Учебно-методическое пособие «LOOK FOR YOUR BEST TRAINING» (Лексико-грамматические задания для подготовки к экзамену ОГЭ и ЕГЭ с использованием ИКТ)
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Лексико-грамматические задания для  подготовки к экзамену ОГЭ и ЕГЭ  с использованием ИКТ


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Слайд 1

УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ « LOOK FOR YOUR BEST TRAINING » (лексико-грамматические задания для подготовки к экзамену ОГЭ и ЕГЭ с использованием ИКТ) Составитель: Левандовская Г.В.

Слайд 2

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Данное пособие содержит тренировочные тестовые задания для подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по английскому языку «Грамматика и лексика». Наличие ключей к каждому заданию позволит эффективно выбрать нужный вариант

Слайд 3

Содержание Variant № 1 ( Задание 1) Key Variant № 2 ( Задание 2) Key Variant № 3 ( Задание 3) Key Variant № 4 ( Задание 4) Key Variant № 5 ( Задание 5) Key Variant № 6 ( Задание 6) Key

Слайд 4

Задание №1 Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4- В10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В4- В10.

Слайд 5

An Accident That morning, the "Swinging Four" group had set out from Derby, full of hope for the evening. They were on their way to Sheffield where they hoped _____ at a dance in the Three Kings Pub that night. The shopkeeper where they had bought their guitars and drums was getting very angry with them. Mick, the leader of the group, ________ a letter last Monday from the shop. They still had fifty pounds left to pay for their instruments. If they didn't pay within two weeks, they would have to give the instruments back. PLAY RECEIVE B4 B5

Слайд 6

Now they __________ at the side of the road just outside Sheffield ________ unhappily at the steaming bonnet of the old car that had just exploded. Mick looked at the car again and turned to Peter who _____ all about cars. "Come on, Peter. What's the matter with it?" Peter lifted the bonnet and examined the engine. "I've no idea," he said. "It _________ only a month ago. I think it's time we bought another car. I'll try and get a lift to the ______ garage and ask them to come and look at the car. We must get to Sheffield in time." They all looked at the road . B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 STAND LOOK KNOW REPAIR NEAR

Слайд 7

An Accident That morning, the "Swinging Four" group had set out from Derby, full of hope for the evening. They were on their way to Sheffield where they hoped _____ at a dance in the Three Kings Pub that night. The shopkeeper where they had bought their guitars and drums was getting very angry with them. Mick, the leader of the group, ___________ a letter last Monday from the shop. They still had fifty pounds left to pay for their instruments. If they didn't pay within two weeks, they would have to give the instruments back. B4 B5 to play had received

Слайд 8

Now they ____________ at the side of the road just outside Sheffield ________ unhappily at the steaming bonnet of the old car that had just exploded. Mick looked at the car again and turned to Peter who _____ all about cars. "Come on, Peter. What's the matter with it?" Peter lifted the bonnet and examined the engine. "I've no idea," he said. "It ____________ only a month ago. I think it's time we bought another car. I'll try and get a lift to the ______ garage and ask them to come and look at the car. We must get to Sheffield in time." They all looked at the road . B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 have standing looking knew was repaired nearest

Слайд 9

Задание №2 Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11 - В16, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы В11- В16.

Слайд 10

The Oldest Road The M1 road is the grandfather of the British motorway system. The southern section celebrated its silver jubilee in November 1984. Nowadays it is a mass of traffic with large numbers of trucks, and you need all your _______ on the road. Not that this matters too much. This part follows a _______ route north from the capital, and the sights here are not at all special. Only when you reach Bedfordshire, and the pace relaxes slightly, it is worth considering turning off. From there on you can find a lot of ______ things to do. B11 B12 B13 ATTENTIVE TRADITION VARY

Слайд 11

The countryside isn't spectacular, but it is almost always lovely and _______ typical English shire country, with rolling hills, good walks and views, interesting churches and ________ country houses. Further north, there is an interesting mixture of handsome market and industrial sites and ______ country in the foothills of the Pennines. B14 B15 B16 ENJOY BEAUTY PLEASURE

Слайд 12

The Oldest Road The M1 road is the grandfather of the British motorway system. The southern section celebrated its silver jubilee in November 1984. Nowadays it is a mass of traffic with large numbers of trucks, and you need all your _______ __ on the road. Not that this matters too much. This part follows a _______ route north from the capital, and the sights here are not at all special. Only when you reach Bedfordshire, and the pace relaxes slightly, it is worth considering turning off. From there on you can find a lot of ______ things to do. B11 B12 B13 attention tradition various

Слайд 13

The countryside isn't spectacular, but it is almost always lovely and _______ typical English shire country, with rolling hills, good walks and views, interesting churches and ________ country houses. Further north, there is an interesting mixture of handsome market and industrial sites and ______ country in the foothills of the Pennines. B14 B15 B16 enjoyable beautiful pleasant

Слайд 14

Задание №3 Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами А22 – А28. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям А22 – А28, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

Слайд 15

Searching for a New Programme A health lifestyle can vastly improve your well-be-ing. This is a lifestyle designed for those who wish to feel more certain about their health and more in control of what the present and future will bring them in that important A22 ____ of existence. None of us wants to be sick. None of us enjoys the idea that we may become a medical statistic. This is a simple, easy-to-follow health-style that can enable you to get cards very much in your А23 ___. The doctors were fortunate enough to come into А24 ___ with a field of study that brought them to healing and well-being that they so desperately needed. They personally have A25 ___ thousands of people improve their health using only a small part of information.

