«Роль игровых постановок в изучении английского языка» ,презентация «Подводный мир»
статья по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Игровые постановки- замечательный способ дополнительной мотивации детей разных ступеней обучения. В учебной сфере происходит развитие всех УУД, в воспитательной -сплачивается  учебный коллектив, происходит тесное взаимодействие учеников, родителей и учителя,  что немаловажно. С психологической точки зрения  учащиеся учатся превозмогать свои  комплексы, характерные для каждого возраста.

Предлагаемая постановка расширяет кругозор учащихся, обогащает словарный запас и развивает актерские способности.

Ценность данной постановки в том, что в ней может быть задействован весь класс. А красивые костюмы и музыка сделают из этого мероприятия настоящее шоу, что безусловно поднимет и личную самооценку учащихся и уровень их знаний.




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Предварительный просмотр:

«Роль игровых постановок в изучении английского языка» ,презентация «Подводный мир» , автор- учитель английского языка Осминина Елена Сергеевна, МОБУ СОШ33 г.Якутск

        Игровые постановки- замечательный способ дополнительной мотивации детей разных ступеней обучения. В учебной сфере происходит развитие всех УУД, в воспитательной -сплачивается  учебный коллектив, происходит тесное взаимодействие учеников, родителей и учителя,  что немаловажно. С психологической точки зрения  учащиеся учатся превозмогать свои  комплексы, характерные для каждого возраста.

Предлагаемая постановка расширяет кругозор учащихся, обогащает словарный запас и развивает актерские способности.

Ценность данной постановки в том, что в ней может быть задействован весь класс. А красивые костюмы и музыка сделают из этого мероприятия настоящее шоу, что безусловно поднимет и личную самооценку учащихся и уровень их знаний.

Presentation  "Underwater World"

for Class 6

 (On a stage there is a boy, he is fishing)

 (Pulls out a goldfish)

Boy:  Wow!

Goldfish:  Let me go, a boy! I am  the queen of all seas and oceans and  I will fulfill your three wishes!

Boy: Well, swim  but first, show me your  underwater kingdom.

Goldfish:Your first wish will be fulfilled. Follow me!


Song Natalie "A Sea Turtle", dance

Turtle 1.Hello, boy. We, turtles live in the world more than 220 million years

2. There are about 230 (two hundred and thirty) different kinds of us on every continent except Antarctica.

3. Our favorite meal- shellfish, fish and seaweed.

4. We spend our life in the water and come ashore only to lay eggs - from a few dozen to 200 (two hundred) shares.

5.So long!

(Turtles swim away)


Music "crab"

1. Hello, I'm a  Crab. We are around 400 (four hundred) types. We live in the oceans, in rare cases on land.

2. My pantsir  is  my protection, but it does not grow along with me. When he gets too close, I throw it away

3. The world's largest Krab- Japanese spider crab. Its shell is 30 cm and the distance from one foot to drugoy- 3m 20cm.

4. I have to go, bye!

3. Jellyfish

Goldfish: A Boy, can you guess my riddle?

                The skirt, the tentacles from the belly

                Like jelly - swimming ...

M: Jellyfish!

1. Hello, we’ve got our name from the legendary snake-haired Medusa from Greek mythology. There are more than 2000 species of  us.

2. By the way, have you heard that  in Japan first jellyfish robots have appeared. They can "dance" to the music.

3. Jellyfish has no brain, no heart, no bones, but 24 eyes. We are in the Book of Guinness thanks to the huge jellyfish CYAN HAIRY, whose hat was more than 2 meters in diameter and tentacles 36 meters long!

4. Our body is shaped like a bell or umbrella and consists of water for 98% . Our favorite food is plankton, fish eggs and larvae. But in some countries, such as Japan and China, we  are food !


Boy: Interesting idea!

The song "Jellyfish"  from the cartoon  “Sponge Bob ”(The boy takes a net and tries to catch the jellyfish, at the end, they put the net on the boy’s head and run away)


M: Thank you, the goldfish, for such a merry meeting! And what about the Yakut fish? Can I see it?

Music "Sturgeon" muffled, not loud background

Goldfish: Of course! Yakutia is rich in fish: Siberian Sturgeon, whitefish, omul, salmon etc. But today, you will meet with the sturgeon, as it and its caviar, became one of the trademarks of  Russia in the 19th century

Sturgeon: 1. Good afternoon! I am the Siberian Sturgeon.

