контрольная работа 3 класс
тест по английскому языку на тему

контрольная работа 3 класс по теме "The English Year"


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Form III

Control Work

  1. Spell the words:
  1. [                           ]
  2. [                           ]
  3. [                           ]
  4. [                           ]
  5. [                           ]
  1. Choose the right word:
  1. There _________ in the house.
  1. Is nobody
  2. Are somebody
  3. Isn`t nobody
  1. Winter is _______season.
  1. Cold
  2. Coldest
  3. A cold
  1. Are there _______ toys in your box?
  1. Some
  2. No
  3. Any
  1. Do Russian people drink ______ tea?
  1. Much
  2. Many
  3. Lot
  1. What is she drinking ____, tea or coffee?
  1. Yesterday
  2. Now
  3. Tomorrow
  1. _____you take your pet for a walk yesterday?
  1. Are
  2. Do
  3. Did
  1. Are there many ____ in London Zoo?
  1. Wolf
  2. Wolves
  3. Wolfs
  1. She ___make fish soup next week.
  1. Won`t
  2. Isn`t
  3. Didn`t
  1. Last Sunday my father ____ at home. He went to Africa.
  1. Didn`t
  2. Wasn`t
  3. Didn`t be
  1. It is usually hot in____.
  1. June
  2. new year
  3. june
  1. Write questions for more information:

Jim went to the stadium with Fred last week ( did, who, where)

  1. Write a more general word:
  1. Soup, meat, fish, porridge - _______________
  2. Jeans, sweater, trousers - _________________
  3. Winter, spring, summer- __________________

  1. Find the odd word:
  1. Hand, finger, arm, toe, tail
  2. Morning, evening, night, Monday, afternoon
  3. Shirt, skirt, blouse, jacket, wear

  1. Read the text and do the task below:

Don`t Give Sweets to Bonny

        Ann and Ben liked to watch Bonny, the monkey in the Zoo. She was very funny and the children gave her many sweets.

        One day Bonny was ill.

        Ann and Ben went to the doctor… “Can you help Bonny?”

        “Open your mouth,” said the doctor to Bonny. “Oh, I see. You mustn`t eat sweets. They are not good for your teeth.”

        “We didn`t know that,” said Ann.

        “Every day children give sweets to Bonny. What can we do?” said Ben.

        “Make a sign (плакат)”Don`t give sweets to Bonny!” said the doctor.

        Ann and Ben made a sign and put it on Bonny`s cage.

        Now children can see the sign and they don`t give sweets to her. But Bonny is not happy. She runs and asks for sweets. She is little…

True or false?

  1. Ann and Ben were monkeys.
  2. Bonny liked to give sweets to children.
  3. One day Bonny was ill.
  4. The sweets were not good for Bonny.
  5. Ann and Ben were happy that Bonny was ill.
  6. Ann and Ben made a sign ”Don`t give sweets to Bonny!”
  7. Bonny doesn`t want to eat sweets.

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