Контрольная работа 4 класс, тема 1-2
тест по английскому языку на тему

Завистнова Светлана Александровна

Контрольная работа по пнглийскому языку, 4 класс, тема 1-2, к УМК под редакцией Кузовлева В.П.


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

4 класс (УМК под редакцией Кузовлева В.П.)

Unit 1-2


 Read the story from the book "The Midnight Fox" by Betsy Byars and match the characters with the information about them. You can use the letters more than once.

I did not want to go to  the farm.  I was  happy at  home.

I  had  a  new  plane  model   and  I  wanted  to  play  with  it, and  then  my  mum  told  me  about  aunt Millie's  farm.

"I  don't  want  to  go  to  a farm,"  I  said.

"But,   Tom,   why  not?"

"Because I don't want to."

"You  don't  want  to   go   now,"   my  mum  said,   "but   after you  think  about  it,  you  will."

"I  will  never  want  to  go."

"How    do    you    know?    When   I    first    saw    this    farm, I   loved   it.   It   is   the   prettiest   farm   I   saw.   There   are great   big   apple   trees   there.   You   can   climb   them   and there  are  cows  and  horses  and   ..."

"Animals   don't   like   me.   I'm   scared   of   farm   animals. I  don't  want  to  go  at  all.  Why  can't  I  stay  here?"

"Because  we  don't  stay  in  the  city,"  my  mum  said,   and went  out  of the  room.

That  evening  my father  came  in  and  talked  to  me.

"This   is   fantastic,"   my   dad   said.   "Fantastic!   There  is   a lake   there — did   you   know   that?   You   can   go   swimming every day."

"I  can't  swim  well,"  I  said to  him.

"You  can  learn!  And  your  mother  has  this  chance  to  go travelling.   She   can't  wait   to   see   Europe.   I  want   to   go with  her,   too."

"But  I  don't want  to  go."

"You  should  think  about your  mum!"

I wanted  to  cry but  I  didn't  and  I  said,   "All  right,  you can  tell  mum  I  want  to  go  to  the  farm."

Then  I  took  my model  and  started  looking  at  it.

Tom …….

Tom’s mum …..

Tom’s father ……

  1. Didn’t want to go to the farm.
  2. Didn’t want to stay in the city.
  3. Liked swimming.
  4. Liked travelling.
  5. Wasn’t happy.
  6. Loved farm.
  7. Wanted to spend the holidays in Europe.
  8. Wanted to stay at home.
  9. Was afraid of farm animals.


1.         Put in comparative or superlative adjectives.

Toads  and  Frogs

Some children think that toads are (0) …………. (dangerous) than frogs. It isn't so. They are not dangerous at all. Toads are (1)   …….        (big)   than   frogs.   But toads'   legs   are   (2)……...           (short)   than   frogs'.

Frogs  are  (3)          (fast)  than  toads.   Usually frogs   are   (4)    _        ___    (small)   than   toads

but   the   Goliath     frog   is   the   (5)           

(big)    frog    in    the    world.    It    lives    in    Africa.    It    is (6)        …………  (large)  than  a duck.

A toad - жаба

2.         For sentences   0-8  choose the correct variant.

How I  Help  Animals  in  Winter

I   like   (0)   ………   animals.   I   do   a   lot   (1)   …………………. birds  and  small  animals.

Winter    can   be   very   cold   and   frosty    and   it   is    (2)………  for   birds    and    small    animals.    I    give    (3)……….  to birds.

I   love   raccoons   and   I   enjoy  (4) ……..   about   them. Last   winter   when   I   saw   a  raccoon   with   a  broken   leg, I  ran  and  told  my  parents.   We  (5)…….   the  raccoon.   It  was  soon  (6)…….. .

I   like  reading  books  about  animals.   I  learn  how  to  look (7)………  animals.   I  (8)   ……   all  children  will help  animals  next  winter.

  1. helping/bringing
  2. for/to        broken — сломанная
  3. scared/dangerous
  4. toys/food
  5. watching/learning
  6. fed/waited
  7. more different/better
  8. like/after
  9. hope/enjoy


I  (0)  spend/(spent) two  weeks  of  my  summer  holidays  in

the   summer   camp.   I   (1)   enjoy/enjoyed   doing   different

activities:    climbing,    biking.    Now    I    (2)    am/was    not

afraid  of water.

I   (3)   like/liked  talking   to   the   girls   there   and   now   two

of  these  girls  (4)  are/were my  good  friends.

I  enjoyed   (5)   to  stay /staying  at   the   camp  because   I  (6)

have/had  a  fantastic  time  there.   I  hope  I  (7)  go/will go

there  next  summer.   I  can't  wait  to  go.


What animals did you see when you were on holidays? What were these animals like?

On my holidays I went to …..

There I ….

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