Грамматические упражнения к учебнику 5 класса Афанасьевой, Верещагиной
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Пикунова Анна Анатольевна

Грамматические упражнения 


Предварительный просмотр:

                                                             REPORTED SPEECH

Change the sentences into Reported Speech:

1.Helen says, “It is out of my power to help you”.


2. The teacher says, ”Don’t delay your journey, children!”


3. Bob says, “I included milk in my shopping list”.


4. Mother says, “Be more attentive, John”.


5. Nick says, “I belong to this school”.


6. Father says, ”Don’t forget to write to me, Jane”.


7. Tom says, “I was not included as a guest”


8. Bob’s cousin shouts to him, “Don’t be noisy!”


9. The teacher says, “We are going to elect the President on Sunday”.


10. Granny says, “Don’t forget Nick’s permanent address, Kate.”


11. Paul says, “I have offered Tim my help and advice”.


12. .The policemen say,  “Don’t break the law”.

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                           REPORTED SPEECH


Change the sentences into Reported Speech:

  1. 1) Nick says, “I like it when it rains”


2) Mother says, “You make so many mistakes.”


3) The children say, “We always think about what we are doing”.


4) Father says, “I’m not surprised at the information.”


5) Helen says, “My father is a very careful driver”.


6) Tom says, “I like fruits especially bananas”.


  1. 1) Granny says, “Don’t be noisy, children!”


2) Mother says, “Stop crying, Jane!”


3) The children say, “Don’t feel lonely, Bob.”


4) The teacher says, “Draw more carefully, Jack!”


5) Kate says, “Don’t be surprised at my story, friends!”


6) Granny says, “Protect the flowers from the cold, Nick”.


  1. 1) The teacher asks, “Does the Queen have real power in the UK?”


2) Nick asks, “What club did you belong to?”


3) Ann asks, ”Does David Cameron belong to the Royal Society?”


4) The boys ask, ”Why was the start of the game delayed?”


5) Mother asks, “Have you included milk in your shopping list?”


6) Helen asks, “How often do people in Britain elect members of Parliament?”


Предварительный просмотр:

                                                           REPORTED SPEECH


Change the sentences into Reported Speech:

  1. 1) Nick says ,”My father thinks of a way to solve the problem”.


2) Tom says, “My friends have a different way of life”.


3) Jane says, “I seldom see my friend now.”


4) Kate says, ”I seldom read books”.


5) Jack says, “I hardly ever go to the theatre”.


6) Bob says, “My knowledge of Russian history is not very good.”


  1. 1) The lawyer says, “Respect the law!”


2) Ann says, “Don’t offend me, Bill!”


3) Helen says, ”Stop showing off, Jack.”


4) Mother says, “Don’t watch this dull film, children.”


5) John says,”Promise to respect my feelings, Jane.”


6) Father says, “Don’t take the knife, please.’


  1. 1) The children ask, ”What is the right way to address the Queen?”


2) The teacher asks, ”Does Tom have a good knowledge of the French language?”


3) Nick asks, “Why does Kate always show off?”


4) Father asks, “Are you sure he was offended by my words?”


5) Mother asks, ”What kind of people does Kate respect?”


6) Mary asks, “Does Paul have a sense of duty?”


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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