Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 7 класс
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Львова Оксана Михайловна

Промежуточная аттестация по английскому языку 7 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Класс 7

Английский язык

Task I. Read the text and decide if the sentences True (T) or False (F).

Around the Clock with Bob Ellis

Bob Ellis, 29, is a dolphin trainer. "I like my job a lot because I love working with animals. It is tiring though, as I work long hours," he says.  

Bob is an early bird. His day starts at live o'clock in the morning. He gets up, has a shower, and then he gets dressed. After breakfast, at about six I o'clock, he catches the bus to work. He arrives at the aquarium at half past six and feeds the dolphins. After that, they practise for the show until lunch-time. Bob has a break for lunch from half past twelve till half past one, then the show starts. At five o'clock in the afternoon, he feeds the dolphins again and then he goes home. In the evening, Bob usually watches TV. He doesn't go out very often during the week because he goes to bed early.

And what does Bob do in his free time? He loves going for long walks in the countryside with his dog, Jack. Bob also likes swimming at the pool, but he never swims in the sea because he's afraid of sharks!        

"I feel very satisfied with my life at the moment," says Bob. "I've got a great job and I enjoy my free time. Who could ask for more?"        

  1. "I like my job a lot."



  1. "I work long hours."



  1. His day starts at six o'clock in the morning.



  1. He catches the train to work.        



  1. In the evening, Bob usually watches TV.



  1. He loves going for long walks in the countryside.



Task II. Choose the correct answer. (Выбери правильный вариант)

1."What's that?" " .... my new calculator."

a. It's           b. There's           с These is

2. I'm sorry- John can't come to the phone. He .... lunch.

 a. is having   b. has            с have

3. Му father .... me a bicycle for my birthday last year.

a.was given   b. gave           с gived

4. Bill... TV when Ann came in.

а.watched           b. watches           с was watching.

5....you ever.... to Wales?

a. Did ...be           b. Have ... been   с Did ...go

6. We're ... than the Browns.

a. carefuller   b. careful           с more careful

7. I think it... tomorrow.

a. was rain           b. will rain           с is raining

8.When he was a child he ... swim, but.... play baseball.

a. must, mustn't        b. can, can't        с could, couldn't

9. We ... hurry- we are early.

a. can't           b. needn't           с mustn't

10. – Have we got … sugar? – Yes, but not … .

a. some, much                b. any, many                c. any, much

11. How old … you in 2004?

a.are                b. have                c.were                d.was

12. English … all over the world.

a. is spoken        b. speaks        c.are spoken        d.speak

13. Betty can’t speak Japanese.

a. So can he.        B.Neither can’t he.        C. Neither can he.

14.He makes me …  .

a. laugh        b. to laugh        c.laughing

15. The husband wanted the wife … .

a.to believe        b. believe        c.believing

16. If it … rain, we’ll have the party outside.

a. won’t        b. wouldn’t        c.doesn’t

17. The orange tastes … .

a. bitter        b. bitterly

18. Where are you going to stay when … in London?

a.you be        b. you will        c.you are        d.you will be

19. I’m really … in you, Ruth.

a. disappointing        b. disappointed

20.He … at school for 24 years.

a. was working        b.works        c.worked        d.has been working


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