Контрольная работа 9 класс 1 четверть (УМК Enjoy English)
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Афанасьева Юлия Владимировна

Контрольная работа за 1 четверть по материалам УМК "Enjoy English" 9 класс Unit 1 в двух вариантах.


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                              Контрольная работа по английскому языку

9 класс, I четверть, УМК Биболетова «Enjoy English-9»

1 вариант




  1. Listening

Listen to the text and write T fo True, F for False.

  1. The writer went to the theatre._______
  2. He cried all the way through the new film.______
  3. This restaurant does actually exist.______
  4. The owner of the restaurant was very angry with the director.______
  5. In the film in the restaurant everything goes right.______
  6. The film company paid her much money.______
  7. Jane was afraid that people will stop coming.______
  8. She decided to contact with famous magazine._______

II. Fill in articles, where is necessary.  

  1. How many  bridges were there in … London at …beginning of … 11th century?
  2. Did you travel to …North?
  3. We had …wonderful time in … Windsor Safary Park?
  4. … Mr.West lives in … small town in … west of … England.
  5. Do you like to travel by … plane or by … car?
  6. Where is … Red Square?

 III. Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.

1. You shouldn’t be rude to people who are trying to help you. … advice if you don’t like it, but behave yourself.    

a) ignore               b)deserve                 c)confess                      d)follow

2. Nobody except us knew about the plan. It means that the person who …us is here in this room.

a) had betrayed               b)betray            c)has betrayed               d)was betrayed

3. I envy her because she is so good at languages. She … Italian for only a year and can already speak it perfectly.    

a) have been learning     b)had learnt     c)has been learning         d)was learning

4. When the fire began, I found out that the door was locked. It was my roommate who … me from the fire.

a) rescued         b)has rescued          c)had been rescuing                   d)rescues

5. Wherever we live and … language we speak we all need friends.

a) whoever              b)however              c)whatever                d)whenever


IV. Read the words and find their definitions.

1) a chatterbox                         a) to behave dishonestly towards a person who believes you

2) a bore                                   b) it’s hard to believe

3) to appreciate                        c) to be grateful for something

4) to betray                               d) someone who is boring

5) to deserve                             e) to have a bad feeling towards somebody

6) to envy                                  f)someone who talks too much

7) incredible                              g) to earn something by actions

V.  Choose the right answer.

1)        He ___ in the garden when Tom ___.

        A)        sat; was coming    B) was sitting; came

2)        I ___ a message from Kelly last Saturday.

        A)        have got    B) got

3)        My mother wasn’t at the shop when I ___.

        A)        had come     B) came

4)        For long month she ___ his secret.

        A)        had been keeping    B) had kept

5)        Our car ___ at the moment.

         A)        is being cleaned    B) is cleaned

6)        He doesn’t try hard,___?

         A)        do he    B) doesn’t he     C) does he

7)        His name ___ in the book.

         A)        hasn’t been mentioned        B) wasn’t mentioned

8)        I think he ___ the address already.

         A)        has found    B) has been found

9)        There is nobody there,___?

        A)        is there    B) isn’t there    C) does there

10)        Mary has just written a letter,___?

         A)        has she        B) doesn’t she     C) hasn’t she

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