презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Karapetyan  Alina Levaevna

В  этой  презентации  ученики  могут  познакомиться  географическим  положением, архитектурой, нацианальными  танцами  и  музыкой  Ирландии.


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Слайд 1

Ireland Ireland or pronounced , also known as the Republic of Ireland is a sovereign state in Europe occupying about five-sixths of the island of Ireland. The capital is Dublin, located in the eastern part of the island. The state shares its only land border with Northern Ireland, one of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom. It is otherwise surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the Celtic Sea to the south, Saint George's Channel to the south east, and the Irish Sea to the east. It is a unitary, parliamentary republic with an elected president serving as head of state. The head of government, the Taoiseach , is nominated by the lower house of parliament, Dáil Éireann . The modern Irish state gained effective independence from the United Kingdom in 1922 following a war of independence , resulting in the Anglo-Irish Treaty, with Northern Ireland exercising an option to remain in the United Kingdom. Initially a dominion within the British Empire (later the Commonwealth of Nations) called the Irish Free State, full legislative independence was granted in 1931 and a new constitution, and the name of Ireland , were adopted in 1937. In 1949 the remaining duties of the King of Ireland were removed and Ireland was declared a republic, with the description Republic of Ireland . The state had no formal relations with Northern Ireland for most of the twentieth century, but since 1999 they have co-operated on a number of policy areas under the North-South Ministerial Council created under the Good Friday Agreement.

Слайд 2

Geography Ireland extends over an area of approximately five-sixths (70,273 km 2 or 27,133 sq mi) of the island of Ireland (84,421 km 2 or 32,595 sq mi), with Northern Ireland constituting the remainder. The island is bounded to the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean and to the northeast by the North Channel. To the east, the Irish Sea connects to the Atlantic Ocean via St George's Channel and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. The western landscape mostly consists of rugged cliffs, hills and mountains. The central lowlands are extensively covered with glacial deposits of clay and sand, as well as significant areas of bogland and several lakes. The highest point is Carrauntoohil (1,038 m or 3,406 ft), located in the Macgillycuddy's Reeks mountain range in the southwest. The River Shannon, which traverses the central lowlands, is the longest river in Ireland at 386 km in length. The west coast is more rugged than the east, with numerous islands, peninsulas, headlands and bays. Deciduous woodland in County Kerry with the ground covered in ramsons (wild garlic) Preceding the arrival of the first settlers in Ireland approximately 9,000 years ago, the landscape was extensively covered by forests of oak, ash, elm, hazel, yew, and other native trees . The growth of blanket bog and the extensive clearing of woodland to facilitate farming are believed to be the main causes of deforestation during the subsequent centuries. Today, approximately 12% of Ireland is forested, of which a significant majority is composed of mainly non-native coniferous plantations for commercial use.Ideal soil conditions, high rainfall and a mild climate give Ireland the highest growth rates for forests in Europe. Hedgerows, which are traditionally used to define land boundaries, are an important substitute for woodland habitat, providing refuge for native wild flora and a wide range of insect, bird and mammal species . Glendalough valley in County Wicklow Agriculture accounts for approximately 64% of the total land area.This has resulted in limited land to preserve natural habitats, in particular for larger wild mammals with greater territorial requirements . The long history of agricultural production coupled with modern agricultural methods, such as pesticide and fertiliser use, has placed pressure on biodiversity .

Слайд 3

Music and dance Irish traditional music has remained vibrant, despite globalising cultural forces, and retains many traditional aspects. It has influenced various music genres, such as American country and roots music, and to some extent modern rock. It has occasionally been blended with styles such as rock and roll and punk rock. Ireland has also produced many internationally known artists in other genres, such as rock, pop, jazz, and blues. The Frames There are a number of classical music ensembles around the country, such as the RTÉ Performing Groups .Ireland also has three opera organisations . Opera Ireland produces large-scale operas in Dublin, the Opera Theatre Company tours its chamber-style operas throughout the country, and the annual Wexford Opera Festival, which promotes lesser-known operas, takes place during October and November. Ireland has participated in the Eurovision Song Contestsince 1965.Its first win was in 1970, when Dana won with All Kinds of Everything . It has subsequently won the competition six more times ,the highest number of wins by any competing country. The phenomenon Riverdance originated as an interval performance during the 1999 contest. Irish dance can broadly be divided into social dance and performance dance. Irish social dance can be divided into céilí and set dancing. Irish set dances are quadrilles, danced by 4 couples arranged in a square, while céilí dances are danced by varied formations of couples of 2 to 16 people. There are also many stylistic differences between these two forms. Irish social dance is a living tradition, and variations in particular dances are found across the country. In some places dances are deliberately modified and new dances are choreographed. Performance dance is traditionally referred to as stepdance . popularised by the show Riverdance , is notable for its rapid leg movements, with the body and arms being kept largely stationary. The solo stepdance is generally characterised by a controlled but not rigid upper body, straight arms, and quick, precise movements of the feet. The solo dances can either be in "soft shoe" or "hard shoe".

Слайд 4

Architecture Ireland has a wealth of structures , surviving in various states of preservation, from the Neolithic period, such as Brú na Bóinne , Poulnabrone dolmen, Castlestrange stone, Turoe stone, and Drombeg stone circle . As the Romans never conquered Ireland, architecture of Greco-Roman origin is extremely rare. The country instead had an extended period of Iron Age architecture . The Irish round tower originated during the Early Medieval period. The ruins of Monasterboice in County Louth are of early Christian settlement. Christianity introduced simple monastic houses, such as Clonmacnoise , Skellig Michael and Scattery Island. A stylistic similarity has been remarked between these double monasteries and those of the Copts of Egypt . Gaelic kings and aristocrats occupied ringforts or crannógs . Church reforms during the 12th century via the Cistercians stimulated continental influence, with the Romanesque styled Mellifont , Boyle and Tintern abbeys . Gaelic settlement had been limited to the Monastic proto-towns, such as Kells , where the current street pattern preserves the original circular settlement outline to some extent . Significant urban settlements only developed following the period of Viking invasions . The major Hiberno -Norse Longphorts were located on the coast, but with minor inland fluvial settlements, such as the eponymous Longford .

Слайд 5

Politics Ireland is a constitutional republic with a parliamentary system of government. The Oireachtas is the bicameral national parliament composed of the President of Ireland and the two Houses of the Oireachtas : Seanad Éireann (Senate) and Dáil Éireann (House of Representatives ). Áras an Uachtaráin is the official residence of the President of Ireland, while the houses of the Oireachtas meet at Leinster House in Dublin. The President serves as head of state, and is elected for a seven-year term and may be re-elected once. The President is primarily a figurehead, but is entrusted with certain constitutional powers with the advice of the Council of State. The office has absolute discretion in some areas, such as referring a bill to the Supreme Court for a judgement on its constitutionality.Michael D. Higgins became the ninth President of Ireland on 11 November 2011 . The Taoiseach serves as the head of government and is appointed by the President upon the nomination of the Dáil . Most Taoisigh have served as the leader of the political party that gains the most seats in national elections. It has become customary for coalitions to form a government, as there has not been a single-party government since 1989 . Enda Kenny assumed the office of Taoiseach on 9 March 2011. Government Buildings The Seanad is composed of sixty members, with eleven nominated by the Taoiseach, six elected by two universities, and 43 elected by public representatives from panels of candidates established on a vocational basis. The Dáil has 166 members ( Teachtaí Dála ) elected to represent multi-seat constituencies under the system of proportional representation and by means of the single transferable vote.

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