Урок "Путешествие" 7кл
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Преснякова Лариса Валентиновна

Создание минипроектов, региональный компонент


Файл Конспект урока, презентация 2.17 МБ

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                                                                                                                                                  Group I

Appendix 1

Match the words and definitions.

1. to drive                                           a) to travel to a place by plane

2. to cycle                                           b) to travel to a place by boat or ship

3. to sail                                              c) to travel by standing by the side of the road and asking people in                    

                                                               cars to stop and take you to the place you want to go to

4. to walk                                            d) to travel to a place on foot

5. to fly                                                e) to travel to a place by car

6. to hitchhike                                      f) to travel to a place by bicycle

Appendix 2

Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Which English-speaking countries are situated  in:

         a) Europe

         b) North America

         c) Asia

2. What other languages apart from English are spoken in these countries?

                                                                                                                                                    Group II

Appendix 1

Match the words and definitions.

1. to drive                                           a) to travel to a place by plane

2. to cycle                                           b) to travel to a place by boat or ship

3. to sail                                              c) to travel by standing by the side of the road and asking people in                    

                                                               cars to stop and take you to the place you want to go to

4. to walk                                            d) to travel to a place on foot

5. to fly                                                e) to travel to a place by car

6. to hitchhike                                      f) to travel to a place by bicycle

Appendix 2

Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What continents will not be visited?

2. What are the winners going to do during the trip?

                                                                                                                                                    Group III

Appendix 1

Match the words and definitions.

1. to drive                                           a) to travel to a place by plane

2. to cycle                                           b) to travel to a place by boat or ship

3. to sail                                              c) to travel by standing by the side of the road and asking people in                    

                                                               cars to stop and take you to the place you want to go to

4. to walk                                            d) to travel to a place on foot

5. to fly                                                e) to travel to a place by car

6. to hitchhike                                      f) to travel to a place by bicycle

Appendix 3.

Match the words, find synonyms to the words of the first column.

vital                            dirty air, water

crucial                        important

pollution                     a dangerous disease

AIDS                          modern

cancer                        a serious disease


Appendix 4.  

Listen to the text. Show the picture of the president.  

1) He was born in 1952. On the 26th of March he was elected the President of Russia.

2) He was born on the 1st of February 1931. He was a Russian political and Public Figure. He was the first President of Russia. He was elected  the President twice – on the 12th of June 1991 and the 3rd of July 1996.

3) He was elected  He was born on the 14th of September 1965 in Leningrad. He is the third president of the Russian Federation elected on the 2nd of March 2008. He is also the supreme commander of the armed force of the Russian Federation.