Презентация по английскому языку "Дети-герои войны"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Комбарова Наталья Николаевна

Презентация содержит информацию и биографию о войне и детях-героях войны.Презентация предназначена для учащихся старших классов.


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Слайд 1

The children of war heroes

Слайд 2

on June 22, 1941 On our Homeland attacked by the evil and powerful enemy - Nazi Germany. 22 июня 1941 г.

Слайд 3

« The great Patriotic war... it just So happens that our memory about the war and all our notions about it - men. This is understandable: fought-mostly men - but that's a reflection of our incomplete knowledge about the war. As a huge burden fell on the shoulders of mothers, wives, sisters, who were aninstructor on the battlefields, who replaced men with machines in factories and farm fields. From the woman-mother is the beginning of life, and somehow incompatible with this war, which kills life." So writes the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich in the book "war is not a woman's face". And to finish this thought like this: "and especially not for children". Yes. War is not a kids thing. There has to be. But this war was special... it was called the great Patriotic because everything from small to large rose in defense of the homeland. Many young patriots were killed in battle with the enemy, and four of them - Marat Kazei, Valya Cat, Leonid Golikov and Zina Portnova - were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. About them often wrote in the Newspapers, they were devoted to books. And even the streets and cities of our great Motherland - Russia called them names. In those years, the children quickly grew up, in the 10-14 years they were aware of oneself as a part of a great nation, and tried not to give in adults. Thousands of guys fought in units of guerrillas and the army. Together with older teenagers walked in exploration, helped the guerrillas to undermine echelons of the enemy to ambush.

Слайд 4

June. It was late evening sunset. And warm nights overflowed sea. And the laughter was heard guys Not knowing, unaware of grief. June! Then,we didn't know With school nights walking home, Tomorrow is the first day of the war, And it will end only in the forty-fifth, in may.

Слайд 5

Pioneers Heroes Before the war it was the most ordinary boys and girls. Studied, helped senior, played, ran-jumping, broken noses and knees. Their names were only known relatives, classmates Yes friends. THE HOUR HAS COME - THEY SHOWED WHAT GREAT CAN BE A LITTLE CHILD'S HEART, WHEN FLARES UP IN HIM THE SACRED LOVE OF COUNTRY AND HATRED OF HER ENEMIES. Boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders the weight of adversity, disaster, sorrow of the war years. And not bent they are under that weight, become stronger in spirit, manly, vigorous. Small heroes of the great war. They fought with the older - fathers, brothers, near the Communists and Komsomol members. Fought everywhere. The sea, as Boris Kolasin. In the sky, as Arkady Kamanin. As a partisan, as Leonid Golikov. In the Brest fortress, as Hildebrand Zenkina. In the Kerch catacombs, as Volodya Dubinin. Underground, as Volodya scherbatsevich. And not for a moment flinch young heart! Their grown-up childhood was filled with such tests is that, think of them even very talented writer, it would be hard to believe. But it was. In the history of our great country, was the fate of her little boys - ordinary boys and girls.

Слайд 6

Tanya Savicheva Arkady Kamanin Leonid Golikov Valya Zenkina Zina Portnova Volodya Treasurers Marat Kazei Valya Cat

Слайд 7

Lida Vashkevich Nadia Bogdanova Victor Khomenko Sasha Borodulin Vasya Korobko Konstantin Kravchuk Galya Komlev а Utah Bondarevskay Lara Maheenko

Слайд 8

Marat Kazei ... The war fell on the Belarusian land. In the village where he lived Marat with his mother, Anna A. Kazei, broke the Nazis. In the autumn of Marat did not have to go to school in fifth grade. The school building, the Nazis turned their barracks. The enemy was lutovac. For liaison with the guerrillas was arrested Anna A. Kazei, and soon Marat learned that mom hung in Minsk. Anger and hatred of the enemy filled the boy's heart. Together with her sister, KP Ada, pioneer Marat Kazei went to the partisans in the Stankovskiy forest. He became an intelligence officer at the headquarters of the partisan brigade. Penetrated into the enemy garrisons and gave the command of valuable information. Using these data, the guerrillas have developed a daring operation and defeated the Nazi garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk... Marat participated in the battles and always showed courage, fearlessness, along with experienced shooters mined railway. Marat was killed in the battle. Fought to the last cartridge, and when he had only one grenade, let your enemies closer and blew them... and yourself. For courage and bravery pioneer Marat Kazei was awarded .

