Банк тестовых заданий Фармация 2 курс
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Банк тестовых заданий для подготовки к зачету студентов 2 курса отделения Фармация


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Банк заданий в тестовой форме

для самоподготовки к зачёту

Блок А

Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 1 – 10: соотнесите содержание столбца 1 с содержанием столбца 2. Запишите букву из столбца 2, обозначающую правильный ответ на вопросы столбца 1. В результате Вы получите последовательность букв. Например,

1. 1 – а, 2-b

2. 1- с , 2-a

  1. heat stroke
  1. солнечный удар

  1. bleeding
  1. тепловой удар

  1. кровотечение

  1. cold
  1. простуда

  1. chicken-pox
  1. ветряная оспа

  1. свинка

  1. scarlet fever
  1. скарлатина

  1. heart trouble
  1. заболевание легких

  1. заболевание сердца

  1. lung trouble
  1. заболевание пищеварительной системы

  1. digestion trouble
  1. заболевание легких

  1. заболевание почек

  1. liver trouble
  1. заболевание печени

  1. measles
  1. заболевание сердца

  1. корь

  1. rubella
  1. аллергия

  1. rickets
  1. рахит

  1. краснуха

  1. itch
  1. зуд

  1. fever
  1. лихорадка

  1. насморк

  1. murmur of the heart
  1. покрасневший

  1. flushed
  1. бледный

  1. шум в сердце

  1. slow
  1. поверхностный

  1. rapid
  1. медленный

  1. быстрый
  1. dry
  1. сухой

  1. moist
  1. глубокий

  1. влажный


Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 11 – 62: выберите букву или цифру, соответствующую правильному варианту ответа.

Определите заболевание по описанным симптомам:

The patient complains of running nose, sore throat and fever.

  1. flu

  1. measles

  1. cold

  1. pneumonia

The patient complains of a bad headache, fever and general pains.

  1. allergy

  1. flu

  1. measles

  1. cold

The patient has running or itchy nose, red or itchy eyes and he sneezes from time to time.

  1. diabetes

  1. rickets

  1. allergy

  1. cancer

The patient has sore throat, fever and he often vomits. Rash appeared on the second day

  1. scarlet fever

  1. measles

  1. rubella

  1. hypertension

The patient complains of dry and painful cough, a bad headache and pains in the upper part of the chest.

  1. influenza

  1. pneumonia

  1. rickets

  1. cold

The patient sleeps badly, often cries, tosses his head from side to side and the back of his head becomes bald.

  1. diabetes

  1. cancer

  1. allergy

  1. rickets

The patient has the signs of a heavy cold, dislike of the light. Rash appears on the third day behind he ears and around the mouth and then covers the whole body.

  1. scarlet fever

  1. rubella

  1. measles

  1. pneumonia

In most cases the temperature rises quickly, the pulse and breathing are fast. Cough begins early and is dry and painful.

  1. chill

  1. flu

  1. cold

  1. pneumonia

The child holds up his head later than other children do, sits later, walks later. Grown up children have protruding bellies, big heads and crooked legs.

  1. rubella

  1. rickets

  1. measles

  1. scarlet fever

Укажите, какое из перечисленных заболеваний не является инфекционным:

  1. Measles

  1. Scarlet fever

  1. Influenza

  1. Cancer

  1. Rickets

  1. Flu

  1. Scarlet fever

  1. Measles

Укажите, какое из перечисленных заболеваний является инфекционным:

  1. Cold

  1. Diabetes

  1. Appendicitis

  1. Measles

Выберите, что необходимо поставить вместо пропуска:

a) still        b) yet       c) already

When they came to the hospital the operation had.....begun.

I don’t have to take the pills because I have.....taken it.

What time is the doctor arriving? – He is.....here.

Do you.....live in Lincoln? – No, I live in Manchester now.

When we arrived, the hospital had..... opened. 

Is Margaret ..... working at hospital? – No, she quit the job last year

I haven’t finished my composition yet. I am.....working at it.

Jill is not hungry because she has.....eaten.

I had two cups of tea, but I am.....thirsty.

Is it.....raining? – No, the rain has just stopped.

I started to tell Helen the news, but she stopped me. She had..... heard it.

Выберите предложение, написанное  в Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I won't do all the housework myself!

