Игра "Дом"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Игра "Дом"


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Предварительный просмотр:


       Разработка викторины по английскому языку для 6 класса «The place, where we live».

Цели и задачи:

Образовательные: совершенствование лексических, грамматических и разговорных навыков.

Проверка знаний учащихся по теме «Дом.Окрестности».

Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей и коммуникативных навыков, умения работать в группе. Повышение  мотивации к изучению английского языка у учащихся.

Воспитательные: формирование уважительного отношение к культуре и традициям стран изучаемого языка.

Учащиеся делятся на 2 команды выбирают капитана. Лучше детей предупредить об игре заранее, чтобы не тратить много времени на решение данных организационных вопросов. В качестве жюри можно пригласить свободных учителей или 3-х учеников старших классов.

                                                 Ход игры с заданиями.

1. Начало урока.

Hello everyone! I am glad to see you again and today we are going to show our best!

It’s time for the game and I wish all of you good luck! But first I have some questions: Did you divide yourselves into teams?  Excellent! Did you choose the leader of your team?  Very good! What are the names of your teams? Introduce yourselves, please. Let me introduce our jury.

Let’s start our game.(слайд1)

2. Warm-up!

Look at the blackboard. Find a rhyming twin for each word.

Know, eight, bye, fine, day, toy, you, how.(слайд2)

3. Today we`ll speak about the places, where we live and about our neighbourhood. Guess the riddles.

It`s big, soft and cosy. I like to sit on it and watch TV or read a book. At night I sleep on it.(sofa).(слайд3)

It`s small and brown. There are a lot of books, vases and photos on it. It`s on the wall.(shelf).(слайд4)

It`s big. There is a carpet on it. All things in the room stand on it. We can go, run and jump on


It`s in the living-room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen. It isn`t in the bathroom and toilet. There are flowers and curtains on it.(window).(слайд6)


It`s big. It`s in the room. We have dinner and at it. There are chair near it.(table).(слайд7)

4.Take the envelopes, open them and make the sentences from these words. Write the sentences and give them to our jury.(слайд8,9)

Жюри суммирует баллы и подводит итоги первых двух конкурсов.

5. We move on.

Look at the picture and write the missing words. Give the picture  to our jury. Now you are working and we speak to our captains. Look  at the screen and answer the questions.(слайд10-15).

6 .Now it is time for our captains. I ask you to come to me and choose one of these cards. Your aim to explain words to your team. And your team must guess these words and name them.


7. Look at the picture and write the missing words, according to my story:

The post office is near the toy shop. The toy shop is to the left of the school. The toy shop is between the bank and the school. The park is  between the supermarket and the bus station.(слайд16,17)

8. Take the envelopes, open them and make the figure from these letters. Write the word and give them to our jury. Let`s check up!(слайд18,19)

9. Crossword puzzle.

10. Summarizing.

Подведение итогов.

Жюри подводит итоги, озвучивает получившиеся баллы, высказывает свое впечатление об игре команд. Вручаются грамоты победителю и участникам.

Okay, you have done great work. Let’s summarize the results. The team “……..” got ….. points.

The team “………” got …… points. My congratulations, the team “………..” is a winner!

Well done.

Thank you for the lesson, see you tomorrow.