Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Сосиева Марина Махарбековна

Итоговые контрольные работы по английскому языку для 3,4,5,6,7,8 классов


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1.       Open the brackets with the correct form of the verb
  1. My uncle ____________(to buy) a new badge yesterday.
  2. His cousin ______    never_______  (to be) to  the Bolshoy Theatre.
  3. I _________________( to celebrate) my birthday next weekend.
  4. Listen! Somebody ____     _________(to sing) my favourite song.
  5. We ________   already _____ (to study) Present Perfect Tense this year.
  6. They usually _____________(to read out) at the lessons.


2.    Complete the questions

  1. They never shout at you,______________  ?
  2. He has gone home, _________________     ?
  3. Mary is standing at the blackboard, _______________ ?
  4. You will meet my mother at the party, _____________?
  5. They have built a new town here, _________________?
  6. You have  been here, ______________________?
  7. Mary didn’t live in a castle, _____________________?

  1. points)
  1. Choose the right word
  1.  We have__________ been to the Zoo. We have watched giraffes and monkeys.  (already/never)
  2. I have ________ been to the Zoo, but I really want to go there. (never/just)
  3. Have you read my book ___________? (already/yet)
  4. She has known me ____________2009  (since/for)
  5. They have been in danger ____________ 2 days (for/since)
  6. Have you ______________ read any book by Stevenson? (ever/never)
  1. points)
  1. Ask questions for more information

Jim went to the circus.

  1. Fill in the gaps with correct form of irregular verbs







Extra  task

  1. Complete the sentences with the words  do, does, did, will, is, are, have, has
  1. _____________   you watering the flowers now?
  2. _____________   you eaten frog’s legs?
  3. _____________   he  go to school on Saturday?
  4. _____________   you ski in the mountains next winter?
  5. _____________    they decorate a Christmas tree last year?
  6. ______________your cousins often visit you?
  7. ______________she wearing the red dress?

Предварительный просмотр:

5 form

  1.    Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form:
  1. When we came to the sports ground they _______    _________  (play) football.
  2. My brothers ______    ___________ (collect) stamps since he was 10.
  3. I  _____________(write) a letter to my cousin last week.
  4. We _________        _________(discuss) the text at 3 o’clock yesterday.
  5. They _______________  (build)  this hotel last year.
  6. Look!  Jack   ___      _____________  (climb) that tall tree!
  7. My aunt _____      __________(to live)  in Europe for 10 years.
  8. He _____(to be fond) of wild animals. He __________ (read) a lot about them.
  9. I can’t get inside, I   ______        __________ (lose) the key.

(10 points)


  1.    Open the brackets to make Passive sentence:

1) The newspapers ___________ (sell) every day by them in newsagents.

2) London __________________ (to visit) by millions of tourists every summer.

3) The box __________________(to bring) 3 days ago by me.

4) An Email ___________________(to read) by my father every morning.

5) An expensive present  _________ (to give) Sam for his last birthday.

(5 points)

    3.      Report the sentences:

1)  Mother says:  “Open the door, please!”

2) My neighbour says: “Do not play the flute after 10 pm!”

3) Tom says: “ I like fruit, especially pears”

4) He asks: “Did you win a victory in football match yesterday?”

5) I say: “ How old are you, Jim?”

  1. Points)

  1.    Change into the Passive Voice:
  1.  They make this furniture in Russia.
  2. My father reads the Email in the morning.
  3. We do not wear jeans to school.
  4. Sam bought an expensive present for me.
  5. The lawyer helped us to correct the documents.

(Extra 10)

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. form

  1.   Open the brackets and put the verb into the correct form:
  1. When we came to the sports ground they _______    _________  (play) football.
  2. My brothers ______    ___________ (collect) stamps since he was 10.
  3. I  _____________(write) a letter to my cousin last week.
  4. We _________        _________(discuss) the text at 3 o’clock yesterday.
  5. They _______________  (build)  this hotel last year.
  6. Look!  Jack   ___      _____________  (climb) that tall tree!
  7. My aunt _____      __________(to live)  in Europe for 10 years.
  8. He _____(to be fond) of wild animals. He __________ (read) a lot about them.
  9. I can’t get inside, I   ______        __________ (lose) the key.
  1. points)

2.   Change into the Passive Voice:

  1.  They make this furniture in Russia.
  2. My father reads the Email in the morning.
  3. We do not wear jeans to school.
  4. Sam bought an expensive present for me.
  5. The lawyer helped us to correct the documents.

