Five-minute Test
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку на тему

Тестовые задания


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Предварительный просмотр:

              Five – Minute Tests (Elementary)

1. Use the right pronoun to complete the sentences.

1. Pete is ill. He asked me to hand in _____ paper.

2. Do you see that man? Do you know _____ ?

3. I don’t know these boys. Have you ever met _____ ?

4. Ann, have you found the article? Have _____ translated _____ ?

5. My dog Rex is here. But where is _____ dog-collar?

2. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the Present Simple or the Past Simple.

be (2)      lose(2)      go      rain      leave(2)      see      meet

1. Jim often _____ things. Yesterday he _____ his umbrella.

2. It _____ sunny today, but yesterday it _____  all day.

3. Last Sunday we _____ to the cinema. The film _____ boring.

4. Lisa usually _____ home at 8 o’clock in the morning. Yesterday she _____ home at 8.15.

5.  I _____ Nick yesterday. I _____ him on the way home.

3. Put in    is/are/do/does.

1. _____ you like your new school?

2. Where _____ your textbook?

3. _____ you usually tired after your classes?

4. _____ she know your phone number?

5. _____ her job boring?

 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. Nick _____ the best runner.                                                               (he is ; is; do; are)

2. What _____ doing now?                                                                 (Ann is; Ann; does Ann; is Ann)

3. ______ to the swimming pool on your days off?

(You usually go; Do you go usually; Do you usually go; Are you go)

4. Where _____ yesterday?                                                                 (Ann did go; did Ann go; Ann went;  was Ann go) 

5. Where _____ next summer?

( were you; will you go; you will go; are you go)

5. Put the verb in the correct form – positive or negative.

Ex. Last weekend we went camping. But the weather was awful. We didn’t enjoy our trip. (enjoy)

1. The sweater was too big for me. I _____ it.  (buy)

2. The test wasn’t very difficult. I _____ enough time to check my answers.  (have)

3. I didn’t want to go to school yesterday because I _____ ready for the test.   (be)

4. He didn’t want to tell the truth. He _____ a lie.   (tell)

5. It was very cold yesterday and I _____ a cold.   (catch)

6. Complete the text using the words.                                                                            

communicate        common         important         written         way

 English plays an (1) _____ part in a teenager’s world. It is the dominant language in youth style and it is one (2) _____  in which teenagers across the world can (3) _____ with each other and share     (4) _____ culture. The existence of graffiti (5)_____ in English in  many countries is one example of this idea.

7. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the text.

1. There are many different animals in the world. There are wild animals and domestic animals. They can be long-legged and short-legged _____

A. The elephant is bigger than the tiger.

B. The giraffe eats leaves and grass.

C. There are long-necked and short-necked animals.

D. The monkey’s tail is longer than the hare’s.

2. After school Ann usually goes home. She has dinner and then _____ .Some time later she takes her dog for a walk.

A. did her homework.

B. is hungry and thirsty.

C. telephoned her friends.                                                                      D. does her homework.

3. There are many different countries in the world –for example, _____ Some countries are large, but others are not.

A. I’d like to visit them.

B. they are very interesting.

C. warm countries and cold countries.

D. the Earth is full of wonders.

4. Tim is a very nice boy. He is always friendly and kind. He has a lot of friends. _____ .

A. He has got a dog.

B. He always helps them if they need it.

C. Tim lives in a big house.

D. He isn’t a sweet tooth.

8. Read the story and write whose pets they are and what they can do.

        Jane, Jack, Dan and Ted are pet lovers. Jane would like to have a hamster, but her mother is afraid of hamsters. Instead, Jane has a parrot. Her parrot is a real chatterbox. Jack always says that he would like to have a horse. He can’t keep a horse as a pet. He has got a dog – Diamond. When ha comes home from school Diamond brings his slippers to him. Dan has got a parrot. His parrot can’t talk, he can sing. Ted has got a cat. The cat teaches her kittens how to hunt mice.

        Kitty’s puppy can give his paw.

        Jane’s _______________ .

        Jack’s _______________ .

        Dan’s _______________ .

        Ted’s _______________ .


9. Open the brackets in  if/when  clauses.

1. I (can) tell Jim about it if I (to see) him.

2. If  I (to get) any news, I (to find)you.

3. Hurry up! If you (not to catch) a taxi, you (not to meet) them at the station.

4. Call for an ambulance, if you (not to feel) better.

5. Your parents (to worry), if you (not to phone) them.

10. Which answers are right. For some questions more than one alternative is possible.

1. Would you like a cup of coffee?

( Yes, I do.       I’d love one.       Yes, please.        No, thanks.)

2. It wasn’t a bad weekend, was it?

( Yes, it was.       No, it was.       No, it wasn’t.       Yes, it wasn’t.)

3. Can I give you a lift?

( Yes, you can.       Yes, please.       Yes, of course.       Yes, you may.)

4. Would you wait half an hour, please?

( Yes, please.       All right.       Yes, I would.       No, I can’t.)

5. Will you be here tomorrow?

( No, I won’t.       I expect so.       No, I’m not.       I don’t expect so.)

 Five – Minute Tests (Elementary)

1. Поставьте нужное местоимение.

1. Pete is ill. He asked me to hand in _____ paper.

2. Do you see that man? Do you know _____ ?

3. I don’t know these boys. Have you ever met _____ ?

4. Ann, have you found the article? Have _____ translated _____ ?

5. My dog Rex is here. But where is _____ dog-collar?

2. Вставьте    is/are/do/does.

1. _____ you like your new school?

2. Where _____ your textbook?

3. _____ you usually tired after your classes?

4. _____ she know your phone number?

5. _____ her job boring?

3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Nick _____ the best runner.                                                               (is; do; are)

2. What _____ doing now?                                                                 (Ann is; Ann; does Ann; is Ann)

3. ______ to the swimming pool on your days off?

(You usually go; Do you go usually; Do you usually go; Are you go)

4. Where _____ yesterday?                                                                 (Ann did go; did Ann go; Ann went;  was Ann go) 

5. Where _____ next summer?

( were you; will you go; you will go; are you go)

4. Выберите правильный ответ(ы).

1. Would you like a cup of coffee?

( Yes, I do.       I’d love one.       Yes, please.        No, thanks.)

2. It wasn’t a bad weekend, was it?

( Yes, it was.       No, it was.       No, it wasn’t.       Yes, it wasn’t.)

3. Can I give you a lift?

( Yes, you can.       Yes, please.       Yes, of course.       Yes, you may.)

4. Would you wait half an hour, please?

( Yes, please.       All right.       Yes, I would.       No, I can’t.)

5. Will you be here tomorrow?

( No, I won’t.       I expect so.       No, I’m not.       I don’t expect so.)

5. Прочитайте текст и напишите чьи это питомцы и что они умеют делать?


Jane, Jack, Dan and Ted are pet lovers. Jane would like to have a hamster, but her mother is afraid of hamsters. Instead, Jane has a parrot. Her parrot is a real chatterbox. Jack always says that he would like to have a horse. He can’t keep a horse as a pet. He has got a dog – Diamond. When ha comes home from school Diamond brings his slippers to him. Dan has got a parrot. His parrot can’t talk, he can sing. Ted has got a cat. The cat teaches her kittens how to hunt mice.


Kitty’s puppy can give his paw.

        Jane’s _______________ .

        Jack’s _______________ .

        Dan’s _______________ .

        Ted’s _______________ .

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