Вопросы по теме "Летние каникулы "
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Штульберг Татьяна Юрьевна

Вопросы по теме "Летние каникулы ",   для 9-10 классов. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Answer the questions.

  1. Did you have a magical  summer ?
  2. Were you looking  forward  to making new  friends ?
  3. Were  you  inspired  by  discussing such themes as love, friendship, diversity, responsibility, trust,  etc?
  4.  Were you lucky meeting welcoming and friendly  people ?
  5. Did you make really close  friends ?
  6.  Are you full of energy, joyful spirit and goodwill  after  summer ?
  7. Were you nervous about meeting and being accepted by new friends ?
  8. Did you gain confidence in yourself ?
  9. Did  you  get fun, adventure and independence you dreamt of ?
  10. Were  you interested in protecting the environmental  health of your region  ?
  11.  Were you engaged  in  hiking trips,  music, sport activities ?
  12. Did you gain any camping skills throughout the summer?
  13.  Did you have  backpacking  trips  throughout  the summer ?
  14. Would you like to explore scenic and historic areas of our country ?
  15. Would you like to prepare for more challenging trips?
  16. Did you have well-balanced and nutritious meal ?
  17.  Did you cook over a campfire?
  18. Did you pick blueberries ?
  19. Did you enjoy outdoor  living ?
  20. Are you acquainted  with (Are you familiar with ) such outdoor skills as campcraft,  nature exploration or wilderness trips ?
  21. Did summer help you recognize the best in yourself ?
  22. Were you involved in quiet activities as reading, creative writing, board games?
  23. Would you like to try such activities as archery,  organic gardening,  field sports, woodworking, photography,  riding classes, sailboarding, canoeing, sailing ,chart reading rowing, challenging extended trips  or campcraft ?
  24. Who encouraged you to try something new or to improve your  skills ?
  25.  Was your  each day filled with purposeful activity ?
  26. Are you glad to come back to  school ?
  27.  Do you think school provides the opportunities for  social, emotional, positive and creative growth ?
  28. Did you come to school with shining eyes, joyful spirit, full of energy and goodwill on the second of September ?
  29.  Are you sharing memories of your summer with your classmates?
  30. Did summer give you opportunities for friendship, achievement and discovery?
  31. Did you become more flexible, more independent, and more accepting of individual differences?
  32.  Did you reach out to others, to new experiences and new  ideas ?
  33. Can you live successfully away from home and  parents ?
  34. Did summer enhance your self-confidence and self-esteem ?
  35. Did you gain sensitivity and respect  towards  people  and natural world  amid laughter and fun and exploration   ?
  36.  Was your summer experience an educational investment?
  38.   Did you  come  to your community better  prepared to make responsible choices in your daily lives ?
  39. Did  summer uncover new possibilities for you ?
  40. Did you learn to distinguish what is meaningful and essential in your life and what may be superfluous ?
  41.  Was there much to learn and were there interests and values to cherish for a lifetime ?
  42.  Did you develop a general awareness -a sense of wonder and joy in living, as well as a firm commitment to self- improvement and to the needs of others  ?
  43.  Would you like to return your summer?

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