Test Passive Voice
тест по английскому языку (8, 9, 10 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа  для учащихся 8-10 классов


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                                          TEST     PASSIVE  VOICE

I. Change  from active into Passive.

1. Somebody will call Mr. Smith tonight.

2. The fire has caused considerable damage.

3. The milkman brings the milk to my door.

4. Someone turned on a light and opened the door.

5. You can’t wash this dress: you must dry-clean it.

6. They threw away the rubbish.

7. She didn’t introduce me to her mother.

8. Someone has left his purse in a classroom today.

                               II. Open the brackets

  1. Many of these products (export) to the Pacific countries every year.
  2. The book ( write  ) at the beginning of the 19 th century .
  3. When Tom was young, he (teach) 2 languages.
  4. These letters ( mail) tomorrow.
  5. My brother ( offer) a very good job lately.
  6. My little sister always (take care of)  by my friend .
  7. Peter (not ask) any questions at this lesson.
  8. The newly  married couple (wish) a long and happy life.

                                 III .Change from passive into active

  1. The room was cleaned and aired.
  2. Have all these books been read?
  3. The letter has just been typed.
  4. All the questions must be answered.
  5. Betty was met at the stations.
  6. This article will be translated at the lesson on Tuesday.
  7. This film can be seen at our cinema.
  8. I am often told about it.  

                                     IV .Translate from Russian.

  1. Пьеса основана на исторических фактах.
  2. Ваша статья будет опубликована в следующем номере.
  3. Это письмо должно быть написано сегодня.
  4. На собрании на профессора не обратили внимания.
  5. Секретарь только что продиктовала несколько писем.
  6. Контрольные  работы уже проверены.
  7. Эту книгу взяли в  библиотеке вчера.
  8. На этой фабрике делают очень красивые сумки.

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