Слайд 10

Zina Portnova The war caught the Leningrad pioneer Zina Portnova in the village of Duy, where she arrived on vacation, is close to the station Obol Vitebsk region. In Oboli was created underground Komsomol youth organization "Young Avengers", and Zina was elected a member of its Committee. She participated in daring operations against the enemy, sabotage, distributed leaflets, the task of the guerrilla group led the exploration. ... Was December 1943. Zina was returning from a mission. In the village Mostysche she was betrayed by a traitor. The Nazis seized the young partisan, tortured. The answer to the enemy was silence Zina, her contempt and hatred, determination to fight to the end. During one of the interrogations, specifying the time, Zina grabbed a gun and point-blank shot in the Gestapo. Ran on the shot officer was also killed on the spot. Zina tried to flee, but the Nazis overtook her... Brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute remained steadfast, courageous, indomitable. And homeland posthumously celebrated her feat the higher your rank is the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Слайд 11

Leonid Golikov Grew up in the village of Lukino, on the banks of the river Polo that flows into the legendary Ilmen lake. When his village was captured by the enemy, the boy went to the partisans. Not once he walked in exploration, brought important information in a partisan detachment. And flew downhill enemy trains, cars, collapsed bridges, burned enemy warehouses... was in his life a fight that Lenya conducted one-on-one with the fascist General. Grenade thrown by a boy who was hit machine. From it emerged the Nazi with a briefcase in his hand, and, firing, ran away. Lenya behind him. Almost a kilometer he pursued the enemy, and finally killed him. The portfolio has proved to be very important documents. The headquarters of the partisans immediately sent them by plane to Moscow. There were many more fights in his short life! And never faltered the young hero, who fought shoulder to shoulder with adults. He died near the village of Acute Onions in the winter of 1943, when he was particularly luteal enemy, feeling that burning under his feet the earth, that he will not be spared... 2 April 1944 was published the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, on the award of the pioneer-partisan Lena Golikova the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Слайд 13

Volodya Treasurers 1941... graduated in the Spring of fifth grade. Autumn joined a partisan unit. When together with her sister Anna, he came to the partisans in Kletnyanskiy forests that in Bryansk, the squad said, "Well, replenishment!.." However, after learning that they were from Solovianenko, children of Helena Kondratyevna Kaznacheev, the one that baked the bread for partisans, joking stopped (Elena kindrativna was killed by the Nazis). The squad was "partisan school. There he studied the future minelayers, demomen. Volodya perfectly learned the science and with seniors has derailed eight levels. Had him, and to cover the withdrawal group, grenades stopping pursuers... He was a messenger; walked often in the Kletnya, delivering valuable information; waiting for the darkness, there were leaflets. From operation to operation became more experienced, more skilled. For the head of the partisan Canachieve fascists a reward, not even suspecting that brave their opponent - but a boy. He fought side by side with adults until the day until the native land has not been liberated from the Nazi evil, and rightly shared with older glory of the hero - liberator of his native land. Volodya treasurers awarded the order of Lenin and medal "Partisan of the Patriotic war of the 1st degree .

