итоговая контрольная работа для 4 класса УМК Верещагина Афанасьева
тест по английскому языку на тему

Салихова  Наталья Анатольевна

Итоговая тестовая работа для учащихся 4 классов 


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Предварительный просмотр:


I. Listen to the story and answer the questions.

1) Last year the woman visited … .

A. Crete     B. Greece     C. Cyprus

2) The woman is going to ... .

A. Crete    B. Croatia   C. Greece

3) She and her husband are staying in a … .

A. town     B. hotel     C. a small village

4) They are staying by the … .

A. forest   B. sea   C. ocean

5) The bungalow is booked for … .

A. forty nights   B. a fortnight  C. thirty nights

6) Bungalow means … .

A. cooking and cleaning   B. eating out   C. no swimming

7) The woman's husband enjoys … on holiday.

A. cooking   B. sing   C. to eating out

8) He can cook … .

A. breakfast   B. cookies   C. fast food

9) Local restaurants are … .

A. awful   B. dirty    C. very good

10) The man decided to try … .

A. Malta this year    B. Malta next year   C. Turkey this year

2. . Choose the correct answer.

1. In the winter the days are … than in summer.

a. longer

c. shorter

b. larger

d. warmer

2. Bananas are … than apples.

a. tasty

c. tastier

b. tastyer

d. more tastier

3. There … many sweets in the vase.

a. is

c. are

b. be

d. been

4. There … some butter in the fridge.

a. is

c. be

b. are

d. been

5. Nick’s car is … than Mike’s car

a. good

c. better

b. gooder

d. the best

6. This book is … than that book.

a. worse

c. bad

b. the worst

d. badly

7. It often … in spring.

a. is raining

c. rain

b. rains

d. raining

8. … you put on a new dress tomorrow?

a. Do

c. Will

b. Are

d. Did

9. My brother and I … at the Zoo yesterday.

a. are

c. was

b. is

d. were

10. Never laugh … old people.

a. at

c. on

b. in

d. of

11. We don’t go to school … Sunday.

a. in

c. on

b. at

d. at

12. He is never late … school.

a. of

c. For

b. in

d. at

13. She can sing, …?

a. doesn’t she

c. can’t she

b. can she

d. isn’t she

14. They never laugh in class, …

a. don’t they

c. are they

b. do they

d. aren’t they

15. What do you buy in shoe shops?

a. blouses

c. jeans

b. trouses

d. high boots

3.  Choose the right variant.

  1. He hasn’t come … .  a) already   b) yet   c) ever
  2. They had to run, … ?  a) hadn’t they   b) had they  c) didn’t they
  3. I have a lot of sandwiches, but I have very … cakes.  a) little  b) few  c) many
  4. You … cross the road here. It’s dangerous.  a) mustn’t   b) don’t have to   c)  may not
  5. Let’s do it on Sunday. We have very … time today.  a) little   b) few   c)  much
  6. What … dirty clothes!   a) a    b) the    c) -

4. Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect and Past Simple:

  1. You (never\tell) me about this holiday.
  2. How many words … you (learn) yesterday?
  3. He (to be) here since 2001.
  4. I (know) him for 2 years.
  5. … you (yet\visit) the museum?
  6. When …you (see) a kangaroo?

5. Choose the right variant:

  1. He bought (much\many\ a lot of) fruit.
  2. He didn’t (tell\say) me about it.
  3. There is (little\few) cheese.
  4. Have we got (much\many\ a lot of) juice for the children?
  5. She has lived here (since\for) 1997.
  6. When (have you washed\ did you wash) your (hair\hairs)?

6. Translate into English :

  1. Я никогда не видел(а) индейку.
  2. Осень – сезон урожая (урожайный сезон).
  3. Я прочитал интересную книгу о важном открытии 2 месяца назад.
  4. Он любит смотреть художественные фильмы.
  5. Писатель создал чудесных персонажей в своей (его) книге.
  6. Кристофер Колумб родился в Италии.

7.1.Make adjectives:

Use, colour, peace, beauty, danger, interest, friend, success, comfort.

7.2.Make  nouns:

Discover (2), milk, collect (2), post, perform (2),  translate, travel, depend, sail, sea.

Name ____________________________  Family name_________________________________

Form__________________     Date_________________________________

  1. Listening.
  1. A   B    C    
  2. A   B    C    
  3. A   B    C    
  4. A   B    C    
  5. A   B    C    
  6. A   B    C    
  7. A   B    C    
  8. A   B    C    
  9. A   B    C    
  10. A   B    C    
  1. Choose the correct answer.
  1. A B C D
  2. A B C D
  3. A B C D
  4. A B C D
  5. A B C D
  6. A B C D
  7. A B C D
  8. A B C D
  9. A B C D
  10. A B C D
  11. A B C D
  12. A B C D
  13. A B C D
  14. A B C D
  15. A B C D
  1. Choose the right variant.
  1. A   B    C    
  2. A   B    C    
  3. A   B    C    
  4. A   B    C    
  5. A   B    C    
  6. A   B    C    
  1. Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect and Past Simple:
  1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. Choose the right variant:
  1. Much      many        a lot of
  2. Tell         say
  3. Little       few
  4. Much    many     a lot of
  5. Since    for
  6. have you washed     did you wash

  1. Translate into English :




4._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. _____________________________________________________________________




7.1.Make adjectives_______________________________________________________


7.2 Make  nouns:_________________________________________________________


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