Exit test. Starlight-3.
тест по английскому языку на тему

Богомазова Виктория Владимировна
Итоговая контрольная работа за курс 3 класса, на основе УМК Starlight-3 (авторы К.М. Баранова, Дж. Дули, В.В.Копылова, Р.П. Мильруд, В.Эванс)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Exit test.

Name and surname: ___________________________        Mark: ___________________

Date: ________________________________________

Ex. 1. Answer the questions.

  1. What’s your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Have you got fair hair and green eyes?
  4. Can you dance and sing?
  5. Can you fly?


Ex. 2. Describe the picture.


  1. This is a…
  2. This room is…
  3. There is a…      and a…
  4. There are…
  5. I like / don’t like this room, because (потомучто) …


Ex. 3.Translate the words.

  1. Four ___________________________
  2. A sharpener ______________________
  3. A grandpa ________________________
  4. A teddy bear _____________________
  5. A helicopter _____________________
  6. A face ________________________
  7. A wardrobe ______________________
  8. Purple __________________________
  9. A fireman _______________________


  1. Roller-skates _____________________

Ex. 4.Read and choose.

1) A: Whose is this?

     B: a) It’s Pam’s.

         b) It’s Pam.

2) A:What’s your name?

     B: a) This is Emma.

         b) I’m Janet.

3) A: Who’s this?

     B: a) This is my mum.

         b) Hello, mum.

4) A: Here’s your CD, Mary.

     B: a) Thanks, Mum.

         b) You are welcome.

5) A: What’s that?

     B: a) Yes, it is.

         b) It’s a rubber.



Ex. 5. Write a / an.

  1. ____ rabbit
  2. ____ orange
  3. ____ elf
  4. ____ duck
  5. ____ umbrella
  6. ____ apple
  7. ____ fox
  8. ____ cupboard
  9. ____ bed
  10.  ____ triangle



Ex. 6. Write the sentences in plural.


This is a table.                    -      These are tables.

That is a chair.              -           Those are chairs.

  1. That is a desk. _____________________________________
  2. That is a chair. _____________________________________
  3. This is an aeroplane. ________________________________
  4. This is my brother. __________________________________


  1. That is my book. ____________________________________


Ex. 7. Make the sentences.


Mrs Brown (Jane / mummy).      Mrs Brown is Jane’s mummy.

They (Tom / caps).                      They are Tom’s caps.

  1. Ted (Sam / brother)   __________________________________________
  2. A lamb (sheep / baby) ________________________________________
  3. Susan and Bob (Kate / friends)  _________________________________
  4. It (Ann / computer) __________________________________________
  5. We (Sasha / friends) _________________________________________



Ex. 8.Write am / is / are.

  1. The cat ____ in the house.
  2. The chickens ____ in the garden.
  3. Tom and Sue ____ in the bedroom.
  4. Roy ____ in the kitchen.


  1. I ____ in the bathroom.

Ex. 10.Complete the table.

Единственное число

Множественное число







Ex. 9.Write has got / have got.

  1. A dog ____________________ four paws.
  2. My sister __________________ fair hair.
  3. Julie and Fred ______________ many robots.
  4. My cat ____________________ five kittens.
  5. I _________________________ big blue eyes.




Ex. 10. Complete the sentences. Use can / can’t.

  1. An elephant can / can’t run, but (но) it can / can’t fly.
  2. A cat can / can’t climb the tree, but it can / can’t play the piano.
  3. Rabbits can / can’thop, but they can / can’tswim.
  4. Parrots can / can’tsing, but they can / can’tdraw.
  5. Monkeys can / can’tjump, but they can / can’t write.    


Ex. 11. Read and choose.

  1. Bob and Sam have got two puppies. Their / His puppies are black and white.
  2. Kate, where is you / your house?
  3. Mike and I are friends. Our / Their mothers are friends, too.
  4. This is my / their mummy. I love her very much.
  5. Look at its / our friends, Paco and Maya!


Ex. 12.Translate the sentences.

  1. На столе стоит компьютер. ________________________________________________
  2. Под партой находится портфель. _______________________________________________
  3. В пенале лежит ручка. _____________________________________________________
  4. За партой стоит шкаф для книг. ____________________________________________
  5. Рядом с креслом находится шкаф для одежды. ___________________________________



Ex. 13. Write a negative and an interrogative form.

There is a book on the floor. – There isn’t a book on the floor. –Is there a book on the floor?

1.There are chairs in the room.-

2.There is a table next to the sofa.-

3 There are two sofas in the bedroom.

4. There is a desk in the classroom.

5.There is a mirror in the room.





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