Yellowstone, the first national park
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Мосина Елена Анатольевна

Работа с текстом в разделе "Экология. Охрана окружающей среды" в 8 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

Yellowstone, the First National Park

   Yellowstone is the United States’ first and most famous national park. This large and wilderness area is very high in the Rocky Mountains. It is bigger than the smallest state in the US. Yellowstone became the world’s first national park in 1872.

   Yellowstone has many different kinds of unusual scenery. Although millions of people visit the park the land is still unchanged – still a wilderness. The valley of the Yellowstone River has beautifully coloured rocks and three large waterfalls. In early morning or evening visitors sometimes see moose. The high mountains around Yellowstone are covered with evergreen forests. Great grizzly bears live there. The bears sometimes come down to look for food. Other wild animals move around freely in the park.

   Yellowstone Park has many areas with hot springs and geysers or hot water fountains.

   When you visit Yellowstone why not live like a cowboy? You can stay at a “dude ranch”, an old country hotel. You can ride a horse or hike along one of the many paths. There are over one thousand miles of paths around Yellowstone. If you like excitement, take a boat trip down the fast Snake River. Or spend a quiet summer day fishing by a river or a blue mountain lake.

   In winter Yellowstone Park is covered with heavy snow but visitors still come to ski and skate.

Ex.1. Say if the sentences are true or false.

  1. Yellowstone is located in the mountains.
  2. It is rather little.
  3. Yellowstone is the first national park in the world.
  4. The scenery of the park is wild and beautiful.
  5. There are three waterfalls on the Yellowstone River.
  6. Visitors can’t see wild animals in the park.
  7. The Snake River is very fast.
  8. People usually take boat trips down the Yellowstone River.
  9. There is a lake in the mountains.

10.People don’t come to Yellowstone Park in winter because of heavy snow.

Ex.2. Answer the questions.

  1. Where is Yellowstone National Park located?
  2. Is Yellowstone Park bigger or smaller than the smallest state in the USA?
  3. When did it become the world’s first national park?
  4. How many people visit the park?
  5. Is land still unchanged in the park?
  6. What can people see in the early morning or evening?
  7. Yellowstone Park has many areas with hot springs and geysers, hasn’t it?
  8. Is there much or little snow in the park in winter?
  9. Where do people live when they visit Yellowstone?
  10. How do visitors spend time when they live in Yellowstone?

Ex.3. Word formation ( от каких слов образованы следующие слова; объясните их образование ) :

First, most, famous, national, bigger, smallest, different, unusual, unchanged, beautifully, visitors, freely, excitement.

Ex.4. Find the adjectives describing the following:

Park, wilderness, scenery, land, rocks, waterfalls, mountains, forests, animals, hotel, river, day, lake, snow.

Form the comparison of these adjectives.

Make up your own word combinations or sentences with these words.

Ex.5. Give a short summary of the text according to the plan.

  1. location
  2. foundation
  3. scenery
  4. the valley of the Yellowstone River
  5. the Rocky Mountains
  6. animals
  7. staying at a hotel
  8. spending time

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