(10 points)

                   3.    Report the sentences:

1)  Dr. Brown said:  “Go to bed and have milk with honey”.

2)  Mother said: “Do not forget to take this medicine after meal!”

3) Tom said: “I want to become a lawyer”

4) He asked: “Have you heard the news yet?”

5) I said: “Do you want to become a lawyer?”

(10 points)

4.  Complete the following sentences, referring them tom the future

1) Tom will become a good hockey player if he (to train a lot)

2) You will get into trouble if you (do not listen to your trainer)

3) When Stella (to get the first prize) she will become a famous racer.

4) He will lose the race if he (to run so slowly).

5) When I (to have money) I will take up lawn tennis.

(5 points)

Предварительный просмотр:

7 form, 1 variant

  1. Open the brackets and complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb.
  1. We ______________(to visit) a lot of places of interest this week.
  2. It is so hot, that the chocolate _________________(to melt)
  3.   It ______________(to rain) for several hours when we __________ (to stop) for the night.
  4. When I ____________(to arrive) at the airport  ___________ (to realize) that I ___________(to leave) my documents at home.
  5. Harris said that when the sun __________(to shine) the river ____________(to turn) everything into a golden dream. But at the moment the river ___________(to look) dull and gloomy.

              (10 points)

  1. Use the verb with  / to or V-ing/   to complete the sentences.
  1. The queen watched her ministers (join) the ceremony and then they started the official presentation.
  2. The thieves wanted Oliver (get into) the house through the window.
  3. We wouldn’t like our team  (defeat) yours.
  4. I heard him (remind) his students about the test.
  5. We heard Lenny (shout) at the top of his voice.


  1. Report the statements.
  1. “Did you see the crowd next to the stadium yesterday?” said Peter.
  2. “Where are the berries, which I have brought from the forest?” asked Tom.
  3. “Borrow the book in the library if you don’t have it at home”, asked the teacher.
  4. “Why can’t we enter the room, mother?” asked the children “Father is sleeping”, said their mother. “He has worked hard today”.
  5. She said: “I’ll be very glad to visit that lonely garden”.
  6. The president declared: “The armed forces of the country must be mighty and strong”
  7. Mother said: “Never go to the swamp alone! It is very dangerous!”

(12 points)

  1. Complete the sentences filling in the necessary words.
  1. He entered the room, took ______ his shoes and changed his clothes.
  2. The nurse took _________ the patient’s address.
  3. I don’t need this book anymore, you can take it _______ to the library.
  4. When does the plane take________?
  5. Stella took ________ her elder sister.
  6. The reporters took _________ every word of his speech.
  7. The old lady took _________her glasses and put them into the handbag.
  8. The shop assistant said that they take ________goods if there was a receipt (кассовый чек).

(8 points)

Total 20 points

  1. form, 2variant

1/   Open the brackets and complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb.

  1. The group of tourists from France __________ (to visit) St. Pauls yesterday.
  2. While the young people _________(to walk) along the path, they _________( to argue) angrily.
  3. Look! The man ___________(to smile) at us.  Perhaps he ________(to know) us.
  4. Australia  ___________(to export) wheat, wool and dairy products.
  5. We ______________(to visit) a lot of places of interest this week.
  6. It is so hot, that the chocolate _________________(to melt)
  7.   It ______________(to rain) for several hours when we __________ (to stop) for the night.
  1. oints)

2/   Use the verb with  / to or V-ing/   to complete the sentences.

  1. I have never seen them (sleep) out.
  2. I heard them (discuss) the greenhouse effect yesterday.
  3. Don’t let them destroy animal habitats.
  4. They were made (stop) nuclear tests.
  5. The queen watched her ministers (join) the ceremony and then they started the official presentation.
  1. points)

          3/     Report the statements.

