контрольная работа 7 класс 1 триместр
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Кудинова Юлия Евгеньевна

контрольная работа  английский в фокусе  7 класс 1 триместр


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Контрольная работа  по английскому языку/7 кл.


You will hear a story about Molly. She took part in a competition.

For questions 1—7, write T (if the statement is true), F (if it is false) and N/s (if it is not stated). You will hear the recording twice.

  1.     Molly started taking photos when she was five.
  2.         Molly's relatives like photography, too.
  3.         Molly learned about the competition from her family.

        4)         She sent the photo of an owl to the magazine.

        5)         Molly had to go to another city to get the award.

         6) ___ All the winners came to get awards with their parents.

        7)         Molly hopes to become a professional photographer.



Read the story Sadie's Talent by Lloydene Cook. For questions 1—6, choose the correct answer (a, b or c).

Sadie was the youngest child in the family with lots of talents. Her papa was the Pig Calling Champion. Her mama sewed perfectly. Her brother, Buster, could stand on his head. And her sister, Clorissa, could sing better than a bird on a sunny morning in May. Sadie liked making up stories in her head, but she was shy and didn't share them with anyone.

One summer afternoon Sadie sat near the house. She was upset. "What's worrying you, Sadie?" asked Grandma.

"Everybody does things better than I do," Sadie said.

"I think you haven't found your gift yet," Grandma said.

"What gift is that?" Sadie asked.

"Everybody has a gift," Grandma explained. "Something that makes you special. You haven't found your talent yet."

"How do I find my talent?" Sadie asked.

 "Look inside yourself," Grandma said.

 "And how will I know if I find it?"

"You will feel special all over," Grandma said.

And Sadie looked. She sang with Clorissa. She sewed with Mama and made pies with Grandma. But Sadie didn't feel anything.

One night after supper the family gathered in the yard.

Mama was sewing, Grandma was shelling1 nuts and Grandpa was making a toy alligator. Clorissa was singing  a new song and Buster was standing on his head.

Grandma said, "I remember how my mama told me stories — best stories I ever heard."

Sadie said quietly, "I know a story, Grandma. Far  back there lives a big old hairy monster. Every night comes out and looks for something to eat ..."

When Sadie told her story, everyone stopped to listen. Clorissa and Buster sat down near Sadie.

"People tried to catch the monster, but he always went away. Some people say he's still walking in this forest at night, hungry for his supper!"

Buster said "That was a good story."

"Tell us another one. Please!" Clorissa asked.

Sadie smiled at Grandma. "Once upon a time ..."

  1. In Sadie's family

a)  people liked stories.                          b)  children sang beautifully.

с )   everybody had some abilities.

  1. Sadie didn't tell other people her stories  because


a) the members of the family were busy.

 b) she didn't want to share her stories.

с) she wasn't sure that people liked them.

  1. Sadie was upset because
  1. she  had lost her gift.
  2. she  thought she didn't have any talent.

    с) all members of the family had got gifts and Sadie hadn't got one.

  1. While Sadie was telling her story about a monster,

      a ) her sister was singing.

       b)  her Grandma remembered a better story.

  1.  the members of the family listened to her quietly and carefully.

5. Sadie was happy because

a) she understood what talent she had.

b) nobody was scared of the monster.

с) her Grandma smiled.

6. The word gift in the story means

a ) a  present.                        b)  a talent.

III Use of English (Grammar and Vocabulary)

1.Grammar.  Here is some information about young sportsman.

Fill in the gaps (1—12) with the correct form of the word. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Sam plays cricket. He (0) is (to be) one of the players on the National Skill Sets programme.

My greatest achievement is that I (1)         (to play) for Kent.

I (2)         (to start) playing when I was seven. I (3)         (to join)

the Kent team when I was nine and (4)        '(never/to look back)

since then because I love it.

I (5)        (to train) twice a week in the winter and every day of the week

in the summer.

I advise young cricketers to enjoy (6)         (to play) the sport.

If you (7)            (to play) more, you'll play (8)        (well). To get good results you should have

(9)            (good) skills than everyone else, and train (10) _                (hard) than everyone

else, and think (11)         (carefully) of all.

My ambition is to get in the Kent (12)        (one) team and progress from


2. Word building.






Use the words in the box to form new words that fit in the gaps (1—5) in the text. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

More than 80 teams took part in the Robot (0) Olympiad

in Tokyo. Each team built a robot. One of the (1)        

says that it is necessary to make children interested in

science. One of the boys said, "At the world (2)        

we will write a program (3)        during the

(4)        . That's why we have to work harder and

more (5)        ."

3. Vocabulary.

Peter became the youngest winner of the music competition. How did Peter feel about winning? Choose the correct word (a, b, сor d) to fill each gap (1—7). There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Last night I won the BBC Young Musician of the Year (0) competition. When they said my name it felt like a dream.

I felt quite (1)        at the competition final.

But I (2)               to enjoy myself. And I really enjoyed playing with the orchestra. I was happy when the   I competition was (3)                       . I felt pleased with the part I had played. I took  the (4)        music prize. It was (5)        without hard work.

I first started playing the violin when I was six. I play it for about an hour

and half every day. My (6)         is to be a violin soloist. But now I can  relax a bit and enjoy my (7)                        ! (Peter, 12)


a) competition

b) school

c) achievement

d) ambition


a) nervous

b) necessary

c) possible

d) properly


a) tried

b) played

c) set

d) trained


a) away

b) around

c) up

d) over


a) award

b) top

c) drama

d) same


a) possible

b) impossible

c) important

d) necessary


a) ability

b) ambition

c) achievement

d) skill


a) gold

b) achievement

c) schedule

d) team

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