Проверочная работа, 5 времен глагола, 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Перовская Ирина Юрьевна

Проверочная работа

Английский язык

5 класс

Учебник English

Авторы:Верещагина И.Н., Афанасьева О.В.

Тема: 5 времен глагола

(Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple,Present Continuous,Present Perfect)


Файл test_5_vremen.docx18.36 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


5 tenses

(Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Present Simple)

Make sentences in 5 tenses.


Present simple

Present continuous

Present Perfect

Future simple

Past simple

+ - ?

+ - ?

+ - ?

+ - ?

+ - ?

Play computer games

Write a letter

Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form.

  1. I already (to see) Ann at school……………………………………….
  2. They (to have) dinner at 5 o’clock yesterday?……………………….
  3. He (to go) to the cinema last week.......................................................
  4. The boys (to play) chess in the sitting room now…………………….
  5. She often (to water) the plants?.............................................................
  6. She often (to water) the plants ………………………………………...
  7. You (do) it yet?.......................................................................................
  8. Your farther (to take) you fishing tomorrow…………………………..