Cross-cultural Test
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Лингвострановедческий тест для учащихся старших классов



Предварительный просмотр:

Cross-cultural test

Compiled by Belova A. B.

  1. What type of state is Great Britain?
  1. a constitutional monarchy                        c) a federal republic
  2. a parliamentary monarchy                        d) a democracy
  1. What is the nickname of California?
  1. the Sunflower State                                c) the Magnolia State
  2. the Land of Opportunity                        d) the Golden State
  1. What type of state is the USA?
  1. a democracy                                        c) a constitutional monarchy
  2. a federal republic                                d) a parliamentary monarchy
  1. When is the Independence Day celebrated in the USA?
  1. 5th of May                                        c) 31st of October
  2. 4th of July                                        d) 14th of February
  1. An Insurance Market based in London where about 167 different syndicates compete with each other for business?
  1. Futures Market                                c) London Clearing House
  2. Lloyd’s                                        d) Barclay’s
  1. The first president in the US to be impeached was …?
  1. Bill Clinton                                        c) Richard Nixon
  2. Andrew Johnson                                d) Ronald Reagan
  1. Incandescent light bulb was invented by … .
  1. T. Edison                                        c) I Newton
  2. A Bell                                                d) J Watt
  1. President Nixon’s resignation was caused by … .
  1. Whitewater affair                                c) Watergate scandal
  2. sexual harassment scandal                        d) Iran-Contra affair
  1. How many senators are there in the US senate?
  1. 100                                                c) 200
  2. 50                                                d) 150
  1. Persian Gulf War began in … .
  1. 1998                                                c) 2000
  2. 1995                                                d) 1990
  1. In 1993 President Clinton & President Yeltsin proclaimed end to … .
  1. cold war                                        c) operation Desert Storm
  2. “star wars” program                                d) “Republican Revolution”
  1. The largest city in the US is … .
  1. Washington                                        c) New York
  2. Los Angeles                                        d) Atlanta
  1. The first industrial monopoly in the US ‘Standard Oil Trust” was organized by … .
  1. Henry Ford                                        c) John Rockefeller
  2. Owen Young                                        d) Andrew Carnegie
  1. The first Kodak camera was introduced by … .
  1. Alexander Bell                                c) Thomas Edison
  2. Geoffrey Eastman                                d) John Ericsson
  1. Gold Rush brought thousands of people to … .
  1. California                                        c) Alaska
  2. Mississippi                                        d) Colorado

16) The first movie blockbuster in the US was … .

a) “The Jazz Singer”                                c) “Birth of a Nation”

b) Toll of the Sea”                                d) “The Little Trap”