  1. They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Thomas arrives.

  1. By next November, I will have received my promotion.

  1. I will not do your homework for you.

  1. She will have been working at that company for three years when it finally closes.

  1. By the time he gets home, she will have cleaned the entire house.

  1. James will have been teaching at the university for more than a year by the time he leaves for Asia.

  1. I will not have finished this test by 3 o'clock.

  1. I'm really hungry. So, I'll make some sandwiches.

  1. Will you make dinner?

  1. How long will you have been studying when you graduate?

  1. By the time I finish this course, I will have taken ten tests.

  1. I will send you the information when I get it.

  1. We will have been driving for over three days straight when we get to Atlanta.

  1. Will you help me to move this heavy table?

  1. Will she have learned enough Chinese to communicate before she moves to Beijing?

  1. I will not have been living here that long.

  1. I will translate the email, so Mr. Smith car read it.

Выберите слово, не относящееся к остальным:

  1. parasitology

  1. bacteriology

  1. immunology

  1. sociology

  1. addict

  1. drug

  1. finger

  1. harmful
  1. HIV

  1. hair

  1. immune deficiency

  1. AIDS

  1. glasses

  1. leg

  1. hand

  1. arm

  1. circulatory system

  1. respiratory system

  1. manual system

  1. digestive system

  1. fever

  1. running nose

  1. cough

  1. leg

  1. juice

  1. red blood cell

  1. erythrocytes

  1. leucocytes

  1. artery

  1. vein

  1. blood vessel

  1. tube

  1. microbe

  1. virus

  1. flat

  1. immune system

Подберите антоним к слову high.

  1. low

  1. shallow

  1. deep

Подберите антоним к слову pale

  1. yellow

  1. flushed

  1. beautiful

Подберите антоним к слову deep

  1. shallow

  1. hard

  1. slow

Выберите правильный вариант:

I… this problem now.

  1. must solve

  1. must to solve

  1. must be solved

  1. musts solve

She…. this work by tomorrow.

  1. musts finish

  1. must to finish

  1. must finish

  1. must finishes

They… forget us.

  1. not must

  1. don’t must

  1. doesn’t must

  1. must not

If you help a person, who has a scratch on his knee, you should:

  1. put iodine on it

  1. raise the limb

  1. bandage it tightly

If a person has nosebleed, you should:

  1. put a hot compress on the nose

  1. put a cold compress on the nose

  1. do nothing

If a person is in fainting, you should:

  1. empty his stomach

  1. give him warm drink

  1. give him to breathe in ammonia water

If a person broke his arm or leg, you should:

  1. bind the splints to the limb

  1. raise the limb

  1. put a cold compress on it

The first aid for poisoning is:

  1. to lay the person on his back

  1. to empty the stomach

  1. to keep the person quiet

If the bleeding is from arm, you should:

  1. raise the limb

  1. bind the splint

  1. put a compress on the arm

The face of a person before fainting is:

  1. pale

  1. red

  1. yellow

In fainting the person loses his:

  1. breathing

  1. conscious

  1. heart beating

Блок С

Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 63 – 100: запишите ответ на задание

Напишите Participle I данного глагола:

  1. to do
  1. to wash
  1. to test
  1. to drink
  1. to treat
  1. to take
  1. to keep
  1. to eat
  1. to arrive
  1. Напишите, какой вспомогательный глагол используется для образования Future Simple (Indefinite) Tense.
  1. Напишите, какой вспомогательный глагол используется для образования Present Perfect Tense.
  1. Напишите, какой вспомогательный глагол используется для образования Present Continuous Tense.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple
  1. He (not to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day

  1. He (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

  1. He (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow?

  1. She (not to go) to the cinema every day

  1. She (to go) to the cinema yesterday?

  1. She (to go) to the cinema tomorrow.

  1. You (to watch) TV every day?

  1. You (not to watch) TV yesterday.

  1. You (to watch) TV tomorrow.

Напишите, какое предложение написано правильно, а какое нет. В ответе укажите right или wrong.

 You will definitely must see the doctor tomorrow.

 You mustn't tell anyone about our secret.

I am sure, she musts know the truth. 

Must I go to the doctor tomorrow?

You must to look over this report again.

They said that I musted finish the project. 

I don't like this idea, I must tell you.

When do we must start?

He must is a clever man.

The pupils must come to school on time.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Perfect.

My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He…. (to go) away.

The local cinema was no longer open. It …. (to close) down.

Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He …. (to die).

Bill no longer had his car. He …. (to sell) it.

Составьте предложение в Past Perfect, используя слова в скобках.

I wasn't hungry. (I/just/have/lunch).

Tom wasn't at home when I arrived. (he/just/go/out).

We arrived at the cinema late. (the film/already/begin).

Составьте предложение в Present Perfect Continuous, используя слова в скобках.

John is out of breath. (he/run).

Ann is very tired. (she/work/hard).

Bob has a black eye and Bill has a cut lip. (Bob and Bill/fight)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Future Continuous.

Don’t phone between 4 and 5. We…. (to work).

When I come, they… (to play).

I… (to wait) for you at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

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