Слайд 14

Valya Zenkina Brest fortress was the first to take the blow of the enemy. Bursting bombs, shells, collapsed walls, people were killed in the fortress, and in the city of Brest. From the first minute left in the fight Valine father. Left and never came back, died a hero, as many defenders of the Brest fortress. And Bring the Nazis forced under fire to get into the fortress, to transmit it to the defenders of the requirement to surrender. Valya in the fortress slipped, spoke about the atrocities of the Nazis, explained what they had guns pointed to their location and stayed to help our soldiers. . She bandaged the wounded, gathered cartridges and bring them to the fighters. In the fortress there was not enough water, it divided by the throat. To drink I wanted painfully, but Valya again and again waived his throat: water needed for the wounded. When the command of the Brest fortress made a decision to remove women and children from under fire, to forward to the other side of the river Mukhavets another opportunity to save their lives was not a small nurse Valya Zenkina asked to leave it with fighters. But orders are orders, and then she vowed to continue the fight until victory. And Valya oath kept. Different tests fell to her share. But she survived. Persevered. And their fight continued it as a partisan . Fought bravely together with adults. For bravery and courage of the order of the red Star was awarded the birthplace of his young daughter .

Слайд 15

Arkady Kamanin He dreamed of the sky, when he was still just a boy. Father Arcadia, Nikolai Kamanin, pilot, participated in the rescue Chelyuskinites, for which he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. And there are always next to each father, Mikhail Vodopyanov. It was enough to light up the heart of a boy. But in the air it was not allowed, said: grow up. When the war started, he went to work at an aircraft factory, then to the airfield was used every chance to climb into the sky. . Experienced pilots, even if only for a few minutes, it happens, trust him to guide the plane. Once an enemy bullet had broken the glass cockpit. The pilot was blinded. Losing consciousness, he managed to pass Arcadia management, and the boy landed the plane on its own airfield. After that Arcadia was allowed to seriously study the flight case, and soon he began to fly on their own. Once from a height of a young pilot saw our plane, shot down by the Nazis. Under the strongest mortar fire Arkady landed, took the pilot in his plane rose into the air and returned to his own. On his breast shone the order of the red Star. For participation in the battles with the enemy Arkady was awarded the second order of the red Star. By the time he was already an experienced pilot, though he was fifteen years old. Till victory fought Arkady Kamanin with the Nazis. The young hero of the sky dreamed of and the sky won!

Слайд 16

Coming back from a job, I tied a red tie. And as if power was added! Utah supported the tired soldiers ringing the pioneer song, the story of his native Leningrad... And how everybody was glad, as he congratulated the guerrillas Utah, when it came to the squadron message: blockade broken! Leningrad survived, Leningrad won! In that day, and blue eyes, Utah, and her red tie shone as it seems, never. But still groaned under enemy rule the earth, and the detachment together with the red Army went to help the partisans of Estonia. In one of the battles - the Estonian farm Rostov - Utah Bondarevskaya, the little heroine of the great war, pioneer, not parted with his red tie, fell a heroic death. Homeland awarded his heroic daughter posthumously with the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic war 1st class, order of the Patriotic war of the 1st degree. Utah Bondarevskaya Wherever there was blue-eyed girl Utah, red tie it always was with her ...? The summer of 1941 she came from Leningrad on vacation in the village near Pskov. Here overtook Utah terrible news: the war! There she saw the enemy. Utah began to help the guerrillas. First there was the messenger, then a scout. Disguised as a boy, a beggar, collecting information on villages where the headquarters of the Nazis, as protected as machine guns.

Слайд 17

Young coherent brought from partisans of his job counselor, and her reports were forwarded to the squadron, along with bread, potatoes, products that were reached with great difficulty. One day when the messenger of the guerrilla group did not come in time to the meeting place, Galya, poor half-frozen settlers, she slipped into the squad, gave a report and a little cool, hurried back, bringing a new job to the underground. Together with KP Tasey Yakovleva Galya wrote leaflets and night scattered them through the village. The Nazis hunted down, grabbed the young people. Kept for two months in the Gestapo. Brutally beaten, thrown into the chamber, and in the morning again taken out for interrogation. He said nothing to the enemy Galya, no one gave. The young patriot was shot. Feat Gali Butt birthplace of the celebrated order of the Patriotic war of the 1st degree . When the war began, and the Nazis were approaching Leningrad, for underground work in the village Cernovice in the South of the Leningrad region was left chaperone high school Anna Petrovna Semenov. To communicate with the partisans she picked up the most reliable of its pioneers, and the first among them was Galina Komleva. Fun, bold, inquisitive girl for six of my school years was six times awarded books signed: "For an excellent study" Galya Komleva