17 What is the center of automobile industry in the USA?

a) Detroit                                                c) Houston

b) Chicago                                        d) Boston

18. The first factory to introduce 8-hour day & 5-day working week in the USA was … .

a) Ford Motor Company                                c) Coca-Cola Company

b) General Motors Company                        d) Royal Philips Company

19. Who took man’s first walk on the moon?

a) Luis Armstrong                                c) Neil Armstrong

b) Alan Shepard                                        d) Norman Thaclard

20. Who’s the head of the US Senate?

a) the President                                        c) the Speaker

b) the Vice-President                                d) the Prime-Minister

21. Name the place where nearly all English kings & queens have been crowned?

a) Westminster Abbey                                c) the Tower of London

b) St. Paul’s Cathedral                                d) Buckingham Palace

22. Which sport is considered the national pastime in America?

a) baseball                                                c) rugby

b) football                                                d) basketball

23. Elvis Presley lived in … .

a) Las Vegas                                        c) Memphis

b) Manchester                                        d) Denver

24. The American economy system can be described as …

a) a command economy                                c) market economy

b) a free enterprise system                        d) mixed economy

25. Which Georgia-born choreographer created the “modern style of Classical American ballet”?

a) Rudolf Nuriev                                        c) William Forsyte

b) Nickolai Tziskaridze                                 d) George Balanchine

26. The financial heart of New York is … .

a) Wall Street                                        c) the City

b) Park Avenue                                        d) Seventh Avenue

27. What museum does the Tower of London house at present?

a) of wax models                                        c) of arms & armour

b) of modern arts                                        d) of moving image

28. The famous American writer, author of “Sister Carrie” is… .

a) Theodore Dreiser                                c) James Fennimore Cooper

b) Isaac Asimov                                        d) Mark Twain

29. Explain the symbolism of 13 stripes on the US flag.

a) states                                                c) original colonies

b) districts                                                d) counties

30. Who was the youngest elected president in the history of the US?

a) John Kennedy                                        c) Ronald Reagan

b) Theodore Roosevelt                                d) James Carter

31. The longest serving US president was … .

a) Abraham Lincoln                                c) George Washington

b) Harry Truman                                        d) Franklin Roosevelt

32. Which country presented the United States with the Statue of Liberty?

a) Great Britain                                        c) Germany

b) France                                                d) Russia

33. What is the name of the American naval base that the Japanese attacked in 1941?

a) Air-Force Base                                        c) Pentagon

b) Pearl Harbor                                        d) Fort-Knox

34. Which American writer is considered to be the founder of detective genre?

a) J. H. Chase                                        c) Edgar A. Poe

b) Erle S. Gardner                                        d) Agatha Christie

35. Name the 1954 Nobel Laureate in literature who wrote “The Sun Also Rises”.

a) Francis S. Fitzgerald                                c) W. Irving

b) Theodore Dreiser                                d) Ernest Hemingway

36. Name the Russian-born poet who was expelled from Russia & emigrated to the USA?

a) Joseph Brodsky                                c) Robert Rozhdestvensky

b) Nikolai Gumilev                                d) Anna Akhamatova

37. The famous musical “The Cats” was written by:

a) Benjamin Britten                                c) Arthur Sullivan

b) Andrew Lloyd Webber                        d) Henry Wood

38. The only of the Great Lakes which lies entirely on the territory of the USA is … .

a) Lake Ontario                                        c) Lake Superior

b) Lake Michigan                                        d) Lake Huron

39. Which street in London is the center of the British press?

a) High Street                                        c) Fleet Street

b) Downing Street                                d) Harley Street

40. A street in New York where theatres are situated. The symbol of New York show business:

a) Brooklyn                                        c) Broadway

b) Manhattan                                        d) Bronx

41. What happened in London 1666?

a) William the Conqueror invaded London        c) the Great Plague

b) the Romans came to England                        d) the Great Fire

42. One of the Negro ghettos in New York is … .

a) Brighton Beach                                        c) Madison Avenue

b) Harlem                                                d) Times Square

43. Name the university situated in the city of Cambridge in the US.

a) Cambridge University                                c) Harvard University

b) Columbia University                                d) Princeton University

44. The building in which the Congress of the USA sits is called … .

a) Capitol                                                c) Pentagon

b) White House                                        d) Whitehall

45. What is the name of the town where Shakespeare was born?

a) Sheffield                                        c) Liverpool

b) Stratford-on-Avon                                d) Nottingham

46. The Guggenheim is :

a) a museum of modern arts                        c) a science museum

b) an Opera House in New-York                        d) the seat of the USA Congress

47. Name the stadium in London where international football matches take place?

a) Wembley                                        c) Derby

b) Wimbledon                                        d)

48. Andy Warhol is one of the leaders of American:

a) conceptual art                                        c) graffiti art

b) pop-art                                                d) op-art

49. The longest river in the USA is:

a) the Colorado                                        c) the Missouri

b) the Columbia                                        d) the Mississippi

50. Where is the famous Whispering Gallery situated in London?

a) St. Paul’s Cathedral                                c) Houses of Parliament

b) Buckingham Palace                                d) National Gallery

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