  1. “Did you see the crowd next to the stadium yesterday?” said Peter.
  2. “Where are the berries, which I have brought from the forest?” asked Tom.
  3. “Borrow the book in the library if you don’t have it at home”, asked the teacher.
  4. “Why can’t we enter the room, mother?” asked the children “Father is sleeping”, said their mother. “He has worked hard today”.
  5. She said: “I’ll be very glad to visit that lonely garden”.
  6. The president declared: “The armed forces of the country must be mighty and strong”
  7. Mother said: “Never go to the swamp alone! It is very dangerous!”
  1. oints)

4/  Complete the sentences filling in the necessary words.

  1. He entered the room, took ______ his shoes and changed his clothes.
  2. The nurse took _________ the patient’s address.
  3. I don’t need this book anymore; you can take it _______ to the library.
  4. When does the plane take________?
  5. Stella took ________ her elder sister.
  6. The reporters took _________ every word of his speech.
  7. The old lady took _________her glasses and put them into the handbag.
  8. The shop assistant said that they take ________goods if there was a receipt (кассовый чек).

                                                                           (8 points)

Total 20 points

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                       Final Test   8th form     V I

  1. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. It turned …that children liked the idea of going on a trip.

2. Do you get … well with each other?

3. The teacher will set you … learn phrasal verbs.

4. The thieves got … with our money.

5. Look! The dog has made … with my shoe!

6. Why have you taken my soup …? I haven’t finished it.

7. Jack took… his father. He is very brave.

8. The clock has run … and will stop if not wound.

9. The burglars turned the house … … looking for money.

10. Don’t rush … conclusions.

     II. Complete the Table.

                  Active                                                                                          Passive

1. By the end of the year they had bought the furniture.

                                                                                  2. The square will be restored in a month.

  3 .Don’t worry; we have just settled   your problem.

                                                                                                       4. Telephone was invented by A.Bell.

5. They do not grow rice in the North of Russia.

                                                                                                       6. His suggestion is being discussed.

7. They sent for the doctor at once.

8. We always wait for you, don’t be late again.

III. Translate the sentences using MAKE or DO

1.Мы должны, наконец, сделать выбор.

2. Не хотели бы вы осмотреть город?

3. Я не могу заставить его чистить зубы 2 раза в день.

4. Он сделал много ошибок в контрольной работе.

5. Боюсь, это лекарство может повредить вам.

6.Не могли бы вы составить список гостей?

IV. Finish the sentences using Subjunctive.

  1. If I were a teacher of English…
  2. He would look a lot better if….
  3. If you smoke and drink alcohol …
  4. If I were you …
  5. I wish …
  6. What would you do if …?

                                                         Final Test 8th form                                   V 2

I. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. Please, make it … with your sister, you both look so unhappy.

2. My patience has run … I’m going to punish you.

3. She gets … very well with all girls in her class except Debbie.

4. She turned … to be my sister’s friend.

5. It’s 11 o’clock, high time to get … to work.

6. He is always running … plans and ideas. I don’t like it.

7. I still haven’t got … the shock of failing the exam.

8. Don’t read these letters; just look them…..

9. My task is to make … ten sentences with prepositions.

10. The teacher will set you …learn phrasal verbs.

II. Complete the Table.

                  Active                                                                                          Passive

1. They do not grow tea in the North.

                                                                                                    2. The thief was caught by the police.

3. The government will reduce taxes.

                                                                                                   4. The ring road hasn’t been completed yet.

5. They are repairing the bridge at the moment.

                                                                                                    6. Animals (at the Zoo) must not be fed.

7. They always laugh at the boy. I’m sorry for him.

8. We will speak much about the new bestseller.

III. Translate the sentences using MAKE or DO

  1. Стакан крепкого чая принесет вам пользу.
  2. Мне нравится Петр и мы сразу подружились с ним.
  3. Не могли бы вы оказать мне услугу?
  4. Вы изучаете географию в этом году?
  5. Давайте примем решение читать больше книг.
  6. Я всегда старалась сделать все возможное для вас.

IV. Finish the sentences using Subjunctive

  1. If I were the Principal of our school …
  2. Your coat would look a lot better if …
  3. If you eat a lot of chips and hamburgers …
  4. If I were you …
  5. I wish …
  6.  What would you do if …?

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