Контрольная работа для студентов 1 курса
тест по английскому языку на тему

Журавлева Виктория Владимировна

Лексико-грамматические задания для контроля знаний студентов 1 курса факультета СПО


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the adjective in brackets

  1. Sarah is the…person in my family (young)
  2. That is the….dress I have ever seen (horrible)
  3. George’s house is…than mine (big)
  4. Mrs Green is the….person I know (interesting)
  5. A coat costs…than a jacket (much)
  6. Russia is….than Australia (large)
  7. The old train is…than the new one (slow)
  8. Helen is as…as Chris (intelligent)
  9. This picture is the…of all (good)
  10. I think Maths is the….subject (difficult)
  11. Sweden is…than Spain (cold)
  12. It is the…meal I’ve ever had (bad)

2 Complete the sentences with the following words: traditions, breakfast, celebrate, skiing, scenery, butcher’s, snowy, traffic jams, luck, congratulate, customs, festive

  1. I usually have a cup of tea for…
  2. …..is one of the most important problems in big cities
  3. We….Christmas on January,7th
  4. When it’s…we go….in the forest
  5. Each country has its ….and….
  6. Beautiful…is one of the advantages of living in the country
  7. Tom usually goes to the…to buy meat
  8. Breaking a mirror means seven years’ bad…
  9. It’s difficult to get to work in the morning because of….
  10. On March,8 we ….our mothers and cook a….for them

3 Complete the sentences with the article the where it’s necessary

  1. In summer we usually go to….Caucusus
  2. In…15th century people knew only three continents: ..Europe, …Africa and…Asia
  3. Tom comes from…USA
  4. …London stands on…Thames
  5. …Russia is washed by…Arctic Ocean in…north
  6. …Philippines are situated to…south-east of…Asia
  7. ….White Sea is in …north of our country
  8. …Alps are always covered with snow
  9. …North Sea separates…British Isles from…Europe
  10. ...Lake Baikal is…deepest lake in…world

4 Complete the sentences with prepositions, where necessary

  1. Liz usually goes…the country…the weekend
  2. Students have classes…Saturdays
  3. We have a party…Desember,29th
  4. Mary goes…work early…the morning and comes…home …the evening
  5. Tom goes out…night
  6. …English lessons we read, translate and discuss texts
  7. It’s cold and snowy …winter
  8. We didn’t have classes…yesterday
  9. Mary isn’t…work, she’s…home
  10. We are flying to Liverpool …tomorrow

5 Choose the right variant of the verb

  1. Tom go/doesn’t go/don’t go to school on Sunday
  2. There is/are a lot of pollution in the city
  3. They buy/will buy/bought a new flat last year
  4. I flew/am flying/is flying to Moscow tomorrow
  5. Tom didn’t go/ wasn’t go/didn’t went to college yesterday because he was/were ill

6 Put the verb in brackets in the right tense

  1. Tom…..to the Crimea last summer (go)
  2. My mother…..a meal yesterday because she….at work and…home late (not cook/be/come)
  3. Every day Tom…at 7 o’clock and…breakfast with his family (get up/have)
  4. Mary never…because she…hard (relax/work)
  5. They…shopping at the moment (go)

7 Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)

Bradley Pitt 

William Bradley Pitt was born on 18th December, 1963, in Shawnee, Oklahoma (USA). He had a happy childhood and school life, and he went to the University of Missouri to study journalism and advertising. At university he started acting and in 1987 he left before he took his degree. He went to Hollywood. 
Life in Hollywood wasn’t easy. At first he couldn’t find any acting jobs, but by 1989 he started getting small TV and film roles. Then in 1991, he got his first main role as a DJ in the film Thelma and Louise. He was on screen for only 14 minutes but a lot of people noticed him and he started to get bigger roles in films, such as Louise in Interview with the Vampire. 

Brad Pitt is now one of Hollywood’s most successful actors. His name almost certainly means a film is going to make a lot of money, but at the moment, he is interested in making more serious films.
1. Brad Pitt was born in Canada. 
2. His birthday is in winter. 
3. He was happy when he was young. 
4. He went to the University because he wanted to be an actor. 
5. He took his degree in 1987. 
6. His life in Hollywood was difficult. 
7. He got his first role as a DJ in 1991. 
8. He was on screen for a short time. 
9. Brad Pitt has a success in Hollywood now. 
10. He is interested in making comedies. 

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