Тест по английскому языку для 7класса по УМК ”Spotlight”
тест по английскому языку на тему

Pospelova Helen

Закрепление изученного грамматического и лексического материала


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Spotlight  7               Module 3                     Progress  Check 3

1) Fill in: creative, patient, determined, curious, imaginative, sociable.

1. He is a (an)……….person. He likes designing different kinds of clothes.

2. She wants to know more about things. She is ……………

3. The teacher of History is a (an)………….. person.  She always stays calm even if somebody irritates her.

4. This author wrote a lot of books about mysterious events and unknown creatures. He is …………..

5. She bought the ticket to Moscow and went away. She is a (an)…………….girl.

6.  Misha is a (an) …………….boy. He is friendly and he likes talking to other people.

2) Put the words in the correct order:

1. French, man, middle-aged, handsome.

2.  car, German, fantastic, new.

3.  slim, singer, talented, Chinese.

4. traditional, Greek, vase, old.

5. tall, British, professor, clever.

3 ) Fill in the correct relative pronoun and adverbs.

1. Can you tell me…….you are driving so fast?

2. That’ the girl………father is a driver.

3. This is the house……… my grandmother lived.

4. It was the year …….we got a new flat.

5. That cat………..is sitting in the arm-chair, likes milk very much.

6. A doctor is a person…………….treats sick people.

4) Choose the correct answer:  

1.What does he look like?                                  a) She is very kind and honest.

 2.What are you wearing now?                          b) I wear a blue T-shirt and a black skirt.

3.What are you like?                                            c) He is tall, fat with short fair hair and blue eyes.

4.What do you usually wear?                             d) I am sociable, determined and curious .

5.What is she like?                                                e) I am of medium height, slim with long straight hair.

6.What do you look like?                                     f) I am wearing black jeans and a sweater.

5) Choose the correct word:

1. The play was really………I enjoy it.

a)  amused                         b) amusing

2. He told us the good news. We were so……….

 a)  excited                          b) exciting

3. This lesson is very………….I like it.

 a) interested                      b) interesting.

4. Peter was very …………………..

 a)boring                              b)bored

5.The play is…………………I didn’t like it.

 a)disappointing                  b) disappointed  

6) Fill in: up, back, away.

1. I gave ……….my toys to the children.

2. She gave a new sweater………to the shop.

3. You don’t give…….on your dream of becoming a doctor.


1 task

1. creative

2. curious

3. patient

4. imaginative

5. determined

6. sociable

2 task

Handsome, middle-aged, French man.

Fantastic, new, German, car.

Talented, slim, Chinese singer.

Traditional, Greek, old vase.

Clever, tall ,British professor.

3 task

1. why

2. whose

3. where

4. when

5. which

6. who

4 task

1. c)

2. f)

3. d)

4. b)

5. a)                                                

6. e)

5 task

1 b) amusing

2. a)  excited                        

3. b) interesting.

4. b)bored

5. a)disappointing  

6 task.

1. away 

2. back



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