Контрольная работа, 5 класс
занимательные факты по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Жакупова Айнагуль Аристанбековна

Контрольная работа по английскому языку, 5 класс по учебнику Rainbow English


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса за 3 четверть.

I. Выбрать правильную форму глагола.

1) Polly ____ her goldfish in a big bowl on the windowsill.

a) keeps b) keep c) kept

2) Last Sunday my parents ____ me a hamster and a big cage for it.

a) buy b) are buying c) bought

3) My parents and I ____ to the picture gallery next weekend.

a) go b) will go c) went

4) My friend Denis ____ a very interesting hobby: he grows cactuses.

a) is having b) have got c) has got

5) ____ your friend go to the country last summer?

a) did b) does c) will

II. Вставить правильный предлог.

in of by after for

1) We are proud ___ our uncle. He is a very successful photographer.

2) Jane keeps her pet, a cute little canary, ___ a cage.

3) Mr Smith came to Sidney ___ train.

4) What is Alan famous ___?

5) I look ___ my pets very well. They are very important for me.

III. Соотнести слово и перевод

1. budgies in the birdcage                      a) говорить со зрителями

2. a famous trainer                                 b) гордый театрал

3. to paint beautiful pictures                  c) собирать монеты

4. to speak to the audience                    d) попугайчики в клетке

5. to watch ballets                                  e) важная вещь

6. a proud theatergoer                            f) знаменитый дрессировщик

7. to collect coins                                 g) рисовать красивые картины

8. an important thing                            h) смотреть балет

IV. Выбрать правильное окончание разделительного вопроса

1. Nick never plays chess, __________?

a) does he b) doesn’t he c) did he

2. It is not going to rain, __________?

a) isn’t it b) is it c) is not it

3. Mary could do her homework herself, ______?

a) couldn’t she b) could she c) could Mary

4. John won’t join us, ________?

a) won’t he b) will not he c) will he

5. The children did not play at the lesson, _____?

a) didn’t they b) did the children c) did they

6. The film was boring, __________?

a) wasn’t it b) was it c) was not it

7. We are going to watch a new film, ________?

a) are we b) aren’t we c) are not we

8. Ann can speak English well, ________?

a) can’t she b) can she c) can’t Ann

9. Your children are not noisy, ________?

a) aren’t they b) aren’t the children c) are they

10. My homework was difficult, ___________?

a) wasn’t it b) was it c) was not it

V. Прочитать текст и определить верные/неверные утверждения.

My friend Brendon has a very good hobby. It is theatre. He goes to the theatre every week. When he has free time, he reads books or watches films about the most famous Russian actors. I often ask Brendon, “You want to be an actor, don’t you?” He answers, that this career is not for him. He enjoys reading about theatre and would like to become a theatre critic. He already writes for some web sites and newspapers.

Yesterday Brendon gave me a newspaper. And showed me his article about Chekhov’s Three Sisters. I read his article with great pleasure. Now I want to see that play! So I think and hope that Brendon will become a well-known theatre critic in the future.

1. Brendon is a theatergoer.

a) true b) false

2. Brendon writes articles for magazines.

a) true b) false

3. Brendon wants to be an actor.

a) true b) false

4. Brendon is a famous Russian theatre critic.

a) true b) false

5. Brendon wrote an article about a Chekhov’s play.

a) true b) false


  1. 1-a





  1. 1-of





  1.  1-d








  1. 1-a










  1. 1-b





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