Промежуточное тестирование 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Тест для 10 класса по учебнику Starlight


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Midterm test for the 9th form

A  Grammar   Put the words in brackets in the correct form

  1. The early flight to Essex .........................(leave) at 6:00 am.
  2. Why .............................................. (Jane/be) so stubborn all of a sudden? It’s not like her.
  3.  Perry can’t get to sleep because his upstairs neighbours ......... (have)  a loud argument for the past hour.
  4. The reporter ......................................(never/hear) of freegans before he was asked to do a story on them.
  5. A: ......................................... (Helen/help) you with the chores?

       B: Sure. While I ......................... (clean) the windows she .........................................(vacuum) the carpets.

  1. He ……..(go) to Gambia, where he’s filming a documentary on the Aka tribe.
  2. You ......................... sleep over at your friend’s tonight. (permission)
  3. What’s the use of .................................... (buy)  a mountain bike when you never go cycling?
  4. By 3:15 the cake .................................... (bake)  for an hour, so it should be ready then.
  5. Don’t you remember .............................. (read) about all the strange inventions in the paper last month?
  6. The dentist isn’t answering his phone; he.......................... be busy. (logical assumption)
  7. The idea of chocolate-covered bugs for dinner might .................................. (sound) disgusting

      to many, but I wouldn’t mind ...........................(try) some!

  1. Watch out! You ………..(step) into that mud puddle.
  2. A: The Fords’ house looks a mess.

              B: True. It’s ....................................... (neglect)  house on our street.

     15. A: Should I get Ben to look after my dog while I’m away?

         B: You should ask Ian. He’s far .......................(reliable).

B  Vocabulary

1.The tribe lived in a(n) ..... village in the mountains.

A lonely  B alone   C secluded D sheltered

2. The children were afraid of the animals and each

new creature was met with ..... .

A terror B  wonder   C panic D suspicion

3. Tonnes of ..... food go to landfill every year.

A edible B  intact  C recyclable D reusable

4. He stopped exercising to wipe the ..... off his forehead.

A moisture B sweat C steam D water

5. The toddler was a ..... eater and refused to try new food.

A fussy B  careful C tireless D skeptical

6. Don’t go near to the volcano or you’ll be ..... in dangerous waters.

A marching B hiking C treading D pacing

7. We could hear ..... of laughter coming from inside the classroom.

A sniggers B chuckles C chants D roars

8. Poor Paula, she has ..... and hasn’t slept in days.

A tension B  anxiety C depression D insomnia

1 Johnny’s career really took up/off after he starred

in that blockbuster film.

2 After all her nagging, Gemma’s dad finally gave

up/in and bought her a puppy.

3 Volunteers have been handing in/out flyers to

promote the charity fundraiser.

4 I’m not sure that this new trend will catch on/

up; it’s quite unusual!

5 Lily is a good dancer and likes to show off/up

on the dance floor!

6 When I spoke to Jason last week, the topic of

his grandfather never came out/up.

7 The shop assistant asked me to hold on/off for

a moment while she checked the stock.

8 In order to apply for a driver’s license, please

fill up/in this form.

C Reading      Extreme Delicacies

A. White bird’s nests may not sound appetising to you, they are actually the main ingredient of Bird’s Nest Soup! Known as the ‘Caviar of the East’, this soup is a rare delicacy in China and parts of South East Asia. The special nests used for the soup belong to a species of bird which builds them using their own saliva. They are typically found on steep coastal cliffs, making them extremely difficult to obtain. Moreover, once collected, each tiny nest must be cleaned by hand; a process that takes many hours. The result of this labour is a bowl of soup that can cost as much as £65, making Bird’s Nest Soup one of the priciest foods in the world!

B.Among all the predators in the world, snakes are

known to be one of the deadliest. A single snake bite could lead to nausea, paralysis and even death. However, in Taiwan, a little snake venom is said to be good for the skin! The locals here like to drink the lethal liquid, and are even known to mix it with a drop of snake’s blood! Luckily, since snake venom is only harmful when it enters the bloodstream, it has little effect when swallowed. In fact, even the deadliest venom can be safely consumed without causing any harm!

C.Have you ever tried eating octopus? Chances are, you have. However, how about eating it while it is wriggling around on your plate? Although it may seem rather off-putting, eating live octopus is a common practice in South Korea.

Traditionally, the octopus is sliced just before serving

so that it continues to wriggle about and even sticks

to the roof of your mouth as you chew it! What’s

more, some people even go so far as to swallow the

entire octopus in one go! Be warned though: this

method is extremely dangerous and has resulted in

many people choking on their meal as the octopus

clings to the inside of their throat! Gulp!

D.For most people, dining on rotten meat is not their idea of gourmet cuisine. However, in Iceland, it is a delicacy!

Fermented shark, or ha´ karl, is made from the deadly

Greenland shark, a species that is poisonous when

fresh. As such, the locals bury the meat in the sand

for several months until the poison decomposes,

making it safe to eat. The result is a pungent piece

of rotten fish that is so strong it burns the eyes and

nose as you chew it! It is an acquired taste that is not

for the faint-hearted! Indeed, Anthony Bourdain, a

famous celebrity chef, described ha´ karl as “the single worst, most disgusting and terrible tasting thing” he has ever eaten!

D  Writing

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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