презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6, 7 класс) на тему

Марченкова Екатерина Сергеевна



Файл The USA2.58 МБ

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Слайд 1

The United States of America The USA

Слайд 2

It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west and by the Gulf of Mexico in the south. The USA is situated in the central part of the North American Continent.

Слайд 3

The Great Lakes are situated in the northeast of the country.

Слайд 4

The state with the highest population is California . More than 320 million people live in the United States (2016). The state with the lowest population is Alaska .

Слайд 5

The capital of the USA is Washington . It is situated in the District of Columbia . Washington is a beautiful administrative city with practically no industry.

Слайд 6

The President of the USA is Barack Obama.

Слайд 7

There are many points of interest in the USA, for example: The Mount Rushmore The Statue of Liberty The White House The Golden Gate Bridge