Презентация на тему; Мой взгляд на Великобританию
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Татьяна Романовна Фокеева

Презентация содержит слайды с информацией о самых известных людях, местах и событиях.


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Слайд 1

Travelling around the UK (Across England) Teacher: Fokeeva Tatyana School № 307 Saint-Petersburg, 2016

Слайд 2

The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page . -St. Augustin In this presentation I would like to draw your attention to my little adventure across England: - Queen Elizabeth II - British Museum - Pubs in England - Derby - Westminster - Game Darts

Слайд 3

Queen Elizabeth II Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was born on 21 April 1926. She was coronated on 2 June 1953. Most interesting fact is that Queen Elisabeth took part in the Second World War. That’s why I would like to visit Buckingham Palace and meet the Queen. Queen Elizabeth nowdays

Слайд 4

Elizabeth in Auxiliary Territorial Service uniform, April 1945

Слайд 5

The British Museum For Queen Elizabeth, every day is Christmas day. Long ago, Buckingham Palace announced that the Queen didn`t accept gifts from people whom she didn’t know. What does the Queen do with these presents? There are 600 rooms in Buckingham Palace and the Queen tries to use all of her presents to museums .

Слайд 6

Pubs in England The first thing to look is a large sign either hanging over the street or placed on a pole outside the building. Many pubs have names linked to royalty , popular heroes, sports or great occasions. The services a pub offers vary around the country. Pubs can also offer food and accommodation. For example, Pub “The White Lion”

Слайд 7

Derby The annual race for the “Derby” at Epsom racecourse in Surrey is perhaps the most famous single event in the whole world. The day is almost a public holiday. It is Derby day (it takes place in the first week of June).

Слайд 8

In the bar of every English pub there is a dart-board, and on most evenings you will find the game of darts being played. This is a traditional English game, and it presumably developed from archery, which was much encouraged for military reasons during the Middle Ages. Game Darts

Слайд 9

Westminster One of the most famous parts of L ondon is called Westminster, that has long been connected with royalty and government. It includes two magnificent buildings: The Houses of Parliament Westminster Abbey At first Parliament was o rganized to help the monarch rule the country. In the course of centuries power gradually passed from the monarch to Parliament. Opposite the houses of Parliament stands West Abbey. Since William the Conqueror times British monarch have been crowned there.

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