a teacher for twenty years.
    has been working
    is working

23.     You look upset. What _ to you?
    has been happening
    has happened
    had happened

Conditional Sentences. Choose the correct answer.

24.    If you _ so much noise, I _ to concentrate.
    make, won't be able
    had made, wouldn't be able
    made, won't be able
    made, wouldn't have been able

25.     What _ if you saw an accident near your house?
    will you do
    you would do
    would you do
    you will do

26.     If my cat _ sick, I _ it to the vet.
    would be, would take
    would be, took
    was, would take
    was, would have taken

27.     I don't know what _ if I don't see you again.
    I would do
    will I do
    would I do
    I will do

28.     Nothing _ if you _ me everything you knew.
    would have happened, had told
    happened, had told
    had happened, would have told
    would happen, had told

Complex Object/Complex Subject. Choose the correct answer.

29.    My parents always want _ the washing up.
    that I did
    me do
    me to do
    for me to do

30.     Have you ever heard _ ? She's got a marvelous voice.
    Mary ringing
    that Mary sing
    Mary sing
    Mary to sing

Предварительный просмотр:

Different Tenses. Choose the correct answer.

1.      Who's that lady who_ a red pullover?
    is wearing
    has worn

2.     The petrol was too expensive so they _ their car.
    had sold
    were selling
    had been selling

3.     _ out last night? - Yes, I _ to the pictures.
    have you been, went
    have you been, was going
    did you go, was going
    did you go, went

4.     Yesterday I _ a friend who _ from holiday in Turkey.
    met, had just come
    had met, just came
    met, has just come
    had met, has just come

5.     Just a minute. I _ if she's in.
    am asking
    will ask
    am going to ask

6.     What is this water for? - I _ my car in the garage.
    have washed
    was washing
    am going to wash

Passive voice. Choose the correct answer.

7.    The gates _ at seven o'clock every evening.  
    are locked
    have been locked

8.     In this picture a man _ by a dog.
    is following
    is followed
    is being followed

9.     My bike is not there! It _ , I'm sure.
    was stollen
    has been stolen
    was being stolen
    is being stolen

10.     If he _ I'll quit, I promise.
    was promoted
    will be promoted
    is promoted
    has been promoted

11.     How much money _?
    were they stolen
    they had stolen
    did they steal
    were they being stolen

Sequence of Tenses. Choose the correct answer.

12.    I think your brother _ very clever and brave.
    will be
    would be

13.     She didn't know the guests _ late.
    would come
    will come
    have come

14.     They understood that they _ a mistake.
    had made
    are making

15.     Children thought no one _ them.
    can see
    was seeing
    could see

Modals. Choose the correct answer.

16.    Is Mr. Green at home? - He _ be, but I'm not sure.

17.     Soldiers _ obey their commander's oeders.

18.     We tried to drive but the engine _ start.

19.     __ I hold the door for you? - Yes, please.

Present Perfect/ Present Continuous. Choose the correct answer.

20.    I _ for you all day. Where have you been?
    was looking
    have looked
    have been looking

21.     She says she _ this man for ages.
    has known
    has been knowing
    was knowing

22.     Mrs. Stone _ as a teacher for twenty years.
    has been working
    is working

23.     You look upset. What _ to you?
    has been happening
    has happened
    had happened

Conditional Sentences. Choose the correct answer.

24.    If you _ so much noise, I _ to concentrate.
    make, won't be able
    had made, wouldn't be able
    made, won't be able
    made, wouldn't have been able

25.     What _ if you saw an accident near your house?
    will you do
    you would do
    would you do
    you will do

26.     If my cat _ sick, I _ it to the vet.
    would be, would take
    would be, took
    was, would take
    was, would have taken

27.     I don't know what _ if I don't see you again.
    I would do
    will I do
    would I do
    I will do

28.     Nothing _ if you _ me everything you knew.
    would have happened, had told
    happened, had told
    had happened, would have told
    would happen, had told

Complex Object/Complex Subject. Choose the correct answer.

29.    My parents always want _ the washing up.
    that I did
    me do
    me to do
    for me to do

30.     Have you ever heard _ ? She's got a marvelous voice.
    Mary ringing
    that Mary sing
    Mary sing
    Mary to sing

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