Дифференцированная зачётная работа по теме " Revision of Tenses" для учащихся 10-11 классов
материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему

Миронова Людмила Александровна

  Зачётная работа по теме "Revision of Tenses" предназначена  для учащихся 10-11 классов. Она состоит из заданий трёх уровней:elementary, intermediate, advanced. Каждый ученик может выбрать тот уровень, который он может выполнить. Проанализировав свои знания, учащийся может либо перейти на следующий более продвинутый уровень, либо вернуться на предыдущий и ещё раз проработать данную тему.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Revision of Tenses


•        Supply suitable tenses (but do not use should/would):

 1. They just (decide) that they (undertake) the job.

2. We (go) to the theatre last night.

3. He usually (write) in green ink.

4. She (play) the piano when our guest (arrive) last night.

5. We (do) an English exercise.

6. She just (come) in and (see) you in five minutes.

7. I (come) as soon as my work is finished. Yes (be) ready?

8. Where you (go) for your holidays last year?

9. I (not leave) Paris since we (visit) Dieppe three years ago.

10. My mother (come) to stay with us next weekend.

11. We (meet) only yesterday and already (decide) to get married.

12. Some people never (see) snow before.

13 Violets (bloom) in the spring.

14. We (not live) in England for the last two years.

15. I (lose) my keys; I cannot remember where I last (see) them.

16. He (not arrive) when I (write) my last letter to you.

17. Whenever he (go) to town nowadays, he (spend) a lot of money.

18. I never (forget) what you just (tell) me.

19. They (prepare) the Christmas dinner today.

20. When I last (stay) in Cairo, I (ride) to the Pyramids on a camel that my friend (borrow) the day before.


 •        Supply suitable tenses (but do not use should/would):

 1. I (finish) the book by my next birthday.

2. Hello! You (make) a cake? (Two possibilities.)

3. He (walk) very quickly when I (meet) him yesterday.

4. `Why she (run) away?  'Because she (know) it is time for bed and (not want) to go.'

5. Yesterday I (buy) a new watch as my old one (be stolen).

6. We (meet) you tomorrow after you (finish) your work.

7. He said he (be) sorry he (give) me so much trouble.

8. I am sorry that I (not know) you (leave) your pipe when you (come) to see me last Thursday.

9. He (be) so good to me when I was a boy, that to this day I (not forget) his kindness, and I hope that I (never forget).

10. He (sleep) and (not understand) what you (say) to him. He (wake) if you (speak) louder.

11.  Some animals (not eat) during the winter and only (come out) in spring; we (call) them hibernating animals.

12.  After leaving school he (study) French in Paris for two years then (move) to America, where he now (live).

He (visit) England once or twice and (know) English well, but (not yet have) the opportunity of visiting European countries.

13. A game: One person (think) of a verb, the others (ask) him questions. He must bring his word into the answer, but instead of saying it he (use)-the word `coffee-pot' in the place of the word he (choose); the others (guess) what the `coffee-pot' (be).

14. I (go) there when I (be) told, not before!

15. I (know) him for a very long time.

16. When Cyril grows a beard, even his closest friends (not recognize) him.

17. When I (meet) them in the street, they (go) to the cinema.

18. I (study) English for six years now.

19.  I expect he (go) to Syria as soon as he (get) a visa.

20. (Go) and (hang) yourself!' he said to me.

21.  He (visit) his friend yesterday and (find) that he (be) out.

22. They (sell) everything before we (get) there if we don't hurry.

23. After she (work) at the hospital for two years, she (decide) to give up the job.

24. He will come at once because I (tell) him by phone that you (need) him urgently. I'm sure he (find) his way easily, although he (never visit) this house before.

25. By the time you get back I (finish) all my correspondence, and then I (can) help you with yours.


         Supply suitable tenses:

1. I (always have) trouble with my engine these days.

2. I wonder why I always (have) trouble with the engine whenever I (decide) to go home by car.

3. If I (be) a ghost, I (try) to frighten all the people I dislike.

4. In a few minutes' time, when the clock (strike) six, I (wait) here three-quarters of an hour.

5. He (know) her a long time before he finally (get) married to her.

6. I hope it (not rain) when the bride (leave) the church tomorrow.

7. I’m sorry you (get) lost coming here. I (go) to meet you at the station if I (know) you (want) me to.

8. I (tell) a lie if I said that I (like) you.

9. I' m worried about my approaching marriage. I (wish) I (can) get out of it, but I simply (can) not.

10. These puppets (not be) with us a week before Mr Punch (get lost).

11. He (play) the part now if he (not offend) the producer at the last rehearsal.

12. You (go) with us to the Zoo tomorrow if you (be) a good boy.

13. They (intend) to go there next week, but now they (find) they (have not) enough money.

14. I (work) very hard lately.

15. What you (do) just now while I (wash) the dishes?

16. I (read) in yesterday's paper that a boy (steal) a watch and (sell) it, and that the police (look) for him everywhere but (not find) him.

17. When he grew old he often (think) of all the things he (do) when he (be) young.

18.  When he grows old he often (think) of all the things he (do) when he (be) young.

19. I never (read) a story that (interest) me so much as the one I (read) last night.

20. When we (go) to see them last night, they (play) cards; they (say) they (play) since six o'clock.

21.  By the end of last year he (read) four Shakespeare plays, and by next year he (read) two more.

 I (not see) him since last Monday, but I (believe) he (write) an essay on Hamlet at present.

22. This is the second time you (break) a cup; you (break) one yesterday. The last girl (never break)  anything, but  you (break) nearly half the things in the house.

23. Mother (just go) to the market; John (see) her just now in the main road as he (come) home from school.

24. I always (tell) you to comb your hair, but you never (do) what I (say).

25. You forever (misunderstand) what I (explain) to you! Why you- (not listen) while I (speak) to you?


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