Модель диалогов для зачета по устному диологическиму высказыванию в 5 классе
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Пример диалогов по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Dialogue “Free time”. Form 5

  • A. Hello. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
  • B. Hi! Oh, I’m fine. What about you?
  • A. I’m fine, too. I know that you are a perfect student. But how do you spend your free time?
  • B. Oh, I don't have much free time. But when I have it, I prefer spending it with my family or friends.
  • A. I see. I mean do you have any hobbies?
  • B. Yes, of course. I have a hobby. I collect postcards and stamps. As for activities, I enjoy bowling most of all. I also like watching a good film.
  • A. I should say, we have much in common. I also collect stamps, like bowling with friends, and enjoy watching interesting films. What films do you prefer?
  • B. I like detective stories and comedies. They are exciting and they help me to relax. What about you?
  • A. Detective stories, comedies and thrillers are the best genres for me, too. That’s why I’d like to invite you to a new film which is on. It's a new version of "Sherlock Holmes" and people say it's amazing.
  • B. It’s a wonderful idea!  I haven't been to the cinema for ages. If I don't like the film, I will definitely enjoy popcorn and Coke.
  • A.  I'm sure we'll have a good time.
  • B. As for other activities, what do you think about bowling next week?
  • A. Sounds great!
  • B. Then let’s meet at the cinema at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
  • A. Ok! Bye!
  • B. Have a nice day!

Dialogue “Free time”. Form 5

  • A. Hello. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
  • B. Hi! Oh, I’m fine. What about you?
  • A. I’m fine, too. I know that you are a perfect student. But how do you spend your free time?
  • B. Oh, I don't have much free time. But when I have it, I prefer spending it with my family or friends.
  • A. I see. I mean do you have any hobbies?
  • B. Yes, of course. I have a hobby. I collect postcards and stamps. As for activities, I enjoy bowling most of all. I also like watching a good film.
  • A. I should say, we have much in common. I also collect stamps, like bowling with friends, and enjoy watching interesting films. What films do you prefer?
  • B. I like detective stories and comedies. They are exciting and they help me to relax. What about you?
  • A. Detective stories, comedies and thrillers are the best genres for me, too. That’s why I’d like to invite you to a new film which is on. It's a new version of "Sherlock Holmes" and people say it's amazing.
  • B. It’s a wonderful idea!  I haven't been to the cinema for ages. If I don't like the film, I will definitely enjoy popcorn and Coke.
  • A.  I'm sure we'll have a good time.
  • B. As for other activities, what do you think about bowling next week?
  • A. Sounds great!
  • B. Then let’s meet at the cinema at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
  • A. Ok! Bye!
  • B. Have a nice day!

Предварительный просмотр:

Dialogue Travelling

Form 5

  • Hello. I haven’t seen you for ages.
  • Hi! I’ve just come from London. I had a wonderful time. How did you spend your spring (winter) holidays?
  • I prefer beach holidays. I went to Egypt and enjoyed sunbathing on the beautiful beaches and swimming in the warm sea. What interesting places have you visited in London?
  • There are lots of things to see there. I liked Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, and the Tower of London the most. I have improved my English, too. What about you?
  • We visited ancient pyramids. They look incredible, I took a lot of photos and the food on our hotel was delicious. What was the weather like?
  • We were lucky, it was warm and sunny. It was a brilliant journey but there was one problem. My brother Pete hurt his leg and we had to go to the hospital.
  • Is he Ok now?
  • Yes, he is. After 2 days he started running again.
  • Great!
  • See you.
  • Bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Dialogue. Computers. Unit 10. 5th form

  1. Hello, glad to see you!
  2. Nice to see you too.
  1. Why are you so sad?
  2. My Mum has switched off my computer. I can’t use it now.
  1. Oh, I am so sorry! I can’t live without my computer. But why has your Mum done it?
  2. She thinks I spend too much time playing computer games. I’m a real gamer!
  1. How many hours do you usually spend in the Internet?
  2. About three hours.
  1. Oh, that’s awful! Your Mum is right. It is not good for your health.
  2. And how much time do you spend at your computer?
  1. Not more than two hours. But I play computer games only for half an hour.
  2. How do you use your computer then? Do you listen to music? Do you download films?
  1. Sometimes. But I often search the Internet for new information. It helps me in my studies.
  2. As for me, I sometimes send messages to my friends and attach nice photos.
  1. I think you must ask your Mum to forgive you. Promise her to spend less time playing games.
  2. Thank you for your advice. I’ll try.
  1. Bye.
  2. See you soon.

Dialogue. Computers. Unit 10. 5th form

  1. Hello, glad to see you!
  2. Nice to see you too.
  1. Why are you so sad?
  2. My Mum has switched off my computer. I can’t use it now.
  1. Oh, I am so sorry! I can’t live without my computer. But why has your Mum done it?
  2. She thinks I spend too much time playing computer games. I’m a real gamer!
  1. How many hours do you usually spend in the Internet?
  2. About three hours.
  1. Oh, that’s awful! Your Mum is right. It is not good for your health.
  2. And how much time do you spend at your computer?
  1. Not more than two hours. But I play computer games only for half an hour.
  2. How do you use your computer then? Do you listen to music? Do you download films?
  1. Sometimes. But I often search the Internet for new information. It helps me in my studies.
  2. As for me, I sometimes send messages to my friends and attach nice photos.
  1. I think you must ask your Mum to forgive you. Promise her to spend less time playing games.
  2. Thank you for your advice. I’ll try.
  1. Bye.
  2. See you soon.

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