презентация "Kazan parks and gardens in the past"
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                               Kazan parks and gardens in the past

Every town is proud of its beautiful parks and gardens. Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, is one of their numbers. There are many attractive parks and gardens in it. I’d  like to take you on a tour around the Kazan parks and gardens in the past.

Let’s start from Derzhavin’s garden. The monument to Gavriil Derzhavin, to a famous Russian writer, was put up in Kazan in August in 1847. Later in 1870 this monument was transfered to the Theatre square which now bears the name Freedom square. In 1871-1872 around the monument to Derzhavin a garden was planted. Soon it became a favourite place for the evening walks of the Kazan public.

This garden was very beautiful with a fountain in the centre, nice flower beds and a summer house where mineral water and kumiss were sold. In 1931 the monument had been ruined and on the area of Derzhavin’s garden the Musa Jalil Opera House was built.

Black  lake garden was a favourite place for walks too. The garden got its name from Black lake, which the local councils had to strew in 1889 because the lake was dirty and exhaled stinking smell.

Walking in Black lake garden was free, that’s why the public was different there. In the garden one could meet women in gay dresses, officers, merchants and drunks on the benches.

There was a fountain, a restaurant, a photographer’s of Vyatkina, a pavillion where mineral water was sold and a shop where the Kazaneers could buy seeds and seedlings. The garden was very popular in winter. There was a free public skating rink there.

The Black lake restaurant was one of the best in Kazan. The owner was Ozhegov, a famous Kazan merchant. There in the huge halls of the restaurant the Kazaneers could eat Russian and French meats, order good wine and sometimes oysters. In the restaurant one could play bowling and billiards. In the evening the women’s orchestra played there.

“Russian Switzerland” garden was one of the favourite places for country walks of  Kazaneers too. No one really knows the actual origin the name of the garden “Russian Switzerland”. But according to one of the versions the name of the garden was connected with Sergei Aksakov, a well-known Russian writer, who called this place "Switzerland”.  Another version was connected with Karl Bronner, a Professor of the Kazan University, who used to walk in this forest corner, overgrown with the trees, which reminded him his native country Switzerland.

Since 1840 Russian Switzerland” had been a summer place. There were taverns, a restaurant, and a theatre there. During the mass walkings the whole families came for picnics there. The tealovers took samovars with them. The Kazaners could go by tram to the garden. The price of the tram ticket was only five copecks.

On the 4th of June 1909 the International exhibition was opened on the area “Russian Switzerland” and Arskoye Pole.

There were 102 pavillions, in which 1619 exponents had presented their production from 20 provinces. Many foreign firms took part in this exhibition. "Russian Switzerland" garden was renamed into the Park of Culture and Rest named after Maxim Gorky.

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