Quiz-Competition "Admiral Nelson"
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Кузнецова Анна Андреевна

Неделя английского языка в школе– это целый набор классных и внеклассных занятий, часто проводимых в игровой или творческой форме и посвященных определенной теме. Эти мероприятия направлены на повышение интереса к иностранным языкам, мотивацию учащихся и вовлечение всех ступеней обучения – от младших классов до выпускников. Данная работа была посвещяна неделе английского языка, темой которой была "Морской флот". Работа, в форме соревнования,  была проведена в 9 классе, где учащиеся были поделены на 2 команды и должны были выполнить задания к статье. По окончанию соревнования проводилась оценка и рефлексия. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Admiral Nelson article. The tasks.

  1. Read the article and choose whether the statements True or False.
  1. Horatio Nelson was born in 18th century.
  2. At the age of 12 he joined the navy and became a captain.
  3. He became a popular commander in spite of his diseases.
  4. Nelson was made an admiral before the war with Napoleon.
  5. He lost the sight of his left eye during a battle of the island Corsica.
  6. The Battle of Copenhagen was the most famous Admiral’s battle.
  7. The French navy didn’t win in the Battle of Trafalgar.
  8. Admiral died of malaria when he was 47 years old.
  9. There is a statue in Trafalgar Square in honour of Admiral Nelson.
  10. Nelson was married with Emma Hamilton.

  1. Put in the prepositions:
  1. The boy was brought ____ by his father.
  2. Nelson suffered ____ malaria for the rest of his life.
  3. In 1797, he was wounded ____ his stomach.
  4. His right arm has to be cut ____ without anesthetic.
  5. He raised the spirits of his men ____ his famous signal.
  6. Nelson was involved ____ a public scandal because he fell in love with Lady Hamilton.

  1. Match the collocations:

1) national                  a) the navy

2) win                           b) scandal

3)Trafalgar                  c) hero

4) brave                       d) a battle

5) public                      e) the sight

6) join                          f) admiral

7) loose                       g) square

  1. Answer the questions:
  1. At what age did Nelson die?
  2. How old was he when Britain went to war with France?
  3. In what battle did he suffer from concussion?
  4. Where was he buried?
  5. Who did he fall in love with?