Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Оскольская Татьяна Алексеевна

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 7 кл. (учебник Spotlight 7)


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant I

I. Complete the sentences with the following words

successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring, scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded, reserve, convenient

1. I don't mind the peace and __________ of  the country, but I can't stand feeling __________ .

2. __________ public transport and __________ streets are very important to me.

3. The __________ are stealing things from people's houses.

4. Edinburg Castle is built on an __________ volcano.

5. The children were scared when they heard the noise coming from the  __________ .

6. Penny was and the zoo and __________ she hears people screaming.

7. She can __________  the most mysterious crimes and put criminals behind bars.

II. Choose the correct form

1. They decided to search for treasures __________ they found a map.

         a. until                       b. as soon as

2. I have __________ seen this film twice. Let's  watch something else.

         a. never                   b. already

3. You __________ to send a deposit  in order to reserve your place.

         a. must                     b. need

4. She has known him __________ 1996.

        a. since                    b. from

5. He has been an actor __________ twenty years.

        a. last                   b. for

6. It's the __________ film I've ever seen.

        a. funniest                  b. funnier

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

1. __________ (you/ever/explore) a haunted mansion?

2. My parents __________ (cook) breakfast while I __________ (tidy) my room.

3. Mark __________ (listen) to music until 11 pm last night.

4. Liza __________ (watch) TV when her father arrived.

5. If the weather __________ (be) good, we __________ (go) for a walk.

IV. Choose the correct response

1. Do you fancy coming with me?

       a. No, I haven't                       b. Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't

2. Two tickets for King Kong at 6 pm, please.

       a. I'm afraid it's sold out          b. Here is your change

3.Try it on and see if it fits.

       a. OK! Hang on a second         b. Really? Thank you very much.

4. I hate reality shows. Can't we watch the news?

       a. I suppose so.                       b. Sure, I really like documentaries

 V. Make up the dialogue

(headache, medicine, feel bad, stay, temperature, all right, What’s the matter, runny,

take,  give up)

-          Doctor, I’m afraid I … .

-          … with you?

-          I’ve got a … and a … nose.

-          Have you taken your … ? What is it?

-          It’s 37.8. Poor me!

-          … it easy. Everything will be … . You should … in bed and take the … .

… fast food. Good-bye  up.

-          Good-bye, doctor. Thanks  a lot.

Variant II

I. Complete the sentences with the following words

successful, solve, burglars, quiet, suddenly, tiring, scared, obey, a hammer and nails, bushes, isolated, extinct, creating, crowded, reserve, convenient

1. How was your flight? - It was __________ .

2. I'm __________ of spiders.

3. She's a __________ designer. She succeeds in making her own clothes and jewellers.

4. I'd like to __________ a place at your camp.

5. Swimming in the pool can be great but also very dangerous, so you must __________ the lifeguards.

6. Plushenko E. is the most __________ figure skater in Russia.

7. We are using __________ to build nesting boxes.

II. Choose the correct form

1. Hvorostovsky D. is one of the __________ opera singer.

        a. most talented          b. more talented

2. She can't drive, __________?

        a. isn't she                     b. can she

3. He didn't go to the party yesterday, __________?

        a. didn't he                     b. did he

4. I haven't finished my project __________ .

        a. just                     b. yet

5. This is the house __________ he was born.

        a. which                  b. where

6. You __________ do it tonight. It's urgent.

        a. has to                        b. have to

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

  1. I'm sure our life __________ (be) very different in 2050.
  2. She __________ (work) as a teacher for ten years.
  3. Max __________ (read) a newspaper when he __________(hear)  a loud noise in the garden.

4. __________ (people\live) in underwater cities?        

  1. I __________ (learn) English since 1998.

IV. Choose the correct response

1. Can you help me send an e-mail?

         a. No problem. First of all turn on your computer.        b. Access your e-mail account.

2. Would you like to go on a picnic?

         a. That sounds great!                       b. What's that all about?

3. Can you send me an e-mail with the details?

         a. That's fine!                       b. Certainly.

4. I find sitting exams the most stressful.

         a. Don't mention!                  b. I don't agree!


V. Make up the dialogue

(sore, cheer, fell bad, cough, stay, flu, take, thanks,  the medicine,  worry)

- How do you feel?

- I … . I’ve got a … throat and a … .

- I think you’ve got … . You should … your temperature and take … .

- Can I go for a walk?

- Of course, no. You must … in bed for some days.

- Oh, no. Poor me!        

- Don’t … . … up. You will be fine soon.

- … .

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