2. Unfortunately, my family is threatened with extinction. But we can still be found in many north rivers.

3. Our images are often found on the arms of the cities.

4. And now, let me leave.

M: Goodbye, Your Highness! (The boy bows, Sturgeon swims away)


Goldfish: And now I want to show you real friends of people. They are always happy to help, play or even save your life. I talk about … dolphins!

(The song "Dolphins", dance)

Boy: Tell us about yourselves ,please

D: 1. We belong to the class of mammals. All the seas and oceans are our home.

2. Our most well-known species are: black, mottled, gray, right whale, killer whales.

The whole dolphin family includes about 50 species.

3 Our nutrition includes a variety of fish, squid and shrimp. To catch a prey, we can develop a speed of  40 km / h.

4. We are similar to you in many ways:

 - We both  live in families, feed our  children with milk, need eight hours of sleep, air, sun and water!

5. It's time to go for us!

(Dolphins swim away )


Music "flock of Pisces"

Boy: You are so beautiful! Why do you swim in a flock?

Fish: 1. It is safier than swimming alone.

2. We use the so-called effect of embarrassment –

3.- We swim together and when we see a predator, - rush in all directions.

 4. It is difficult to catch  us and often after several unsuccessful attacks our enemy stops hunting.

5. We always have the leader -the strongest and most intelligent fish.

6.But sometimes it falls into the jaws of a predator too.

The song "Sharks"

(Sharks appear catch a fish, want to eat it. But the fish swims away ...)


A: 1. Don’t  be afraid!  In fact, sharks don’t attack people so often. But don’t forget that we are predators, too.

2. Only the sight of our teeth terrifies, that's why we were drawn on the pirates’ flags! And the amount of  our teeth can reach up to 15,000!

3. We inhabit all the oceans, the main food for us is fish, mammals, plankton and crustaceans. By nature we are very curious, that’s why people often can find different interesting  things in our stomach:  rubber boots, bottles, toys, etc  (show these items)

4. There are about 460 (four hundred and sixty) species of sharks. The most famous are: Whale, Bull, white, tiger, hammerhead shark.

5. Farewell, boy, it's time to hunt!

(Sharks swim)


Music "The Little Mermaid" muffled quietly, background

Goldfish: And now you’ll see quite an amazing fish…People devote verses to her, write stories and make movies. Artists paint beautiful paintings and sculptors create memorials in her honor. One of the most famous memorials is in Copenhagen. Everybody knows about her, but no one saw… except you ...

(Mermaid appears on the stage)


Mermaid: I live on the seabed in the palace of roses, with my sisters and  father. My sweetest dream is to become a real girl. I will run, dance and laugh loudly!

Boy: It's a real mermaid! Goldfish, I give my second wish to her! Let her dream come true!

Goldfish: As you wish…, a miracle has happened!

(The Little Mermaid turns into a girl)

Mermaid: Finally my dream will come true! I'll become a pupil!

Boy: Come to us in 5B?

Mermaid: 5B- it is for me!

See you in school!)

(The Little Mermaid goes to the back of the stage)


The song "Whale", dance

(whale and two fish-remora  appear on the scene)

Remora: 1. Hello, we are remora fish. We have a host who feeds and carries us.

2. The name of our host is the blue whale. It is the largest living animal. Its length is 33 (thirty three) meters, and the weight can exceed 150 tons.

3. Whales swim mostly alone. Their historic habitat includes all the world's oceans.

4. Our host lives about 90 years. His heart is truly the world's largest and it  weighs about a ton!

Boy: Wow!

5. We should go, bye- bye!

Boy: Goodbye!


Music "sea monster"

(A sea monster appears on the stage)

Boy (surprised): Who is it? I’m afraid!

Goldfish: And this is a mysterious sea monster. But I won’t tell you about it a word. You ’ll know everything yourself when you grow up ...

And by the way, a  boy, you've got left the  last wish ...

Boy: Oh, I’ve loved your underwater kingdom so much that my third wish will be to meet all of you again!

Goldfish: And this wish will be fulfilled! I know that in the future, you’ll become a well-known researcher, sank to the bottom of the sea in a huge yellow submarine and you see all of us.

 (The song "Yellow Submarine", the characters  sing together)

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