-ed and -ing adjectives (using QR-code)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Бондарь Марина Анатольевна

Данное задание предлагается для отработки грамматических навыков использования прилагательных, заканчивающихся на -ed и -ing ,а также для развития умения самооценивания и самоанализа.


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Предварительный просмотр:



Do you care about the world?

  • Complete the questions with the correct adjective.
  • Check your answers using QR-code.
  • Colour the smile, if you’re right. If you have no mistakes you are the best!
  • Choose your answers a, b or c, write them in the table  below and know what your results mean.

  1. You are walking down the street and see somebody drop a can on the ground. What do you think?

  1. I’m not ___________. (surprising  /  surprised)


  1. That’s ____________. (shocking / shoked)


  1. That’s OK.

2. There is an election. What do you think?

  1. Elections are very _____________ .(boring / bored)


  1. How ______________ ! (exciting / excited)


  1. What’s an election?

3. Do you think one day ther will be too many people in the world to feed?

  1. I’m not sure.

  1. Yes and I’m very _______________ .(worrying / worried)


  1. I don’t care. I’m not _____________ in the future. (interesting / interested)


4. Will robots do all the work in the future?

  1. I hope so, I’m _____________ of work. (tiring / tired)


  1. It’s an _______________ thought but it won’t happen soon. (amazing / amazed)


  1. Perhaps.

5. Does technology make life better?

  1. Yes, of course.

  1. Yes, but too much change can be _____________.( frightening / frightened)


  1. I play computer games six hours a day, which is very ______________. (relaxing / relaxed)








What do your results mean?

Mostly a: You don’t care about the world and find many things boring.

Mostly b: You care about the world around you.

Mostly c: You don’t know much about the world around you.

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