Контрольная работа 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

итоговая контрольная работа. 5 класс. УМК Афанасьева Михеева


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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

5 класс

  1. Прочитайте текс и отметьте , являются ли утверждения после него верными или неверными. Если утверждение верное, обведите TRUE. Если утверждение неверное, обведите FALSE.

Last summer Alice Duglas spent her holidays with her parents and her little brother Sammy. They went to the seaside. The family lived in a nice little cottage near the beach. The weather was fine. It was warm and sunny and the children went swimming every day.

One day alice and Sammy decided to go boating. They took a nice small boat from the beach and started boating along the beach. Then a strong wind started to blow and it took the boat into the open sea. Alice tried to turn the boat and get back to the beach, but she lost balance and fell into the water.

She didn’t know what to do. Alice was  a good swimmer but at that  moment she was afraid and she couldn’t  swim. Her little brother couldn’ t help her. She began to cry, “Help! Help!” suddenly Alice saw dolphins in the water around her. One dolphin took Alice on his mouth and put her in the boat.  Then dolphins swam away.

 Little Sammy said, “ Did you see that?! That dolphin helped you!” Alice was very happy! She was back in the boat. Alice wanted to say thank you to the dolphin but when she looked around, she saw just water and a clear blue sky. The two children got back to the beach. They told their parents the story. Now the dolphins are the most favourite animals in the Duglas family. They hope they will meet this kind dolphin one day and thank him.

1). There were two children in the Duglas family.

TRUE                                   FALSE

2). Alice and Sammy couldn’t swim.

TRUE                                   FALSE

3).Alice and Sammy went boating  one day.

TRUE                                   FALSE

4). Alice’s brother helped her get to the boat.

TRUE                                   FALSE

5). Alice said  thank you to the dolphin.

TRUE                                   FALSE

6). Alice’s parents know what happened to the children.

TRUE                                   FALSE

  1. Вставь в пропуски глагол во времени Past Simple.

Last Summer.

Last summer my parents and I (1)_______________ (travel) to the USA, to New York. We (2)_______________ ( fly) there by plane. In New York we (3)_______________ ( stay) in a hotel in the city centre. We _(4)______________ (be) in New York for two weeks and(5) _______________     ( see) a lot of places of  interest . Most of all we (6)_______________ (enjoy) the parks and the shopping centres, where I (7)_______________ ( buy) a lot of souvenirs for my friends.  Once we (8)_______________ ( visit) a very old church. We (9)_______________ (come) back happy and (10)_______________ (decide) to return New York some day.

  1. Допиши разделительные вопросы.

1). My mother can cook well, _____________________________ ?

2). You live in London, _____________________________ ?

3). There is no river near the hotel, _____________________________ ?

4). I am an opera singer, _____________________________ ?

5). Last year our trip to Sochi was wonderful, _____________________________ ?

6). We don’t go to swimming pool, _____________________________ ?

7). You spent last summer in Russia, _____________________________ ?

8). They will visit the museum tomorrow, _____________________________ ?

  1. Выбери правильное слово в скобках, чтобы закончить предложение.

1). (Our/ ours) __________________ teacher is kind.

2). In spring (her/ hers) __________________ friends often go to the forest.

3). (Their /theirs) __________________ address is on the table.

4). The yellow bag is (my/ mine) __________________, the red one is(her/ hers ) __________________.

5). Is it Susan’s collection?- No, it is not (her/ hers) __________________.

6). Bill knows your address, but he doesn’t know (their/ theirs) __________________.

7). We live in this city. It is city is (our/ours) __________________.

8). They are (my/ mine) __________________ pets.


5 класс


1). T







  2. FLEW
  4. WERE
  5. SAW
  9. CAME


  1. OUR                              5. HERS.
  2. HER                              6. THEIRS
  3. THEIR                            7.OURS
  4. MINE, HERS               8.MY

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