тест по английскому языку на тему

Кобенко Татьяна Михайловна

Тест по множественному числу  и притяжательному падежу существительных и по степеням сравнения прилагательных английского языка...


Предварительный просмотр:




Exercise 1 - Choose the correct plural form.

  1. story                                a)stories                b)storyes                c)stores
  2. knife                                a)knifes                b)knifs                c)knives
  3. hero                                a)heroes                b)heros                c)heres
  4. photo                        a)photos                b)photos                c)phots
  5. editor-in-chief                a)editor-ins-chief        b)editor-in-chiefs        c)editors-in-chief
  6. life                                a)lifes                        b)lifs                        c)lives
  7. sheep                        a)sheeps                b) shoop                c) sheep
  8. piano                        a) pianos                b) pianoes                c) pians
  9. fish                                a)fishs                b)fishes                c)fish

Exercise 2 - Form the possessive case

  1. their children / toys                                                                        
  2. our manager / car                                                                        
  3. the roof / the building                                                                        
  4. her husband / papers                                                                        
  5. the door / the room                                                                        
  6. Mike / brother / birthday party                                                        
  7. the pool / the hotel                                                                        

Exercise 3 - Complete the sentences with the plural of the words in brackets.

  1. There's a great new book of short available in the shops now. (story)
  2. Do we need more ? (potato)
  3. We went to the Tate Modern and saw a huge display made out of white . (box)
  4. You go to too many ! (disco)
  5. Some actors and get paid quite a lot. (actress)
  6. I can't understand why you need five ! (radio)
  7. I hear that are good at guarding things! (goose)

Exercise 4 - Choose the correct alternative.

  1. George is a real heroine / hero , you know.
  2. Since becoming a widow / widower he's started travelling more.
  3. Do you know where the best beaches are / is ?
  4. My cousin had to have all her tooth / teeth taken out.

Exercise 5 - For each underlined noun, circleU if it is uncountable or C if it is countable.

  1. I can get some bread while I'm out. OK? C / U
  2. You can't go out without any money! C / U
  3. I wouldn't go out in that jumper if I were you! C / U
  4. Simon always does well in physics. C / U
  5. They haven't got any furniture yet, but they're happy. C / U
  6. Molly just broke another glass! C / U
  7. Has anyone seen my keys? C / U

Exercise 6 - Choose the correct alternative.

                                A: What do we need from the supermarket, mum?

                                B: We don't need a lot of things.

1                                A: We need some teas / tea and coffee, I think.

2                                B: Yes, and a tube / bottle of milk.

                                A: What about some spaghetti? Julie likes it, doesn't she?

3, 4                B: She doesn't eat many / much these days - she prefers rice / rices now. Well, we can get

5                                both anyway ... and remind me to get a jar / piece of strawberry jam.

                                A: Mmm ... does that mean you're going to make a cake later?

                                B: Yes, it does!

6                                A: Great - save a slice / sheet for me, please!

Exercise 7 - Complete the sentences from the box.











  1. Can I offer you a                 of coffee?
  2. Bob brought a bottle of                 home to celebrate.
  3. They say a                 of sugar helps the medicine go down!
  4. If you give Anna a sheet of                 , she can draw a sketch of you in three minutes!
  5. I wish you wouldn't leave the top off the tube of                 !
  6. This might taste nicer with a few                 of oil on it.
  7. Don't eat the whole                 of chocolate yourself!
  8. He bakes his own                 of bread.
  9. How much was the huge jar of                 ?
  10. You need at least two                 of meat for the meal.

Exercise 8- Tick the correct sentence.

Writing a blog is much easier than making a podcast.

Writing a blog is much more easy than making a podcast.

These jeans are more tight than the pair I tried on first.

These jeans are tighter than the pair I tried on first.

This quiz is a bit trickier than the one I did last week.

This quiz is a bit tricky than the one I did last week.

They chose me for the role because I'm slightly more tall than her.

They chose me for the role because I'm slightly taller than her.

Exercise 9 - Complete the sentences with the and the superlative of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. Oh no, look at the traffic! We've chosen day of the year to drive down to London! (busy)
  2. Ian is person ever to win the X-Factor talent show on TV. (young)
  3. day of my life so far was when I passed my driving test! (happy)
  4. I've ruined the meal I was cooking - it wasn't recipe in the book! (easy)
  5. No wonder the garden looks so bad, we've had summer since records began. (dry)
  6. I train so often because I want to be player in the team. (fit)
  7. There are some strange creatures in parts of the ocean. (deep)
  8. For my birthday she secretly downloaded some of music I've ever heard onto my Mp3 player. (nice)
  9. Be careful, don't order that curry unless you really like spicy food - it's dish on the menu! (hot)
  10. What a boring lesson - that felt like afternoon of my life! (long)

Exercise 10 - Choose the correct alternative.

  1. San Diego is further / far / furthest from New York than Seattle is.
  2. The world's the oldest / oldest / the most old tree was discovered in Sweden in 2008.
  3. Jermaine Jackson is Michael's the older / the oldest / older brother. Jackie is the oldest.
  4. Vivienne Westwood is one of the best / the better / well fashion designers.
  5. Abbey Road is the Beatles' the last / last / the latest studio album.
  6. Oh no! That must be less / least / the least fashionable haircut I've ever seen!
  7. It is gooder / better / best for us to hire a manager than just to wait economic recession.
  8. Sydney is the largest / most large / the most largest city in Australia.
  9. There is the highest / most high / the most highest mountain in our region.

Exercise 11 - Match the correct endings to the unfinished sentences.

1. The heavier the traffic,

2. The more difficult the job,

3. The bigger the shopping centre

4. Most of us think she's the better

5. Unfortunately the beach we normally go to

6. It's more nutritious to drink fruit juice

7. The DVD I'm watching

8. That new girl in class

9. I think that Tony is the younger

10. It's usually cheaper to download an album

a. is getting more and more exciting.

b. of the two brothers.

c. of the two DJs at the club.

d. seems prettier every time I look at her!

e. than buy the CD.

f. the more satisfaction you will get from it.

g. the more shops there are to choose from.

h. the longer it takes to drive into town.

i. is getting more and more crowded.

j. than eat a doughnut.

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