Урок в форме телевизионной программы «Dress right »
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Антонова Зоя Ивановна

урок обобщения и систематизации знаний по теме "Одежда"


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Урок в форме телевизионной программы   «Dress right »

 Written by Zoya Antonova

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний


Вид урока: беседа


Метод урока:  коммуникативный



  1. обучения: формирование знаний, умений и навыков по теме «Одежда»;


  1. воспитания: формирование взглядов, убеждений, качеств личности;


  1. развития: развитие интересов, мышления, речи, воли.

Дидактические задачи:


1)    мотивировать и стимулировать деятельность учащихся, активировать необходимые знания по теме «Одежда»;


2)    формировать новые понятия и способы действий;


3)    применять понятия и способы действий на практике.

Дидактические методы: информационно- рецептивный


Форма деятельности: беседа


Способы организации деятельности преподавателя и учащихся:  фронтальный


Оборудование урока:

  • раздаточный материал;
  • картины по теме «Одежда»;
  • презентация;
  • жетоны;
  • ИКТ.

Применяемая технология:  здоровьесберегающая


Использование классной доски:  на доске записываются новые слова по данной теме














  1. Организационный момент


T. – Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you.

P. – Good morning, good morning, good morning to you

       Good morning, good morning , we are glad to see you!

T. – Sit down. Who is on duty today?

P1—I am on duty. Today nobody is absent.

T. – Excellent. What is the weather like?

P2—The weather is sunny!

T.—Do you like sunny weather?

P3—Yes, I do. I like sunny weather!

T. – What is Akilina wearing?

P4 – She is wearing suit!

T. – How does he look in this shirt?

P5 – It looks fabulous on him.

  1. Объяснение цели


  T. -   Today we will discuss about our clothes. What kind of clothes must we wear at school and we mustn't? We are going to arrange the TV program. It is «Modern Sentence».

           Our main heroine is Akilina Rulina. She has got a problem. She doesn't know what kind of clothes will she put on at school and what kind of dresses suit her perfectly. Our task is to help her to work out these  problems. Today the defender has come. He is Sergey Ivanov. He will have his own way, also opposite the defender we can see the man, who does not agree with them. She is an adviser. She is Helen Alexandrova.


  1. Начало телевизионной программы «Модный приговор»

T. – The opponent is ready and she will begin our work.

     The opponent:  Good afternoon! I have been knowing Akilina since the first class; we know each other very well. We always play outside, do our homework together, go for a walk together and discuss our problems. Yes, she is a good girl, but she doesn't dress well. I think, all pupils must know, what kind of clothes do they wear at school, at the party and etc. For example, if we are at school we must wear our suits; if we go to visit our friends we can wear jeans, jumper, dresses and other clothes. Now I recommend you some kinds of clothes. Look at, please.  (Показывает виды одежды на проектной доске – 5, 6, 7, 8 слайды)

См. приложение 2.


Teacher:  Thank you, Helen. But now, listen to Akilina. What can you say?

Akilina:   I think, we live in 21 century and every person chooses his clothes himself. At modern schools, of course, there must be rules of free-clothes. I want to go to school in that, what I prefer. Look at my clothes, please. (9 слайд )Thanks.

IV.Обсуждение по теме «Одежда»

T. – We have heard two kinds of wearing rules. But how do you think about them, our audience?

P1: If we wear, what we want, at school, there is not a discipline there. We must wear suit at school. I agree with Helen!

P2: Yes, suits decorate us and our appearance too.

P3: We look lovely, great in suits.

P4: If we want teachers to be happily, pleased with ourselves, we must wear uniforms.

P5: We look all right in these suits.

T. - Thanks for your advice.


T. - Thanks. Let's have a rest. Let's sing a song «Clothes».

     VI.   Работа с грамматикой.

    Учащиеся повторяют ранее изученные времена  Present Simple и Present Continuous. Выполняют 6 упражнение на стр. 89.

 T. - We have heard your useful advice. Of course, they will stand us in good stead. But now let’s help Akilina to choose right clothes, what must she wear at school and musn’t.   (10 слайд) 

     VII.  Подведение итогов урока.

T.  –  Good. You are right. Now I will analyze our Lesson. Do you like it?

P. - Yes, we do.

T. – Helen, Olga, Sasha, Akilina have worked very good.  I’ll give you five. Sergey have worked good too. But he has got some mistakes in  his pronunciations. I’ll put you four.

VIII.   Домашнее  задание.

T. - Your home task is ex.9, p.89. The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye.

P. - Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

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