The history of English language
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Слайд 1

English Language .

Слайд 2

A brief history of the formation of the English language. The history of the English language begins with the appearance of the islands of the Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and Utah), which won Britain during the five century BC . Scientists distinguish three periods in the history of the formation of the English language: Old English (450 - 1100 AD.) Middle English (1100 - 1500 g.) New (modern) English (1500 - present)

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Old English period (450 - 1100 AD.) Conquer Britain Germanic tribes spoke virtually the same language, which gave rise to the formation of the ancient English. This language was not like the modern English language. However, about half of the most common words in a modern language are ancient roots. Old English was also influenced by the Scandinavian dialects. Romanization of language was a result of the spread of Christianity in this area in England. In 8-9 centuries in the language is changed to Latin.

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Middle English period (1100 - 1500 years.) In 1066, William the Conqueror invaded and conquered England. The Normans brought with him to the French state, which became the language of the Royal Court. In this period, in the language of class differences existed when the lower classes spoke English and spoke French to know language. In the 14th century English became the main language in Britain again, but it entered the vocabulary of so many words of French origin. English grammar is developed independently. London dialect, the official state language and the fundamentals of the modern literary language was formed in the 15th century.

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New (modern) English period (1500 - present) Since the late Middle Ages began a significant change in the pronunciation of the English language, when the vowels become shorter and shorter. From the 16th century, many new words and phrases entered the language system. Typography promote the standardization of the English language. Pronunciation and grammar become resistant and the London dialect became the standard. In 1604 it was published the first English dictionary. Later, the main differences between the early and late medieval English Modern English were visible in the dictionary.

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Options Modern English Net: British English American English Australian English Canadian English Hybrid: Pidgin English Beach-la-Mar Kroo English

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Countries closest to the classic English language Australia New Zealand These countries due to geographical isolation unexposed strong influence of other languages and cultures.

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English is the native language in Canada USA Great Britain New Zealand Australia

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Borrowed words in the English language: plaid slogan Celts Castra (лагерь) Latin lancaster manchester streta street улицы vallum wall стена vinum wine вино Anglo-Saxons call- вызов, cast - бросать, die- умирать, take- брать, ugly- безобразный, ill - больно, they- они, their - их Vikings

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Originally the English word Drawing The percentage of loans

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Borrowing from the Romans

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Borrowing from the Romans

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"Horizontal matching" between English and French (borrowings in vocabulary) "Horizontal matching" between English and French (borrowings in vocabulary)

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The word mother in different languages

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