Дополнительные задания по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"
материал по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему

Тимченко Евгения Сергеевна

Comparative and superlative adjectives


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Предварительный просмотр:

Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets.

1. The giraffe has got the …………………..neck. (long)

2. She has got a …………………….doll. (new)

3. His brother is the ………………….pupil. (clever)

4. Mary is a …………………………..daughter. (good)

5. The snake was ………………than the crocodile. (short)

6. I saw a ………………………kitten in the shop yesterday. (funny)

7. Bob is ……………………than Nick. (old)

Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets.

1. The giraffe has got the …………………..neck. (long)

2. She has got a …………………….doll. (new)

3. His brother is the ………………….pupil. (clever)

4. Mary is a …………………………..daughter. (good)

5. The snake was ………………than the crocodile. (short)

6. I saw a ………………………kitten in the shop yesterday. (funny)

7. Bob is ……………………than Nick. (old)

Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets.

1. The giraffe has got the …………………..neck. (long)

2. She has got a …………………….doll. (new)

3. His brother is the ………………….pupil. (clever)

4. Mary is a …………………………..daughter. (good)

5. The snake was ………………than the crocodile. (short)

6. I saw a ………………………kitten in the shop yesterday. (funny)

7. Bob is ……………………than Nick. (old)

Предварительный просмотр:

Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets

1. This doll is ……..      than that doll. (good)

2. I have got a very …………..   friend. (clever)

3. My mother is the …………….    woman. (beautiful)

4. Mike is the ……………….  pupil in the class. (bad)

5. Wolves are…………………than cats. (big)

6. I saw a ……………monkey in the Zoo yesterday. (funny)

7. Mary is ……………………..than Nelly. (old)

Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets

1. This doll is ……..      than that doll. (good)

2. I have got a very …………..   friend. (clever)

3. My mother is the …………….    woman. (beautiful)

4. Mike is the ……………….  pupil in the class. (bad)

5. Wolves are…………………than cats. (big)

6. I saw a ……………monkey in the Zoo yesterday. (funny)

7. Mary is ……………………..than Nelly. (old)

Complete the sentences with the words in the brackets

1. This doll is ……..      than that doll. (good)

2. I have got a very …………..   friend. (clever)

3. My mother is the …………….    woman. (beautiful)

4. Mike is the ……………….  pupil in the class. (bad)

5. Wolves are…………………than cats. (big)

6. I saw a ……………monkey in the Zoo yesterday. (funny)

7. Mary is ……………………..than Nelly. (old)

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