Lesson’s theme: Countries of the world, nationalities and languages.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Шарафуллина Гузель Фаритовна

Страны, национальности. Конспект урока английского языка


Предварительный просмотр:

                                 Lesson’s plan

Lesson’s theme:

Countries of the world, nationalities and languages.

Grade: 8

Student’s book : Beboletova M.Z., Trubanerva N.N. « Enjoy English - 4»

«Тitul», Obninsk, 2003.


1. Repeat vocabulary in speaking exercises.

2. Use definite article with the name of nationalities.

3. Grammar Develop skill to underline the base information from audio text.

4. Развивать умение кратко высказываться на заданную тему без предварительной подготовки.

5.Give characteristics and summarize.

6. Develop skills   to read and act using listening.

7. Raise friendly, tolerant atmosphere.

1.-Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too.

-Take you place, please.

You know the International teenager’s competition was open to anybody over the age of 10 to the age 15. Today we’ll talk about countries and nationalities and meet the finalists of the competition «We live on the same planet».

2.-Let’s start our lesson with the song «Which land is the best? » («English songs»)

3. -Remember English-speaking countries and their flags. Look at the map of the world and find them, then show us flags. In your answers you may use word combinations on the blackboard. Repeat after me:

                   I think …

                   I guess …

                   I suppose …

                   It goes without saying …

                   In my opinion …

                   I believe …

                   I suggest …

(Students find flags and put on the map, show and call English-speaking countries)

Example: I think it is Canada.

-Repeat all together: the USA, the UK, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India.

4.-Open your workbooks on page 26, Ex.1

Read the task, Ruslan.

Look at the screen: guess who is she, her occupation and where is she from.

S1: I suggest she is Elizabeth II. She is the Queen of the UK.

She is from the UK.

S2: I think he is Mark Twain. He is writer. He is from the USA.

S3: I guess he is Jacques Cousteau. He is wild life (sea life) researcher. He is from France.

S4: It goes without saying he is Rameses the Great. He is pharaon. He is from ancient Egypt.

S5: I believe he is Pablo Picasso. He is painter. He is from Spain.

S6: In my opinion he is Ludwig van Beethoven. He is composer. He is from Germany.

-Good for you.

Now write down your answers on workbooks.

5. Apastovo district also have famous well-known people of Tatarstan.

Who are they? And say his/her occupation.

S1:Zamal Validy, Sadry Zalyal are famous Tatar writers.

S2: Shaukat Galiev, Galy Huziev, Mansur Krimov, Taufik Aidy, Rahman Eleyas are  well-known Tatar poets.

S3: Agzam Phattah, Sara Sadikova are outstanding Tatar composers.

S4: F. Salakhov, Banu Valieva, F. Nasrutdinov, E. Safin are famous Tatar singers.

S5: Alsu Gainullina, E. Tyhvatullina, E.Abdrahmanov,L. Gallyamova are famous Tatar actors.

S6: Fagim Fashutdinov, Fariz Fashutdinov are outstanding Tatar artists.

( teacher shows photos of well-known people of Tatarstan)

II. Listening

1. Open your books on page 37, Ex.12.

Listen to the tape- recorder, read the languages. Work in pairs. Answer the questions of your partners. Then check if your partner has memorized it.

S1: Which language do people speak in China?

s2: In China people speak in Chinese.

(check you answer)

S2: Which language do people speak in Portugal?

S1: In Portugal people speak Portuguese.


-These are the five most commonly spoken languages in the world:

* Russian                       * Chinese                   * Hindi

* Spanish                       * English

-Answer the questions:

Which language do most people speak in the world? Why?

S1: Most people in the world speak Chinese…

Agree? Disagree? Discussion.

-Which is the most popular second language in the world?

S2: The most popular second language in the world is English…Why?

Agree? Disagree? Discussion.

Now listen to the cassette and check if you were right.

3. It’s time have a rest. (audio cassette «Jazz chant», students dance)

-Is that OK? How are you? OK.

4.Look at the screen.

You can use «the» with nationality adjectives.

S1: The people of England are the English.

S2: The people of France are the French.

S3: The people of Russia are the Russians.

S4: The people of Italy are the Italians.

S5: The people of Germany are the Germans.

  • Repeat after me: the English, the French, the Russians, the Germans, the Italians.
  • The Germans are famous for having sweet tooth.
  • The Italians are talkative and romantic.

5. Ex.16. Read the task, Dinar.

-What do you know about Japanese?

S1: The Japanese are … (non-talkative and hardworking)

-The English?

S2: The English are … (conservative)

-The Americans?

S3: The Americans are …(independent)

-The Hindis?

S4: The Hindis are …(musical).

-The Italians?

S5: The Italians are …(romantic people).

-The Germans?

S6: The Germans are …(reserved)

-Individual writing - Why do you so thing?

6.-Listen to the cassette, read Ex 17.

 Close exercise.

Now, imagine that you are finalist of International teenagers’ competition « We live on the same planet». Take badges of participants and work in groups. Then act out about yourselves.

-Well done. OK.

7. Game-taboo

Taboo words-the Americans, The Hindis, The Germans, The Italians, The English

III. Homework.

1.Ex 7, p.56-read the task.

2. So we have talked about countries and nationalities.

-Which language do most people speak in the world?

-Which is the most popular second language in the world?

-In which countries do people speak English? (student’s answers)

-You are well done. Your marks: …

Good luck! Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Talking about countries and nationalities « We live on the same planet »

Слайд 3

Elizabeth II

Слайд 4

Jacques Cousteau

Слайд 5

Mark Twain

Слайд 6

Pablo Picasso

Слайд 7

Rameses the Great

Слайд 8

Ludwig van Beethoven

Слайд 9

In Portugal people speak Portuguese. In China - Chinese. In Japan - Japanese. In France - French. In Germany- German. In Egypt - Arabic. In Greece- Greek. In India - Hindi. In New Zealand-Maori. In Hungary - Hungarian. In Bulgaria – Bulgarian. In Italy – Italian. In Armenia - Armenian. In Norway - Norwegian. In Georgia - Georgian. In Russia - Russian. In Germany- German. In England - English. In Finland - Finnish. In Spain - Spanish. In Sweden - Swedish. In Turkey – Turkish. In Poland – Polish. In Denmark - Danish. In Ireland – Irish.

Слайд 10

What language do most people speak in the world ? Which is the most popular second language in the world ? Russian Spanish Chinese English Hindi Most people in the world speak Chinese. English is the most popular second language in the world .

Слайд 11

Practice is the best of all instructions. You can use « the » with nationality abjectives : The English The French The Russians The Italians The Germans

Слайд 12

Homework Ex.7 p.56 Make a list of personal characteristics of people. Write a humorous story about the characteristics typical of the people of your nationality.

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