Crimes and punishments
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Зноева Лилия Владимировна

Crimes and punishments


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Слайд 4

People who break the law are criminals. The verb used with “crime” is not “ do ” but “ commit ” : “ to commit a crime ”, “ to commit a murder ”, “ to commit a theft ”. If a person commits a serious crime , he or she must be arrested and taken to court.

Слайд 5

Verb Name of crime The person to steal something a theft … .. to burgle a house … .. .…. to rob a bank … .. .…. to shoplift something … .. … .. to set fire / to commit arson … .. … .. to murder someone … .. … .. to blackmail somebody … .. … ..

Слайд 6

Verb Name of crime The person to steal something a theft a theft to burgle a house a burglary a burglar to rob a bank a robbery a robber to shoplift something a shoplifting a shoplifter to set fire / to commit arson an arson an arsonist to murder someone a murder a murderer to blackmail somebody a blackmail a blackmailer

Слайд 7

If a person (a man, as usual ) forces another person (usually a woman) to have sex with him, though she doesn’t want to , this type of crime is called a rape , and the criminal is a rapist

Слайд 8

Sometimes criminals take people by force and hide them somewhere demanding ransom. This is a kidnapping, especially when the victims are kids. And the criminal is a kidnapper

Слайд 9

If someone steals something from persons being violent (by attacking them and taking their money), this is a mugging. And the criminal is Mugger This word is only used if the crime happens outside. It’s not used if the crime happens in a building .

Слайд 10

1.Why do Juveniles commit crimes ? 2. Do they need help or punishment ? 3.Do they need to be locked up ( to be put into prison) ?

Слайд 11

1. In prison young people will meet real criminals , who may unfortunately teach them more about being a criminal. 2. What do you think would be the worst thing about being in prison ?

Слайд 12

1. I was influenced by my friends 2. I had to do it to be COOL 3. I did not have enough attention from my parents when I was a child 4. My parents did not give me enough pocket money 5. Poverty pushed me into crime

Слайд 13

1. Laws tell us what we MUST do and what we CANNOT do. They also tell you what your rights are. 2. A law exists because a majority of the people in the country agrees with it. 3. Laws are compulsory. You can't choose which ones you obey and which ones you ignore. They are backed up by punishment 4. A law exists because it promotes the health or safety of everyone in society (seat belt)

Слайд 14

5. Laws protect everybody. Without the protection of law each person could be under threat from everyone else in society. 6. A law exists because it helps society to function more smoothly. Traffic lights are an example of this sort of law. Because people obey traffic lights, society works efficiently. If everyone did whatever they felt like doing at every intersection, we would have chaos.

Слайд 15

7. You are punished if you break a law but the law protects you from being punished when you haven't done anything wrong. 8. Everybody is equal under the law.

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