Слайд 16

A22 A23 A24 A25 Sector 1) Benefit Touch 1) Confessed 2) Region 2) Advantage 2) Contact 2) Witnessed 3) Area 4) Territory 3) Privilege 4) Favour 3) View 4) Connection 3) Determined 4) Recognized

Слайд 17

Much more people begin to improve their health now. Embracing the most current information from many health-related fields, the programme of health lifestyle gives you an understanding of the impact of exercise, breathing, sunshine, sleep and much more on your health. In order for this programme to work for you, you have to be willing to apply at least some part of it. Some change will be A26 ___. And as you make those first modest changes, you will get positive results that encourage you to do more. Changing is fun. And if you realize that your new health lifestyle A27 ___ the making of new habits, not the A28 ___ of old ones, you will feel very positive about what the future holds for you.

Слайд 18

A26 A27 A28 1) Order 2) Commanded 3) Forced 4) Required 1) Contains 2) Cinsists 3) Involves 4) Encloses 1) Breaking 2) Damaging 3) Ruining 4) Destroying

Слайд 19

A22 A23 A24 A25 1) Sector 1) Benefit Touch 1) Confessed 2) Region 2) Advantage 2) Contact 2) Witnessed 3) Area 4) Territory 3) Privilege 4) Favour 3) View 4) Connection 3) Determined 4) Recognized

Слайд 20

A26 A27 A28 1) Order 2) Commanded 3) Forced 4) Required 1) Contains 2) Cinsists 3) Involves 4) Encloses 1) Breaking 2) Damaging 3) Ruining 4) Destroying

Слайд 21

Задание № 4 Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте , если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию .

Слайд 22

As old as a brontosaurus As we walked around the Prehistoric Park in Calgary, I had my six-year-old son, Jordie, pose for a picture with a brontosaurus in the background. After I took the photo, I ________ help crying. "What’s wrong, Mom?" he asked. I explained that when I was his age, my parents had taken my picture standing in exactly the same spot, and I was feeling rather nostalgic. I addad that perhaps one day he _________ his son’s picture here. Puzzled, he looked several times from the brontosaurus to ___ And then came the ____________ moment of my life. My son said,"But…it was alive then, right?" NOT CAN TAKE I BAD would take me worst

Слайд 23

On this day, Russia celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany and honours 20 million Soviet people who died in the war. May 9 _____________ since in the night of the 8th/9th of 1945, the Nazi Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union and the Allies in Berlin. In Russia, almost every family has at least one person who __________ . part in the war. Older citizens who didn't fight during the war worked in factories to make weapons, which was not __________ than fighting. They, too are honoured on Victory Day. CHOOSE TAKE EASY Victory day

Слайд 24

A recent study may have an answer to one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in science - what is the purpose of sleep? The work suggests it's ______________ about making animals function more efficiently in their environments. ________________ from the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a study of the sleep times of a broad range of animals. They discovered much variation. You may think it is __________________ but some migrating birds can fly non-stop for up to 90 hours. Pythons and bats are among the longest _________________ at over 18 hours a day. Humans babies need 16 hours and their health and intellectual _________________ depend on sleeping properly. Most of us probably feel we need around eight hours sleep to function well. Some people have _________________ in getting enough sleep and this may lead to serious health problems. REAL SCEINCE POSSIBLE SLEEP DEVELOP DIFFICULT Why do we sleep ?

Слайд 25

As we walked around the Prehistoric Park in Calgary, I had my six-year-old son, Jordie, pose for a picture with a brontosaurus in the background. After I took the photo, I __________ help crying. "What’s wrong, Mom?" he asked. I explained that when I was his age, my parents had taken my picture standing in exactly the same spot, and I was feeling rather nostalgic. I addad that perhaps one day he __________ his son’s picture here. Puzzled, he looked several times from the brontosaurus to ___ And then came the _________ moment of my life. My son said,"But…it was alive then, right?" As old as a brontosaurus couldn‘t would take me worst

