презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Самсонова Надежда Николаевна

Учебный материал к уроку Culture Corner 6 в 9 классе( учебник "Спотлайт"). Очень иетересная и красочная презентация, которая поможет провести урок занимательно и продуктивно.


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Файл australia.pptx1.65 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

AUSTRALIA By English teacher Nadezhda Samsonova School 97, Ufa, Russia

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 4

Read the words Arch Splash out Spectacular Commentary Skyline Catch a glimpse Migrating Technique Hustle and bustle Head

Слайд 5

Opera House

Слайд 6

S ydney H arbour B ridge No visit to Sydney would be complete without seeing the famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House. But for those of you who like a bit more excitements, how about climbing the Harbour Bridge’s arch- the largest in the world. Climbs take 3,5 hours.

Слайд 7

Take a scenic seaplane flight

Слайд 8

Seaplane flight Why not splash out – on a seaplane tour for breathtaking views of the city and the islands in Sydney’s beautiful natural harbour? As well as getting the chance to take some spectacular photographs ( look out for Shark Island, shaped like a shark!), your experienced pilot will give a detailed commentary throughout the flight.

Слайд 9

Seaplane tour

Слайд 10

Go on a Sydney cycling tour

Слайд 11

Royal Botanic Gardens On this fun bike tour, you’ll see over thirty city attractions including the Royal Botanic Gardens and Chinatown. In the afternoon, you’ll take a ferry ride to see the city skyline . If you’re lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of the endangered penguins or migrating humpback whales!

Слайд 12

Have a surfing lesson on bondi beach

Слайд 13

Bondi beach What better place to learn to surf than on this famous one kilometre -long beach? The two-hour group lesson will teach you how to understand surfing conditions and to practise your technique before you get into the water. Or if you don’t fancy surfing, you could always go rollerblading or skateboarding, or simply relax in a trendy café.

Слайд 14

Surfing beautiful lessons

Слайд 15

Blue Mountains

Слайд 16

Blue Mountains

Слайд 17

Go on an eco-tour in the blue mountains Leave the hustle and bustle on the city and head approximately 50 km west of Sydney for the wonderful Blue Mountains. This two-day tour starts with breakfast with koala bears, followed by visit to ancient aboriginal sites and ride on the world’s steepest railway.

Слайд 18


Слайд 19

Do you know the words? Hemisphere Asia The Pacific ocean the Indian ocean Uninhabited fertile croplands Flatted continent urban country Rural areas Tasmania To be separated wildlife Preservation billion

Слайд 20

Answer the questions Why is January the hottest month in Australia? Is it right, that “huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited”? What is an island-state? Why are trees being planted all over Australia? Name the animals of Australia. Do Australians like sport? What do you think of Australia? Do you like this country? Would you like to visit it?

Слайд 21


Слайд 22


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

AUSTRALIA By English teacher Nadezhda Samsonova School 97, Ufa, Russia

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 4

Read the words Arch Splash out Spectacular Commentary Skyline Catch a glimpse Migrating Technique Hustle and bustle Head

Слайд 5

Opera House

Слайд 6

S ydney H arbour B ridge No visit to Sydney would be complete without seeing the famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House. But for those of you who like a bit more excitements, how about climbing the Harbour Bridge’s arch- the largest in the world. Climbs take 3,5 hours.

Слайд 7

Take a scenic seaplane flight

Слайд 8

Seaplane flight Why not splash out – on a seaplane tour for breathtaking views of the city and the islands in Sydney’s beautiful natural harbour? As well as getting the chance to take some spectacular photographs ( look out for Shark Island, shaped like a shark!), your experienced pilot will give a detailed commentary throughout the flight.

Слайд 9

Seaplane tour

Слайд 10

Go on a Sydney cycling tour

Слайд 11

Royal Botanic Gardens On this fun bike tour, you’ll see over thirty city attractions including the Royal Botanic Gardens and Chinatown. In the afternoon, you’ll take a ferry ride to see the city skyline . If you’re lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of the endangered penguins or migrating humpback whales!

Слайд 12

Have a surfing lesson on bondi beach

Слайд 13

Bondi beach What better place to learn to surf than on this famous one kilometre -long beach? The two-hour group lesson will teach you how to understand surfing conditions and to practise your technique before you get into the water. Or if you don’t fancy surfing, you could always go rollerblading or skateboarding, or simply relax in a trendy café.

Слайд 14

Surfing beautiful lessons

Слайд 15

Blue Mountains

Слайд 16

Blue Mountains

Слайд 17

Go on an eco-tour in the blue mountains Leave the hustle and bustle on the city and head approximately 50 km west of Sydney for the wonderful Blue Mountains. This two-day tour starts with breakfast with koala bears, followed by visit to ancient aboriginal sites and ride on the world’s steepest railway.

Слайд 18


Слайд 19

Do you know the words? Hemisphere Asia The Pacific ocean the Indian ocean Uninhabited fertile croplands Flatted continent urban country Rural areas Tasmania To be separated wildlife Preservation billion

Слайд 20

Answer the questions Why is January the hottest month in Australia? Is it right, that “huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited”? What is an island-state? Why are trees being planted all over Australia? Name the animals of Australia. Do Australians like sport? What do you think of Australia? Do you like this country? Would you like to visit it?

Слайд 21


Слайд 22


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