Презентация к открытому занятию "Обсуждение условий контракта"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Довгалевская Наталия Михайловна



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Обсуждение условий контракта Discussing Contract Terms

Слайд 2

Лексико-фонетическое упражнение

Слайд 3

a Buyer покупатель

Слайд 4

a Seller п родавец

Слайд 5

expensive дорогой

Слайд 6

to clarify уточнять

Слайд 7

to offer п редлагать

Слайд 8

to require требовать

Слайд 9

accomodation номер в гостинице

Слайд 10

to be heavy with orders иметь много заказов

Слайд 11

to deliver goods to customers п оставлять товары заказчикам

Слайд 12

to agree соглашаться

Слайд 13

to accept п ринимать, соглашаться

Слайд 14

a discount скидка

Слайд 15

a demand требование

Слайд 16

convenient удобный

Слайд 17

Read the dialogue Чтение диалога

Слайд 18

DISCUSSING CONTRACT TERMS Mr. Blake studied the Buyer's contract form and on Monday he met Mr. Voronin to discuss it with him. Blake: Good morning, Mr. Voronin. Voronin: Good morning, Mr. Blake. Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm a bit late today. Blake: Never mind. How are things? Voronin : Not too bad, thanks. Blake Can I offer you a cup of coffee? Voronin: Yes, thank you.

Слайд 19

Blake: Well, Mr. Voronin, I think we can discuss business now. I'd like to clarify some details with you. How many units would you like to buy? Voronin: We can buy 50 units. Blake: And when do you require the goods? Voronin: As soon as possible, say, in December. Blake: In December? Let me see. I'm afraid, that's impossible. Our equipment is selling very well, and we are heavy with orders. We can deliver only 25 units in December. Voronin: And what about the other 25 units?

Слайд 20

Blake: We can deliver them only in 4 months. Voronin: All right. I hope our delivery terms suit you. Fine. Now comes the question of price. I must say that your price is not attractive to us. Can you give us a 7% discount? Blake: That's a bit difficult. The fact is the new model of our equipment is in great demand at this price. However we can offer you a discount of 5% as we've been good partners for some years. Voronin: I think we can agree to a 5% discount. Could we meet tomorrow at 10 to sign the contract, Mr. Blake? .

Слайд 21

Blake: Yes, certainly. Mr. Voronin, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? Voronin: With pleasure. Blake: I can pick you up at the hotel at 6.30 if that's convenient to you. Voronin: Yes, thank you

Слайд 22

Check how well you understood the text. 1. Mr. Voronin smokes, but he doesn't drink coffee. Yes? No? 2. The Russian company would like to have 50 units in December, but Blake&Co couldn't deliver so many units at that time. Yes? No? 3. The Buyer's terms of payment and delivery didn't suit Mr. Blake. Yes? No?

Слайд 23

4. Mr. Voronin couldn't agree to the company's price. Yes? No? 5. Mr. Blake offered his Russian partners a 5% discount, because their order was very big. Yes? No? 6. The two businessmen didn't make an appointment. Yes? No? 7. Mr. Blake and Voronin were not going to meet that evening. Yes? No?

Слайд 24

Think and answer. 1. Why was the equipment of Blake&Co selling very well? 2. Why did Mr. Blake invite Voronin to a restaurant?

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