Слайд 26

On this day, Russia celebrates the victory over Nazi Germany and honours 20 million Soviet people who died in the war. May 9 _______________ since in the night of the 8th/9th of 1945, the Nazi Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union and the Allies in Berlin. In Russia, almost every family has at least one person who __________ part in the war. Older citizens who didn't fight during the war worked in factories to make weapons, which was not ___________ than fighting. They, too are honoured on Victory Day. was chosen took easier Victory day

Слайд 27

A recent study may have an answer to one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in science - what is the purpose of sleep? The work suggests it's __________ about making animals function more efficiently in their environments. _______________ from the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a study of the sleep times of a broad range of animals. They discovered much variation. You may think it is _____________ but some migrating birds can fly non-stop for up to 90 hours. Pythons and bats are among the longest ______________ at over 18 hours a day. Humans babies need 16 hours and their health and intellectual _____________________ depend on sleeping properly. Most of us probably feel we need around eight hours sleep to function well. Some people have ________________ in getting enough sleep and this may lead to serious health problems. really Scientists impossible sleepers development difficulty Why do we sleep ?

Слайд 28

Задание №5. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В4-В10, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Слайд 29

B4. Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand. The country even has a Rugby Museum. The game _________ there as early as the 1860s. B5. The game spread quickly. Soon New Zealand’s national team appeared. It _________ the “All Blacks” and not because of the colour of the players skin. B6. They got their name because all the _________ in the team wore black shorts, shirts, socks and shoes when they play rugby. B7. In 1884 they went to New South Wales, Australia to play and won eight games! It was the _________ international competition for them. B8. Before a rugby match, the “All Blacks” dance a special Maori war dance. The Maories are the New Zealand aborigines. It _________ that all the players in the team are Maori but they all perform the dance. B9. Today the most popular player is Jonah Lomu. He is a _________ legend of New Zealand rugby. B10. He was just 19 when he started playing of birds for the “All Blacks” in 1994 and became the _________ player in rugby history. PLAY CALL MAN ONE NOT MEAN LIVE YOUNG

Слайд 30

B4. Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand. The country even has a Rugby Museum. The game _________ there as early as the 1860s. B5. The game spread quickly. Soon New Zealand’s national team appeared. It _________ the “All Blacks” and not because of the colour of the players skin. B6. They got their name because all the _________ in the team wore black shorts, shirts, socks and shoes when they play rugby. B7. In 1884 they went to New South Wales, Australia to play and won eight games! It was the _________ international competition for them. B8. Before a rugby match, the “All Blacks” dance a special Maori war dance. The Maories are the New Zealand aborigines. It _________ that all the players in the team are Maori but they all perform the dance. B9. Today the most popular player is Jonah Lomu. He is a _________ legend of New Zealand rugby. B10. He was just 19 when he started playing of birds for the “All Blacks” in 1994 and became the _________ player in rugby history. was played was called men first doesn’t mean living youngest

Слайд 31

Задание №6. Прочитайте текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В11-В16, однокоренные слова, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Слайд 32

B11. In autumn you can see large flocks of birds flying from Russia to warmer countries. In spring, they come to us. Migration is the periodic seasonal _________ of birds. B12. The main routes connect Europe and Africa, Europe and South Eastern Asia and Australia. North and South America. How do we know about these routes? _________ study birds. They catch birds, place small bands with numbers on the birds legs and then let the birds fly away. Some of these banded birds are caught again. The band tells about the route. B13. Some birds fly very _________ and then can feed on the wing. They migrate in the daytime. B14. Swallows and swifts do this. Cuckoos fly during the night and rest and feed during the day. Swimming birds can fly both during the day and night, in compete _________ . B15. How long can birds fly for without a stop? The tiny hummingbird weights only about as much as a small coin. But it has _________ wings. B16. It flies 1,000 km across the Gulf of Mexico to the southern coast of the United States in 24 hours without a stop! You may think it _________ , but other small birds can fly non-stop for up to 90 hours! MOVE SCIENCE QUICK DARK POWER POSSIBLE

Слайд 33

B11. In autumn you can see large flocks of birds flying from Russia to warmer countries. In spring, they come to us. Migration is the periodic seasonal _________ of birds. B12. The main routes connect Europe and Africa, Europe and South Eastern Asia and Australia. North and South America. How do we know about these routes? _________ study birds. They catch birds, place small bands with numbers on the birds legs and then let the birds fly away. Some of these banded birds are caught again. The band tells about the route. B13. Some birds fly very _________ and then can feed on the wing. They migrate in the daytime. B14. Swallows and swifts do this. Cuckoos fly during the night and rest and feed during the day. Swimming birds can fly both during the day and night, in compete _________ . B15. How long can birds fly for without a stop? The tiny hummingbird weights only about as much as a small coin. But it has _________ wings. B16. It flies 1,000 km across the Gulf of Mexico to the southern coast of the United States in 24 hours without a stop! You may think it _________ , but other small birds can fly non-stop for up to 90 hours! movement Scientists quickly darkness powerful impossible

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