Слайд 18

First buried in the garden under a pear: thought, will soon return to our. But the war dragged on, and, after digging banners, Kostya kept them in the barn until he remembered an old, abandoned well outside the city, near the Dnieper river. Turning his priceless treasure in sackcloth, roll the straw, he at dawn got out of the house and with a canvas bag over his shoulder led to the distant forest cow. And there, looking around, put the bundle into the well, covered with branches, dry grass, turf... And the long occupation is not the pioneer of their hard guard at the banner, although he got in a RAID, and even fled from echelon, in which hijacked Kiev to Germany. When Kiev was liberated, Kostya, in a whit hijacked Kiev to Germany. When Kiev was liberated, Kostya, in a white shirt with a red tie, came to the military commandant of the city and unfurled banners in front of the weathered and still astonished soldiers. 11 June 1944, the newly formed parts left on the front, handed saved the Bone replacement. 11 June 1944 in the Central square of Kiev were built part of going to the front. And before this battle system read out the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the awarding of the pioneer Bones Kravchuk order of the red banner for saving and retained two military banner rifle regiments during the occupation of Kiev... Retreating from Kiev, two wounded soldier entrusted coast banners. And he promised to save them. Kostya Kravchuk

Слайд 19

Ordinary black bag wouldn't attract the attention of visitors to the Museum, if not lying next to her red tie. Trembling involuntarily boy or girl, will stop an adult and read yellowed certificate issued by the Commissioner of the partisan detachment. That the young mistress of these relics of pioneer Lida Vashkevich, risking their lives, helped lead the fight against the Nazis. There is another reason to stay near these exhibits: Lida awarded the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic war of the 1st degree Lida Vashkevich

Слайд 20

С hild that has gone through the horrors of war, he's a normal child? Who robbed him of his childhood? Who will return to him? What he remembers from the past and can tell? But he had to tell! Because somewhere now tear bombs, bullets are flying, burning houses! After the war, the world learned many stories about the fate of children in wartime. Before we talk about eleven-year-old Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva, let me remind you about the fate of the city in which she lived. From September 1941 to January 1944, 900 days and nights. Leningrad lived in the ring of the enemy blockade. 640 thousand of its inhabitants died from hunger, cold and artillery fire. Food warehouses were burned during the German air raids. Had to cut the diet. Workers and engineering-technical workers were given the day just 250, Bread, and employees and children 125, the Germans expected. That Leningrad will perissoratis for bread, will cease to defend their city and deliver them at the mercy of the enemy.

Слайд 21

Tanya Savicheva

Слайд 22

What happened with Tanya? For how long she survived the family? Lonely girl together with other orphans managed to send in a relatively well-fed and prosperous Gorky region. But severe exhaustion and nervous shock took his she died on 23 may 1944

Слайд 23

Over 20 million people have lost our country in the war. The language of figures scoop. But you listen and imagine... If we dedicated to each victim one minute of silence, then we would have had to be silent for over 38 years.

Слайд 24

Eternal memory of generations And the memory of those whose taxes hallow, Come on, people, let us stand for a moment And in the tribulation will stand and be quiet.

Слайд 25

Do not want war we never, never, May peace be in the world, everywhere and always. Let there be light the lives of children! How bright the world in the eyes open! Oh, not destroy and not kill - The earth is dead!

Слайд 26

Через века, Через года, ПОМНИТЕ!

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