Презентация по теме " Лондон *.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Зайцева Елена Александровна



Office presentation icon places_of_interest_in_london.ppt842 КБ

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Слайд 1

Places of Interest in London Quiz

Слайд 2

1. Westminster is situated on the left bank of the river … . Clyde b) Severn c) Thames d) Potomac

Слайд 3

2. Westminster is a … part of London. cultural political industrial poorest

Слайд 4

3. In Westminster you can see … . the Bloody Tower the White Tower the Tower of London the Clock Tower

Слайд 5

4. Westminster consists of the following buildings … . The Palace of Westminster the Clock Tower Victoria Tower Westminster Abbey St. Paul’s Cathedral

Слайд 6

5. When does the flag fly over Victoria Tower? during the whole day when the Queen is there when the king is there when the guests come to the Parliament

Слайд 7

6. When and why does a light burn above Big Ben? in winter when it is dark in spring or autumn when it’s raining at night if the Parliament still seats at night to light the banks of the Thames

Слайд 8

7. Westminster Abbey is not far from … . Big Ben The Houses of Parliament The Tower of London Buckingham Palace

Слайд 9

8. Westminster was founded by … . St. Paul St. Andrew St. George St. Peter

Слайд 10

9. Westminster was built by … . King Edward King Henry William the Conqueror Sir Christopher Wren

Слайд 11

10. Westminster Abbey is a place where … . a) the coronation of the British kings and Queens takes place b) some famous English people are buried c) the Queen of England reads her speech to the nation d) the Christmas service is held

Слайд 12

11. The Tower of London was founded by … . Sir Christopher Wren William the Conqueror King Henry King Edward

Слайд 13

12. The Tower of London was built to … . make a prison there make a museum there protect the Londoners make a zoo there

Слайд 14

13. The Tower of London was a … . palace King’s zoo Fortress royal treasury museum

Слайд 15

14. The oldest part of the Tower of London is … . The Bloody Tower The White Tower Victoria Tower

Слайд 16

15. The tallest tower in the Tower of London is … . The Bloody Tower Victoria Tower The White Tower

Слайд 17

16. During the reign of Henry VII the main entertainment of Londoners was … . to watch a cat catch a mouse to watch a bear catch salmon from the Thames to watch a bear dancing in the Tower to watch a bear riding a bicycle in the Tower

Слайд 18

17. Tower Bridge is situated near … . Westminster Abbey Big Ben the Tower of London the House of Parliament

Слайд 19

18. Tower Bridge was built in … . 1794 1894 1694 1984

Слайд 20

19. Tower Bridge is a bridge for … . cars buses pedestrians trains

Слайд 21

20. The large ships can go under Tower Bridge up and down the Thames … . when the bridge doesn’t open when the bridge opens they can’t go under the bridge, the Thames is not deep enough

Слайд 22

21. Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the … of Buckingham. Knight Duke Prince Lord

Слайд 23

22. Buckingham Palace is … residence of the British Sovereign. summer Winter Autumn spring London

Слайд 24

23. The royal flag is over the palace when the Queen is … . not in her residence in her residence is travelling about the country celebrating her birthday

Слайд 25

24. In front of the palace tourists can see … . the Trooping of the Colour the coronation of the Monarch the Changing of the Guard

Слайд 26

25. The Queen’s Guards wear … . red jackets, black trousers, black bear hats black jackets, red trousers, black bear hats black jackets, red trousers, red bear hats red jackets, black trousers, red bear hats

Слайд 27

26. Who can visit Buckingham Palace? tourists politicians kings and queens of other countries

Слайд 28

27. The flag that flies over Buckingham Palace is called … . Black Jack Union Jack Stars and Stripes Stripes and Stars

Слайд 29

28. What does a word “Mackintosh” mean? a surname a name a computer a raincoat

Слайд 30

29. The most used word in conversation is … . and I the a

Слайд 31

30. What does the word “Cuckoo” mean? the sound of a clock the sound of the bird foolish clever

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