Итоговый контроль в 5 классе общеобразовательной школы.
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Рогова Эля Николаевна

Данные устные темы предназначены для итогового устного контроля в 5 классе общеобразовательной школы.  Умк   КузовлевВ.П.,Лапа Н.М., идр.

В течении 5 класса обучающиеся изучили 8 разделов. Их можно объединить в 4 темы, в которых отражен лексический и грамматический материал.


Файл my_favourite_celebrations.docx11.13 КБ
Файл voluntary_work.docx10.98 КБ
Файл we_had_a_nice_trip_to_britain.docx10.96 КБ
Файл about_myself.docx11.04 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

               My  favourite  celebrations.

There are many holidays in the year. For example, there is Easter, Victory day, Christmas, New Year and birthdays.

I prefer Christmas. I think in many families Christmas is the most important holiday. The family gathers together. It’s very important.

Perhaps, New Year and Christmas are at the most beautiful time of the year. It is winter. Besides, we don’t go to school because we have holidays.

There are a  lot  of  Christmas traditions. Families decorate the Christmas trees and the houses. They put electric lights, sweets and toys on the fur trees. Parents cook  tasty  dishes and Christmas cookies. They also buy presents and wrap them into sparkling paper. Children hang their stockings  around the bed. Many people write greeting cards to their friends and relatives.

 I like the magic atmosphere of the Christmas Eve.

What holidays are there in the year?

What is your favourite holiday? Why?

What do people usually do on Christmas?

Предварительный просмотр:

                                 Voluntary work.

There is a children’s organisation called “Willing helpers”.

After school children discuss their plans to help the community. Usually they help the old, the lonely people and the children in the local hospital.

They can collect secondhand books and give them to the children in the hospital. They also can sew soft toys to entertain the children. It’s fun!

To help the elderly,  they clean their gardens, sweep the paths and do the shopping. It’s useful!

Sometimes the volunteers pick up garbage near the river to safe the nature. It’s important!

I think this organization is very useful and important. I’d like to join the “Willing Helpers”.

What is the name  of children’s voluntary organisation?

Whom does the organisation help?

What do the children do to help people?

What do you think about their help?

Предварительный просмотр:

                We had a nice trip to Britain.

Last Summer me and my family went to Britain. It was just fantastic!! At first we visited London-the capital of THE UK. There are a lot of museums, beautiful ancient buildings, amazing parks. For example, The British museum,  the London Transport museum, Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court, Hyde Park.

Of course we were in Alton Towers. That was the most wonderful day in my life!!!

When we were in the theme park my mother was visiting Rose Show. She likes flowers very much.

The next day we went to the Tower of London. It’s a very old museum and I got to know  legend about the ravens, living in the castle. It’s very interesting!

I’m looking forward to go to Britain one more time.

1. Have you ever been to Britain? No, I haven’t.

2. Do you want to go to the British museum? Yes, I do. I want to see the old things from different countries

3. Do you like travelling? Yes, I do. I’m looking forward to visit the UK.

Предварительный просмотр:

    About  myself.

My name is ______.   I’m ____years old.  I’m a pupil of the 5th form. I’m good at many subjects.  My   favourite   subject is (are): __, ___, ___.  

I have many friends at school. We like to spend time together. We play board games, ride a bike, swim in the pool or walk. We also play computer games. We are never bored. Best of all I like to go on picnics.  I and my best friend go to dancing club twice a week. It’s great fun.

My mother says that I should be very cautious of strangers. I must always ask my parent’s permission and follow home rules.

For example,  I shouldn’t use computer alone and give my e-mail address to strangers. I agree with my parents.

How old are you?  What’s your name? What form are you in?   What do you do in your spare time?

Do you follow  home rules? – Yes, I do.

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