презентация к уроку "Праздники в англоязычных странах"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Тема: Культурные традиции родной страны и стран изучаемого языка: праздники. Формирование лексических  навыков чтения и говорения.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель: 1. Введение и тренировка ЛЕ по теме.


           2. Развитие грамматических  навыков: тренировать в употреблении порядковых числительных.


           3. Развитие  умений изучающего чтения.


Оснащение урока:  проектор,  экран, компьютер, диск к учебнику английского языка для 8 класса «Английский с удовольствием» (автор Биболетовой М.З. и др.), презентация по теме,  карточки с заданиями (приложение 1-5) грамматические таблицы  (Порядковые числительные), список слов по теме (приложение 6). 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Holidays Holidays in Russia and English-speaking countries; Grammar: Ordinal numbers The most important religious holidays in the United Kingdom

Слайд 2

HOLIDAYS Christmas St Valentine's Day Motherland Defender's Day ( День защитника Отечества) Mother’s Day April Fool’s Day Easter Victory Day Father’s Day Independence Day Halloween Thanksgiving Day New Year birthday wedding ( свадьба)

Слайд 3

Match the holidays and the countries where they are celebrated. 1. Christmas (December 25 th ) 2. St Valentine's Day (February 14 th ) 3. Australian Day (January 14 th ) 4. Canada Day (July 1st) 5. Independence Day (July 4 th ) 6. Waitangi Day (February 6 th ) 7. Victory Day (May 9 th ) 8. Independence Day (June 12 th ) 9. Christmas (January 7 th ) Australia The USA The UK Canada Russia New Zealand 1 2 3 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 4 7 8 9 1 2 6 I have never heard about … . It is celebrated in … on … .

Слайд 4

Russian people Americans British people People in English-speaking countries I celebrate Halloween Mother's Day April Fool's Day New Year’s Day Motherland Defender's Day Easter Thanksgiving Day Women's Day Maslenitsa my Birthday December 31 st (January 1 st ) February 23 rd March 8 th in February or in March at the end of March or in April in March April 1st October 31 st on the forth Thursday in November ______________ __ When are these holidays celebrated? Make up the sentences. Example: Irish people celebrate St Patrick’s Day on the 17 th of March

Слайд 5

holidays in winter holidays in spring holidays in summer holidays in autumn Christmas New Year St Valentine’s Day Australian Day Holidays in English-speaking countries Waitangi Day in New Zealand Mother’s Day in the UK Easter April Fool’s Day Father’s Day in the UK Independence Day in the USA Halloween Thanksgiving Day in the USA

Слайд 6

Holidays in English-speaking countries public holidays festivals and customs religious holidays Christmas New Year Australian Day Waitangi Day in New Zealand Easter Independence Day in the USA Thanksgiving Day in the USA St Valentine’s Day Mother’s Day in the UK April Fool’s Day Father’s Day in the UK Halloween Birthday party wedding ceremony Christmas Easter

Слайд 7

Christmas tree (2) Father Christmas chimney Christ's birth traditional dinner decorated roast turkey celebrated Queen's speech balls and lights public holiday prepare presents(2) carol X- mas cards charity service stockings(2) Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. For most British families, this is the most important festival of the year; it combines the Christian celebration of Christ’s birth with traditional festivities of winter. Some weeks before Christmas people are very busy. They prepare presents or their friends and relatives. People also send greeting cards to all of them. People try to buy a Christmas tree which is decorated with toys, colored balls and lights . On the Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a service where carol hymns are sung. Sometimes carol singers can be heard on the street as they collect money charity . There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents . Family members leave gifts under the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. On Christmas Eve children put their stockings near their beds hoping that at night Father Christmas will come down the chimney and put the presents into the children's stockings . On Christmas day the family sit down to a traditional dinner followed by roast turkey and Christmas pudding. Later in the afternoon they may watch the Queen's speech on television as she sends her traditional Christmas message to the United Kingdom. 26 th December is also a public holiday , Boxing Day, and this is the time to visit friends and relatives or watch football. Put in the missing words.

Слайд 8

Easter chicks hot cross buns lilies a time of fun Easter bunny egg resurrection of Jesus Christ dye a bank holiday eggs made of chocolate celebrated Egg rolling game Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring. That’s why it’s on a different date each year. The word “ Easter ” comes from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday, many people celebrate the beginning of spring. So it is often full of fun and celebration. The Friday before Easter Sunday and the Monday after are a bank holiday in the UK. On the Friday before Easter people in England enjoy the traditional Good Friday breakfast of hot cross buns . One of the oldest spring symbols in the world is the egg . Eggs are a symbol of a new life. The eggs are hard-boiled and people dye hem in various colours. Nowadays people often give each other Easter eggs made of chocolate , usually hollow and filled with sweets. Bunnies, chicks , lambs and flowers (especially lilies and daffodils) are associated with Easter because they are born in the spring. The legend says an “ Easter ” hides eggs in the garden and children have to find them on Easter morning. Sometimes the eggs are put in a basket. Egg rolling game when children roll hard-boiled eggs down a hill is very popular in Wales. Put in the missing words .

Слайд 9

True\false Christmas is the most important holiday for people of English-speaking countries. Christmas is a bank holiday. Test. + +

Слайд 10

On December 25 th people celebrate… the birth of Jesus Christ the resurrection of Jesus Christ !

Слайд 11

Correspondence between the place and the things: On the Christmas tree Toys Little colored lights Under the Christmas tree Colored balls Stockings Near beds Presents

Слайд 12

People put their present under the tree on Christmas morning True\false - + People put their present under the tree on Christmas Eve

Слайд 13

In Britain Father Christmas enters houses … by climbing through the window by coming down the chimney through the door . +

Слайд 14

A 'carol' is … a X-mas card a religious Christmas song a Christmas party with dancing +

Слайд 15

The traditional food of Christmas is … beef pork turkey chicken +

Слайд 16

The correct order of events: Then they have tea. For Christmas lunch people eat turkey, potatoes and vegetables. Then they have the Christmas pudding. 1 2 3

Слайд 17

The correct order of events: Boxing Day Christmas Eve Christmas morning Christmas lunch\dinner 1 2 3 4

Слайд 18

When is Easter celebrated? What do people celebrate on Easter Sunday? - the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the beginning of the spring - at the end of march or in April Who is Eostre? - the goddess of spring

Слайд 19

How many days do Easter holidays last in the UK? - three days are a bank holiday (Friday, Sunday, Monday) What is the traditional Easter food? - hot cross buns What are the main Easter symbols? - eggs, bunnies, chicks and daffodils

Слайд 20

Who is «Easter Bunny»? - a rabbit How do people decorate eggs? - they dye them in different colors What games are there on Easter Sunday? - eggs hiding and eggs rolling game

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