Written test for unit 1 “Reading…Why not?”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Авзалова Гульшат Ильшатовна

Written test for unit 1 “Reading…Why not?”


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Предварительный просмотр:

Written test for unit 1 “Reading…Why not?”

I. Fill in the gaps, using the word s below:

1. A.Pushkin is a … poet.

2. A.Conan Doyle is the master of …

3. My friend is not … on adventure and mystery.

4. … wrote biographies of famous people.

5. Britain is proud of …writers and poets.

6. Roald Dahl is … children’s writer.

keen        outstanding         best-loved       diarist        investigation       remarkable

II. Fill in the missing words:

1. Romance - …

2. Thriller- …

3. …- исторический роман

4. …- фантастика

5. Biograthy- …

6. …- садоводство

7. …- классика

8. Education- …

9. Adventure- ….

III. Find the odd word:

1. borrow, take out, lend, write

2. dictionary, fairy tale, encyclopaedia, reference book

3. novel, story, fiction, legend

4. western, humour, thriller, horror

5. essayist, playwright, novelist, screenwriter

IV. Put the verbs in the brackets in the right form:

1. Limericks are very popular in great Britain. They (first write) by the English poet Edward Lear. The competition for the best limerick (hold) in 1960.

2. Daniel Defoe is a well-known for his book “Robinson Crusoe”. The novel (write) when he was nearly 60. The story of Robinson Crusoe (base) on the real adventure of a sailor, Alexander Selkirk, who had lived alone for four years on a desert island.

3. Walter Scott completed his novels with unusual speed. One of his novels (write) in 6 weeks.

4. The first newspaper (be) handwritten sheets which (post) in public places. The earliest recorded daily newspaper (start) in Rome in 59 BC. In the 700’s the world’s first printed newspaper (develop) in China.

5. The first regularly published newspaper in the English language (print) in Amsterdam in 1620. In 1621 an English newspaper (start) in London and (publish) weekly. The first daily English newspaper (be) the Daily Courant, which (appear) until March 1702.

V. Rewrite the following sentences in Passive Voice:

1. My sister took “the Pickwick Papers” from the library yesterday.

2. Mike recited two poems in English at our school concert.

3. A poet writes poems.

4. She learnt some poems of Robert Burns when she was a member of our drama club.

5. Many tourists visit the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.

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