Тест по грамматике для 5 классов- Present Simple- Present Continuous
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Кренделева Светлана Николаевна

  Тест составлен для учащихся 5 классов, с целью выявления степени усвоения ими   " Настоящего длительного и настоящего простого" времени. Проведится в 1 четверти.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test ( Lesson 2)

I  variant

  1.  Choose the correct item
  1.  We ……to Saint- Petersburg now.
  1. is going b) are going c) go
  1. She usually……the house in the morning.
  1. cleans  b) Is cleaning c) clean
  1. Ben … the date on the blackboard at the moment.
  1. are writing b) writes c) is writing
  1. It often …. in autumn.

a ) rain b) is raining c) rains

  1. You ….     a  cake now .
  1. is eating b) are eating c) eat
  1. Listen! Alf      ….. .
  1.  is singing  b) sings c) singing
  1. My father ….in Moscow.
  1. is working b) works c ) work
  1. We ….. sometimes  golf.
  1. are playing b) is playing c) play
  1. Every  day I …. dinner  at two o’clock.
  1. has b) have c) am having
  1. Her parents ….. their house in the country now.
  1. are building b) builds c) is building
  1. Open the brackets put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
  1. His uncle (to make a speech) now.
  2. They always (to visit) their grandmother during summer holidays.
  3. My little sister ( to wash) her doll in the bath at the moment.
  4. Susan usually (to travel) around Europe every holiday.
  5.  I sometimes (to come) home at 7 o’clock.
  6. I (to leave) for Paris at the moment.

Test ( Lesson 2)

I  variant

  1. Choose the correct item
  1. They …… about Australia now.
  1. are travelling b) travel c) is travelling
  1.  Kate ….. to music every evening.
  1. listen b) is listening c) listens
  1. Look! Jack …..a picture.
  1. is taking  b)  taking c ) takes
  1. It sometimes (to snow) in November.
  1. snows b)  snowing c) snow
  1. They ….  at the stadium at the moment.
  1. run b) is running c) are running
  1. Margaret …… hard in the garden at the moment.
  1. work b) is working c) are working
  1. Tom always …. at expensive hotels.
  1. Is staying b) stay c) stays
  1. You seldom ….. eat fish.
  1.  eat  b) eats c) is eating
  1. I …… my bed every morning.
  1. Does b) doing c) do
  1.  The children   ….  their teacher now.
  1. Is helping b) are helping c) help

II.Open the brackets put the verbs into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

  1. My friend    to visit) London now.
  2. We seldom   (to travel ) by ship.
  3. Her mother (  to wash) up at the moment.
  4. Sam usually  ( to watch ) TV in the evening.
  5. I often ( to walk ) in the park.
  6. I   to clean ) my teeth now.

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