Power Point-презентация по грамматике для 7 класса по теме "Страдательный залог"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Филатова Тамара Николаевна

Презентация "Страдательный залог" для работы в основной школе (6-8 кл). Может использоваться для наглядности образования этой грамматической структуры в английском языке и тренировки употребления.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 4

* Practice task 1 : Change the Active Voice into the Passive Voice; transform the Object of the Active Voice into the Subject of the Passive Voice as in the example above: 1. Somebody painted this picture . 2. Somebody called your name . 3. Somebody bought this house . 4. Somebody caught this fish . 5. Somebody changed this rule . 6. Somebody destroyed this castle . 7. Somebody sent these flowers . 8. Somebody found this purse . 9. Somebody left this bag . 10. They closed the factory . 11. They announced the day of the trip . 12. They teach two foreign languages . 13. They give all the information in the booklet .

Слайд 5

B). Things to remember! / Запомните !

Слайд 7

**Practice task 2: Pay attention to the tense forms in the Active Voice; use the same tenses in the Passive Voice: They keep these papers in a safe. (Present Simple) They will announce the results after the examination. (Future Simple) They will hold the meeting in the Assembly Hall. (Future Simple) They receive delegations in this hall. (Present Simple) They have invited many guests. (Present Perfect) Somebody has spilt the milk . (Present Perfect) Somebody spoilt the book. (Past Simple) They will follow all the instructions. (Future Simple) They understood the rule at once. (Past Simple)

Слайд 8

Rule 2 : Use the III form of an irregular main verb or add -ed to a regular main verb ! Ex.: be bought be cleaned be brought be opened be caught be studied be taught be played

Слайд 9

grown( выращенный ) flown ( запущенный летать ) known ( известный ) burnt (сожженный) learnt (выученный) chosen (выбранный) frozen (замороженный) told (рассказанный) sold (проданный) bought ( купленный ) brought( принесенный ) taught ( обученный ) caught ( пойманный ) worn ( ношенный ) drawn ( нарисованный ) torn ( разорванный ) born ( рожденный ) eaten ( съеденный ) beaten ( побитый )

Слайд 10

* * *Practice task 3 : Put in the right form of the main verb in the following rhymes:

Слайд 17

Rule3 : To give information about the doer of the action use the preposition ‘by’ Ex.: The rule was explained by the teacher . ****Practice task 4: Complete the sentences: 1. The milk was spilt кошкой . 2. The first film was made братьями Люмьер . 3. This site was created учениками нашей школы .

Слайд 18

C) Test yourselves: Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice: 1. In our school two foreign languages ( teach ). 2. Olympic Games ( hold ) every four years. 3. In 2014 Olympic Games ( hold ) in Russia. 4. Gold, silver and bronze medals ( give ) to the best athletes. 5. Oh! What a surprise! The room ( clean )! 6. The postman couldn’t deliver the letter, because the address ( write ) in the wrong way. 7. The invitations to the party ( send ) yesterday. 8. The results of the test ( announce ) tomorrow. 9. Another film by this director ( make ) next year. 10. The computer ( use ) by many teachers at our school.

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